After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 463 Moving towards an unknown future


A little earlier.

When Li Muhan stepped into the sealed cabin of Prometheus and was surrounded by countless lines like a butterfly in a cocoon, the members of the Special Administration Bureau outside did not relax.

At first, all communications and power were completely interrupted, although they used emergency power to maintain the terminal of the China Special Administration Bureau.

To ensure that this final key will not be given away to others.

Then the power was restored, and Mo Qiao successfully contacted the outside. Troops had gathered on the island, but facing Prometheus's special defense mechanism, they could only stand still.

Through internal monitoring, they witnessed the horrific scene in the cabin - this place has become a hell on earth, and neither humans nor aliens can survive.

A man from the Special Administration Bureau walked into the transparent wall of the cabin and made a request to the girl who had been staring at the situation inside the cabin: "Representative of the Blood Moon Church, you are the strongest alien here. Can you please go out and save those people?" Where are the survivors?”

Ever since Li Muhan entered the cabin, Xia Yue stood there motionless and kept calling his name.

But her voice couldn't penetrate the barrier of the electric grid.

She even tried to break the glass, but found that her strength was unable to break it.

Jormungande told her that this was no ordinary glass, but a protective shield endowed with power by Xuanwu to prevent external attacks.

At this moment, Xia Yue just stared blankly inside the cabin, indifferent to everything around her.

The man raised his voice and tried to wake her up: "The lives of people outside are hanging by a thread. I hope you can take up the responsibility of the representative of the Special Administration Bureau of the Blood Moon Church!"

Xia Yue didn't even raise her head and responded coldly: "Go away."

She could no longer feel Li Muhan's aura, not even a trace of the devil.

Li Muhan's disappearance made her feel like she had returned to that rainy night, that lonely park, that moment when she lost everything and was spurned by others.

Her eyes gradually became cold, indifferent, and empty.

If he abandons me...then what else should I care about?

The representative of the Special Administration opened his eyes in disbelief: "What did you say?! You are the representative of the Blood Moon Church, and it is your responsibility to protect civilians!"

Seeing that Xia Yue ignored him at all, the man actually stretched out his hand to pull Xia Yue.

But his hand was held by another person.

"Okay, don't let your anger out here. Everyone is trapped here now. Even if we go out to rescue those people, no one can guarantee that this place will be absolutely safe."

The woman from the Saudi Special Administration had slightly red eyes, as if she had just cried.

She grabbed the man's hand and stood in front of him and Xia Yue.

But Xia Yue ignored them at all.

"Do you think people outside should be sacrificed?" The man still didn't give up.

"My husband... is the alien who controls fire and sand. He has sacrificed his life to protect ordinary people, so..." The woman's words were full of sadness.


When the man heard this, he was speechless. He realized why the woman was crying.

They saw from the surveillance video that in order to cover the escape of a group of researchers, the strange man from the Saudi Special Administration heroically blocked the passage, but suffered a misfortune... And how did the woman in front of them, his wife, bear such a scene at that time?

"If you understand, don't bother her anymore... Her lover is fighting in his own way right now." The woman looked at the man, her eyes full of understanding and determination.

The man apologized guiltily, nodded to her, and returned to the terminal room.

The woman did not try to talk to Xia Yue. She knew that the girl was paying attention to Li Muhan wholeheartedly at the moment.

"......Feel sorry."

The man said nothing more, nodded slightly to the woman and returned to the terminal room.

The woman did not go to talk to Xia Yue. She understood that this girl seemed to be extremely obsessed with the alien named Li Muhan.

If the man's hand really touched Xia Yue just now, I'm afraid he would suffer unexpected pain.

In the terminal room, Mo Qiao, Yemenjia and some technicians who were still working hard were discussing countermeasures.

Although Prometheus controls most of the Institute's resources, they are not helpless.

"Do you think this plan is feasible?"

Mo Qiao came up with a radical plan that made everyone present think she had lost her mind.

However, Jörmungya carefully analyzed this plan, and after some precise calculations, they concluded: "This sounds like a fantasy, but if a gap of even one second can be created, Li Muhan can Take back control of your body and mind in a short time in the data world.”

"But..." Smith frowned and said worriedly, "We did not destroy Prometheus's authorization. By doing so, we may become sinners of mankind in the future."

Mo Qiao looked directly at Smith and said firmly: "If you don't do this, I'm worried that mankind will no longer have a future."

Several researchers looked at each other and then nodded.

They recorded the surveillance video and recorded all the tragedies. Finally, Mo Qiao summoned the representatives who had lost their will to resist after watching the surveillance.

"Is this... this kind of thing... really possible..."

"Anyway, this is too crazy..."

"Forget it... let's wait for the decision of the special administration agencies of various countries."

Mo Qiao was a little unbearable after hearing these words, she slammed the table and roared.

"Cheer up everyone!! What are you expecting!! No rescue! No deal! No negotiation!! This is a Prometheus fool!"

Mo Qiao's stern words struck the hearts of everyone present like thunder. They all raised their lowered heads and focused their eyes on her.

This seemingly immature girl exudes determination and strength beyond her years.

Her suit jacket was tied around her waist, as if she had returned to a familiar battlefield—the workshop of the Engineering Department.

"We are the first in charge of the scene! We are the only ones who understand the dangers here! I know this is beyond your expectations and cannot even be imagined in your dreams! But now, this is the reality, the cruel and real reality! We, as the scene The judge, only we have the ability to choose the future for this world!”

Every word Mo Qiao said was like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's heart, which made them have to prick up their ears to listen to what the girl was going to say next.

"Now, I will tell you the decisions of the three major Special Administration Bureaus and what they will do next, and you can either move forward with us, or roll into the corner and wait for your rescue!"

This girl, who is not yet 18 years old, suppresses everyone present with her mind and aura.

Originally, these people were still suspicious of Mo Qiao and didn't know what the resistance she was talking about was.

But after hearing her plan, everyone had a look of fear on their faces.

"...Minister Mo, are you kidding me?"

"......Are you serious?"

"...Is this possible?"

Mo Qiao suddenly grabbed a wrench and slammed it on the table. The deafening sound overwhelmed all doubts.

"Shut the hell up! People are fighting outside now, Li Muhan is also fighting in the cabin, and we are going to join this battle now! Are you going to follow or not?!"

This girl, who had always been relatively calm, burst out with great courage at this moment, blurting out swear words, but no one felt inappropriate, and instead saw a glimmer of hope.

"Damn, you're right, just do it and that's it!"

"Humans, aliens, should never lose to these mechanical heads!"

"Fuck! We created them and gave them everything! Now they want to take everything away! Go to hell!"! "

Some representatives have been incited and emotionally charged.

However, there are still quite a few people who think Mo Qiao's idea is too crazy and are unwilling to participate in it.

Mo Qiao turned a blind eye to them, his eyes firm.

"If you are willing, please come together. We will record the on-site assessment report and send it to the World Joint Special Administration Bureau."

So after seeing this video of the petition, the increasing number of opposition votes gradually softened and then came to a standstill.

at last.......

The yes vote changed from 0 to 1 at this moment.

Like a logical transition in programming, the transition from 0 to 1 symbolizes a new beginning.

Humanity has taken the first step towards an unknown future.

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