After breaking up, I picked up a beautiful vampire girl

Chapter 216 Knowing one’s heart and one’s nature

The cat demon originally thought that in this small temple, which had been in disrepair for a long time, he could find a corner to escape the troubles of the world.

Although this inconspicuous temple is dilapidated, and the monks only eat scraps, and most importantly, there is no meat!

But apart from these, it should be a good shelter, at least allowing it to catch a moment of respite between chasing and being chased.

As for the monk, the cat demon planned to eat him after resting for a few days to replenish his energy after being injured by the terrible woman.

When night falls, the moonlight shines through the broken roof, casting mottled light and shadow on the moss-covered and roughly carved Buddha statue.

The monk had already been immersed in his own thoughts and didn't seem to pay attention to the existence of the cat demon.

So the cat demon curled up in the cold stone Buddha's palm without any scruples, letting the dream slowly sweep over it. The monk couldn't hurt it anyway. If it dared to do anything, I didn't mind advancing the meal time.

However, in this seemingly calm night, with only the sound of pious chanting and the silent sound of Bodhi reflecting each other, an accident came quietly.

The cat demon suddenly woke up from his sleep - an aura that chills people's bones, is as frightening as falling into an ice cave, and is mixed with malice and greed. It is approaching step by step this ruined temple that has almost been forgotten in troubled times. .

pat- pat-

The footsteps that can swallow up all hope and peace and make all hidden beings feel despair are walking towards the ruined temple step by step.

The cat demon is very familiar with this terrifying smell and the sound of footsteps. For three days and three nights, it has been following it like a ghost-like a shadow that is lingering and heartbreaking.

The weak and dim candlelight in the temple began to tremble slightly. The monk who was meditating with a calm expression seemed to realize something and slowly put down his rosary beads.

He opened his eyes slowly first, and then raised his head slowly.

When he saw that every hair on the white fur of the cat demon stood on end due to extreme fear, he realized that the situation was not normal.

dong dong dong-

At exactly this time, there was a knock on the dilapidated wooden door outside the Buddhist hall.

The moment the monk turned around to open the door, the cat demon immediately jumped behind the Buddha statue.

While hiding its aura, it prayed to the monk not to let the monster enter the temple.

The monk walked to the wooden door. Even he could feel that the thing behind the door had an intimidating and terrifying aura, but he remained indifferent and slowly opened the wooden door.

The lone figure outside the door is a young girl.

Her appearance was like a sad landscape painting scattered in front of the silent temple.

Her figure was distressingly thin, and although her skin was fair, it revealed an unhealthy abnormality, as if she had not felt the warmth of the sun for a long time.

Her hair fell down messily, covering her eyebrows.

The coarse cloth clothes on her body looked very messy and shabby. The material was rough and the color was so faded that it was almost impossible to look straight at it.

The dress was clearly not tailor-made for her - it was too big.

It was still stained with dried blood, and the monk had a terrible thought.

This dress...was ripped from some dead man's body.

The girl's pupils seemed to be unfocused, as if she was staring at the monk, and she seemed to be looking beyond the monk towards the Buddha statue in the temple.

Except for the ill-fitting and plain top, there was nothing suitable to cover her lower body. The hem of the fabric casually swept across her perfect mid-thigh, and her little feet without shoes were also covered with mud.

"Amitabha...female donor, do you need any help?"

The monk asked in a calm tone, but his brows remained furrowed.

The monk knew it the moment he saw her.

The aura exuding from this woman is definitely not ordinary human beings.

The murderous aura that nearly engulfed everything was hundreds of times more terrifying than the hells and evil spirits described in any Buddhist scriptures.


The girl's eyebrows were raised slightly, and under her long messy hair, a pair of cloudy eyes stared at the monk.

", cat demon."

"Female donor, this is a pure place for Buddhism, not a place where evildoers roam. You don't want to be here..."

Before the monk could finish speaking, the girl had already bypassed him and walked into the temple step by step on the dirt floor.

Only then did the monk notice that the girl was dragging a knife. The monk recognized that it was the soldier's standard weapon. The girl... killed the soldier?

Zi La——Zi La——

The girl limped and slowly walked towards the Buddhist hall, dragging the knife. Every step she took closer would cause the cat demon hiding behind the Buddha statue to burst into tears.

It wants to escape, but is it too late to escape now?

The monk followed the girl. He seemed to have vaguely guessed something. The girl must have come because of the white cat that suddenly broke into the temple during the day.

"...Amitabha, female donor, the evil spirit in your body is very strong. If you add more killing karma, I am afraid you will never be able to escape this sinking state and seek liberation."

"Why...please...for relief, I...can kill...everything..."

She slowly stopped and turned back to look at the monk with an empty and soulless look.

The monk clasped his hands together and said calmly: "If you see that all forms are not forms, then you see the Tathagata. All forms are empty, and the former is also empty."

The girl didn't understand what the monk was saying at all. She tilted her head, then turned around and continued walking towards the Buddhist hall.

The monk did not give up. He slowly followed the girl and continued: "The Heart Sutra says: 'Form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from color; form is emptiness, and emptiness is form.' Although the donor has the power of thousands of years of practice but his heart is not open, then It’s like closing your eyes and not seeing the light of the sun and the moon.”

"...The heart is not open? I...have no heart."

"No." The monk said softly, "The Surangama Sutra says: 'Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a stand; there is nothing in the first place, so where can the dust be caused?' Everything in the world comes from the heart, and the heart produces all the phenomena to illuminate it. If the benefactor's heart is clear and clear in the mirror, it will naturally reflect the true self, but now, the female benefactor, you have too much murderous karma to see into your heart."


The girl was no longer interested in the monk. She walked into the Buddhist hall and walked towards the Buddha statue.

The monk's eyes were closed tightly, his lips moved slightly, and he recited ancient and sacred Buddhist scriptures devoutly.

The air seemed to be filled with the vibration of his voice, and even time was frozen by this peaceful and mysterious melody.

And the white cat was completely frightened at this moment.

It originally thought it could find a sense of security in the vast and compassionate aura of the Buddha; however, at this time, it found itself on the edge of an unknown and terrifying situation.

The little body was curled up in the corner and trembling - the slight breathing contained deep uneasiness about the future fate.

But the girl didn't pick up the knife and chop as it thought.

Instead, he slowly looked at the knife in his hand, and then looked up at the Buddha statue.

It seemed that at this moment, something affected her mind.

"...How about peeking into your mind...reciting...reciting sutras?"

The girl turned her head and looked at the man who was kneeling - he was sitting on the futon as peacefully as a mountain. After hearing the girl's voice, the monk slowly opened his eyes.

"Practice is not just about chanting sutras and chanting Buddha's name." The monk's previous silence was interrupted by the girl's question and he said, "You also need to understand your mind and see your nature."

The girl clenched the hilt of the knife in her hand and looked at the monk again, looking at the Buddha statue. In this place full of incense, the balance slowly tipped to the other side. "Practice...clear your mind and see your nature..." she murmured and repeated without making any immediate move.

The monk stood up slowly, came to the girl's side, and stood side by side with her, facing the Buddha statue.

Finally, he looked at the girl, and then clasped his hands together. The girl didn't know why, but at this moment she gently let go of the knife, and then imitated the monk's way of clasping her hands and facing the Buddha statue.

"Infinite Life Buddha..."

The monk lowered his head slightly, as if he was guiding the girl.

The girl also slowly lowered her head to the Buddha statue, and her hoarse and deep voice slowly said: "... Infinite... Longevity Buddha."

But just as she finished speaking, she heard a clicking sound.

The Buddha statue in front of them had a crack starting from the head, and the crack continued to spread to the base...

The monk's body began to tremble. He didn't understand why even the Buddha couldn't control this girl's evil spirit...

Who is she... and what has she done...

The girl raised her eyes slightly and looked at the cracked Buddha statue without any reaction. She just turned around slowly without even taking the knife. She was just like when she came, limping when the monk was shocked. The earth left this temple.

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