After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 217 The whole life is in ruins

After that night, the cat demon temporarily lived in this ruined temple. At first, it felt that the monk had saved him and he should repay him. However, he was worried that the crazy woman was still nearby. If he left, he would If he was hit, wouldn't it be an unjust death?

Of course, the cat demon didn't think that this temple could control that woman.

According to the monk's murmur that night, the woman just recited the words "Amitayus Buddha" and had the Buddha statue shatter into pieces. This shows that even the Buddha could hardly suppress her evil aura.

As for how to repay the monk, the cat demon would go out hunting every day and bring back some rabbits, foxes and the like for the monk. I thought the monk would be very happy because he could eat meat after all.

But the monk seriously educated the cat demon.

Of course the cat demon was not convinced. If you don't eat it, I will eat it. It bit the corpses into pieces and swallowed them in front of the monk. The monk was so angry that he trembled all over, but he still didn't drive it away.

In this way, the cat demon lay on the palm of the broken Buddha statue and fell asleep peacefully every day, with the monk's chanting echoing in his ears day after day. At night, the cat demon would sneak out quietly to check on the crazy man. The woman was still there, and she wanted to look for any human beings who could replenish her energy.

Later, it discovered that the monk would leave the ruined temple every other day with the old alms bowl. It was curious, so it followed him all the way, and then saw the monk going from house to house, reciting blessings for people in exchange for some leftovers.

The cat demon secretly laughed at the monk and followed him. Once, on a whim, the cat demon suddenly used his own power to trip up the monk on his way back. He fell hard to the ground, and all the leftovers in the alms bowl spilled out.

Originally, the cat demon thought that the monk would be so angry that he would curse, because this was his daily ration. It had never seen the monk angry before, so it was strange.

But what I didn't expect was that the monk just sighed. He slowly knelt on the ground, gently picked up the cold rice and put it back into the alms bowl.

And the cat demon suddenly discovered that the monk was crying.

It’s really useless! ! It’s just a cold meal! This makes me cry! It’s useless!

The cat demon stamped his feet in anger, while feeling a twinge of guilt in his heart.

That day, the monk returned to the temple. He took out the small bowl specially used to feed the cat demon, and put the clean rice that was not stained into the cat demon's bowl, while he mixed the rice with the soil, sand and gravel. I ate the rice I picked up from the mud with relish.

The cat demon never eats the things given by the monk. It can hunt on its own, eat meat and drink blood, so why should it eat these dross?

But this time, without saying a word, it slowly walked to the broken bowl and started eating.

It doesn't taste good, it tastes bad, it has no taste.

Although it kept cursing in its heart, it did not stop. One person and one cat sat in front of the Buddha statue. After eating two bites, they looked at each other. The cat demon found that there were tears in the corners of the monk's eyes, but it was more after seeing himself after eating. a kind of relief.

From that day on, the cat demon stopped hunting, but the monk's alms became more and more difficult.

The war is getting more and more intense, and even travelers who pass by occasionally say that the dynasty is about to change. The new king will grant amnesty to the world when he ascends the throne. When the prosperous age comes, the people will live and work in peace and contentment.

The monk just bowed his head slightly to offer blessings to the travelers.

He couldn't see any peaceful times, all he saw was more and more corpses strewn across the land.

Under the raging war, there was nowhere to sleep. The villages near the ruined temple were affected one after another. The cat demon couldn't tell whether those people were soldiers or flying. They were robbing families and committing crimes. If it weren't for the fact that the ruined temple was too shabby, I'm afraid that There is no escape here either.

The monk has been unable to achieve fate.

But he still goes out every day to pray for those nameless corpses.

The cat demon was still following him, but now it was not for pranks, but to ensure that the idiot monk could return to the temple.

A large-scale war broke out nearby, and the shouts and roars lasted for five days and five nights. Even the cat demon was frightened by this murderous aura and shivered in the monk's arms.

But the monk seemed not to be affected by any external force, and he still chanted the Buddha's name, but there were no rosary beads in his hands. The rosary beads had been taken away by the soldiers, and even the alms bowl was broken. He seemed to have not eaten for two days. , the already thin body looked even more depressed at this moment.

He seemed to have aged ten years in the past six months.

The next day, the war subsided, and the monk left the temple again with the bamboo hat. Although the cat demon was a little uneasy, after all, in such a large-scale battlefield, even when the war was about to subside, the evil aura filled with the aura of death and killing was still like A haze hung over the messy wreckage that could not dissipate for a long time.

The monk came to the battlefield and faced the tragic scene in front of him. He did not make a sound, but silently let out a heavy sigh. Then he knelt down beside the unknown martyrs and murmured scriptures in the hope of praying for them. Deliver salvation and lead the dead out of the sea of ​​suffering.

The white cat accompanying him seemed quite nervous at first, but as time passed, this nervousness was gradually replaced by boredom. It lazily curled up on the old monk's shoulder and gradually fell asleep.

However, at this moment, the white cat seemed to sense something abnormal, suddenly woke up, and his eyes widened.

It was shocked to find that the corpses of the soldiers who should have been sleeping were standing up at this moment - no, that was not the resurrection of the body, but their souls breaking free from their silent bodies and appearing like ghosts.

These dead souls each showed different states, some looked confused and helpless, some were crying in grief, some were roaring with anger, and some were full of fear.

As the old monk recited the scriptures, a calm force quietly spread, and the emotions of some living souls were gradually soothed. They slowly knelt down on the ground, and finally their figures gradually faded until they disappeared without a trace. All this seemed particularly shocking and solemn on the silent battlefield.

But the monk seemed unable to see those living souls. He just prayed for these tragic people.

So of course he couldn't see the scene that made the cat demon tremble all over.

Under the gaze of the cat demon, the struggling and hesitant souls not far away are facing another kind of doomsday.

The girl in ragged clothes and covered in blood picked up a long sword from nowhere in her hand. Every time she passed a soul, she would cut off its soul with the sword, and then these souls would be like kites with broken strings. Pan whined and turned into dust.

She has no compassion for those souls. Taking them seems to be part of her survival instinct, as natural as three meals of water a day.

In an instant, her stern figure appeared next to the monk and the cat demon.

She lowered her head slightly, and her eyes fell on the monk who was still chanting sutras with his eyes closed, and the trembling cat demon, clinging tightly to the monk's shoulder.

There was no expression on her face, and her pupils seemed to be unable to see anything in the world. Finally, she said in a hoarse voice: "The time...has not yet come."

After that, she didn't stop for much, and walked straight around the monk, towards the souls waiting to be harvested behind him.

"...the time...has not yet come."

Then he bypassed the monk and walked towards the other souls behind him.

Seeing this scene, the cat demon's whole body trembled more violently, like leaves in the cold wind.

It couldn't help but shudder to think, who is that woman? She is neither human nor monster, and even more, she does not feel like a living entity.

The woman's existence is as if she came to the world to harvest the souls of life that are about to pass away. From the day of her birth, she is destined to play this ruthless role.

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