After Chang Yue's shocking words settled, the entire conference room seemed to be instantly frozen by invisible frost, and the atmosphere became heavy and tense.

Every molecule in the air seemed to be stagnant, and only the beating of everyone's heartbeats echoed in my ears.

The director of the Special Administration Bureau of District 91 was the first to break the suffocating silence. His voice was full of doubts and shock: "Do you really understand what your proposal means?"

Chang Yue looked directly at the director, his eyes firm and unflinching. He repeated with emphasis: "I know very well. What I'm talking about is the complete destruction of Prometheus."

"The Prometheus project consumed countless wealth around the world and brought together human wisdom and dreams!"

Another angry director shouted, his voice echoing in the spacious hall, "That is our light of hope, the seed that leads mankind to the future."

"Yes, we always learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward. This is how we achieve the glory of mankind. Small mistakes cannot hinder our progress!"

Opposition arose one after another, and people could not accept such a proposal.

Prometheus, a project that took decades and consumed countless resources, carries the expectations of humans and aliens in China and even the world.

Just like its name, it brings fire and future to all life.

After the first two successful trial runs, both humans and aliens have seen the impact that terrible computing power has had on the world.

After two trial runs, world technology has taken a big step forward.

So humans and aliens who are willing to coexist with humans believe that this is a path to peace and prosperity.

However, Chang Yue came up with a shocking idea, to extinguish this spark of hope with his own hands and erase the hope and future of human progress...

"You are all wrong!"

Chang Yue's roar was like thunder, shaking the entire building. His sharp eyes swept over everyone.

"This is not the way to the future! We have tried, but now, we have failed! Do you understand? Human beings do learn from failures, but we will also make mistakes again in new attempts and move forward again! But no matter what, these should be based on the situation that we control the future ourselves!”

He took a deep breath and said in a firm and decisive voice: "We worked hard. We wanted to create an improved world so that every corner of the world would be bathed in the light of technological fire! But we failed! Now, this The tool no longer points to the future, it is threatening our future! Do you understand the difference?”

After a brief silence, Nidhogg stood up, looked deeply at Chang Yue, and asked the pointed question: "Chang Jue, I want to ask you, would you rather trust Prometheus, or choose to believe Where is that alien named Li Muhan?"

Chang Yue looked directly at the man with black hair and blue eyes.

Then he nodded firmly.

"What I believe in is every human being and every alien. I believe that we will make the right choice."

"I have no more questions."

Nidhogg sat down on the chair.

The woman from the World Joint Special Administration Bureau looked up at the time, and then solemnly announced.

"Time for discussion is over, Prometheus won't give us any more time, now let's take a vote."

Two options, Agree and Destroy, appeared on the screen, and both options displayed 0 at the moment.

"Humph, even if you vote, it will be a decision on whether to hand over the alien named Li Muhan to Prometheus, not whether to destroy Prometheus."

The director of District 91 sat back in his chair with a look of indifference.

But when he saw the voting question, horror was written all over his face.

[This vote will determine whether to completely destroy Prometheus, whether to approve destruction or reject destruction. The voting time is one hour. 】

"In fact, ten minutes ago, the World Joint Special Administration Bureau received an internal contact from Prometheus. The contact person was not a specific person, but all representatives of the Special Administration Bureau who are currently in Prometheus. "

The woman glanced at everyone and saw the confusion on their faces.

"According to the on-site assessment reports sent back by the Special Administration Bureau of all countries currently in Prometheus, everyone unanimously requested to destroy Prometheus."

The director of District 91 was horrified.

How is it possible... that guy Smith actually... wants to destroy Prometheus?

"I'm very sorry that this vote is so short, but Prometheus may cause a greater disaster at any time. We must decide as soon as possible. If the opposition is greater than the approval by then, then we will directly adopt Prometheus's suggestions. Hand over Mr. Li Muhan to Prometheus, then everyone please start voting."


The number of opposition votes began to rise first, with both District 91 and the country to which it belongs voting against.

Just an alien... Just an alien... If sacrificing an alien can lead to the advancement of human technology.

Why not?

Yes, most countries probably have this idea too.

The number of negative votes began to rise.

The director of District 91 also felt a little more at ease.


Lu Shan, who had been silent until now, suddenly stood up.

"I'm very sorry. I wanted everyone to express their thoughts properly before showing you this thing, and now...I think it's time."

Lu Shan glanced at Chang Yue, and the two nodded to each other.

Finally, Lu Shan looked at the woman from the Joint Special Administration Bureau on the presiding stage.

"Miss Saqiu, please let everyone take a look at the evaluation report from the Prometheus on-site special management bureau representative."

The woman named Sa Qiu bowed slightly to Lu Shan, and then under her control, the big screen switched to the inside of Prometheus.

This is the first time that everyone has seen the internal video of Prometheus after the communication was interrupted.

When the first picture appeared, people were already horrified.

What is shown in the video is the corridor of Area D of Prometheus under surveillance.

At this moment, there are countless broken limbs and broken arms piled here, and blood and internal organs are everywhere.

"This... this fucking..."

"Is this... hell...?"

Some members of the Special Administration Bureau have begun to frown.

And the scene that switched next made them even more shocked.

They saw that the androids who had once obeyed them were massacring the surviving humans in the institute.

The three researchers hid in the cabin, but several androids forced the door open, followed by the screams of men and women.

In another scene, a man and a woman were hugging each other and crying, and three androids had approached them.

These androids separated the two people and tore their bodies apart, and finally hung the heads of the couple researchers at the door.

Not just humans.

Some aliens with fighting ability could not escape the poisonous hands.

Some aliens were able to defeat the androids with their own strength at first.

But when the latest model of "Eden" joined the battle, this deadlock was completely broken.

The core of Eden can perfectly carry the computing power of Prometheus.

They can analyze the weaknesses of all aliens almost instantly.

An alien from the Middle East could control the power of fire and sand, but his throat was torn out by two Edens, and then the sand was poured into his own body. His death was horrific.

The alien named Yeti from the Special Administration Bureau of Area 91 is even worse.

All it relies on is its own strength.

He doesn't have any other special abilities, and his power has no power to fight back under Eden's super alloy body.

Leia and Torres couldn't do anything to him, but when an Eden arrived, the battle situation changed instantly. Yeti punched it, but was hit with a punch in response that shattered the shoulder blade.

Then there was a brutal killing...

No one said a word, they all watched everything in front of them quietly, even though it was a video.

But from a time perspective, they happened just over ten minutes ago...

That is, this is what is happening in Prometheus right now.

Then, the camera switched again.

Everyone then discovered that representatives from the special administration agencies of various countries were gathered in the terminal room connected to Prometheus.

Standing at the front were Moqiao, Smith and Jormunga.

And they didn't say much.

Only one sentence.

"...After evaluation by all representatives of the Special Administration Bureau on the scene, Prometheus has a very serious tendency to destroy. We first request to define it as an alien. The disaster level is: annihilation. The danger level: the highest. Suggestion: Immediately Destroy Prometheus."

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