blood contract

Chapter 448 2 Land Overlord

To say that it is indestructible is, of course, a bit of an exaggeration.

Some spiritual treasures can also kill it, such as the Nine Yin Netherworld Fire, a highly destructive flame. Its indestructibility means that it is in a certain environment, such as now on the land camel turtle. A highly destructive attack will only trigger a strong pain reaction in the land camel turtle - a calamity-level disaster.

By occupying the right time and place, it has the conditions for immortality.

So that's the most troublesome part about dealing with it.

Ling Ling immediately put away the Om Da, not daring to kill it again. He could only use the "bait" to lure it out.

Mu Qihua Le immediately separated from Nie Jingyu and shouted at him, "Attack separately, don't interrupt."

Nie Jingyu naturally understood what he meant. A ball of fire shot out from her palm and hit a large locust with a "bang".

Painless, but provocative.

The other one was also attacked by Mu Qihua.Le.

The locust's territory was invaded by other creatures and it itself was also attacked. It trembled and angrily chased after the two creatures that attacked it.

At that point, there was nothing left on the big rock, and the bait plan was considered a success.


Ling Ling let out a breath. She never expected that this kind of big-mouthed locust would live on a land tortoise. Life is unpredictable, and one's intestines are always bound to be affected!

He immediately put the big stone into the ring.

Then something strange happened. A small locust emerged from the crevice of a big rock. It did not attack Ling Ling, but opened its mouth and made a hissing warning at her.

In Lingling's opinion, it was more like a request for help from his accomplices.

Oh! It has a backup plan. It is worried that other creatures will take the stone away, so it specially left a "gatekeeper".

How much it loves this big rock!

If you think about it carefully, the broken stones are after all part of the inherited stone statue in Yuanwu Mountain. They probably have the magical effect of comprehending Taoism, so they were favored by this big locust and chosen as its throne.

Otherwise how can we explain how it can grow so big!

The three of them were unable to recognize each other for a moment.

How can this be good?

Ling Ling began to think about how to deal with this 'gatekeeping' locust... but seeing that it was not big and did not dare to attack him, he changed his mind and thought that it was a kind of luck to encounter such a strange creature. He might as well collect it as well. It would be a good idea to do an experiment!

She likes to collect strange things to do experiments and analyze them.

So he put the smaller locust into the ring.

Done, call it a day, run away!

She sent a message to Le and Nie Jingyu, then headed towards the upper layer of the magma.

Soon, Mu Qihua Le and Nie Jingyu rushed over in panic, shouting, "Run, run!"

Then, Ling Ling saw a dense crowd of locusts of various sizes following the two of them.

I even developed trypophobia after watching it.

"What's going on? How did you break it into pieces?"

"We didn't attack it, it split on its own!" Mu Qihua Le replied.

"Split!!!" Ling Ling was shocked.

As if they wanted to answer Ling Ling's questions immediately, when the three of them met up, the countless small locusts behind them also gathered together again, turning into a large locust, which opened its huge mouthparts and sucked suddenly.

A huge vortex formed behind the three people.

It continued to spin, its diameter growing larger and larger, sucking everything around it into its belly.

Rush rush rush——

The three of them desperately fought against the suction behind them and tried to rush to the upper layer of the magma.

The three of them rushed forward only after the suction disappeared.

As soon as they reached the upper layer of the magma, they saw a huge object like a fire cloud rolling towards them in front of them. Looking closely, they saw that it was a dense swarm of fire-scale worms.

"Fuck it, why are there so many fire-scale worms gathered here?"

Nie Jingyu got goose bumps on his back. He felt that with such a large number, perhaps all the fire-scale worms here had come over.

"They were probably attracted here by the cries of the locusts."

Mu Qihua.Le also frowned, glanced at Ling Ling with a pensive expression, and couldn't help but block her way.

There are wolves in front and tigers behind. The situation is urgent.

The three people were caught in the middle and their lives were seriously threatened.

Nie Jingyu immediately felt like cursing. Curiosity killed the cat. Why did she follow him? Now, she was either buried in the belly of the insect or died in the disaster...

He clenched the broadsword in his hand, deciding to attack head-on and fight his way out.

The swarms on both sides are getting closer...

The three of them were all in a state of panic...

Ling Ling held the bottle of fluorescent armor powder in her hand, ready to throw it out at any time.

Nie Jingyu's hand holding the broadsword trembled slightly, then he roared, swung the broadsword and rushed out.


Then, the sword was swung into the air, and the fire-scale worms nimbly avoided them, passed through them, and went straight towards the big-mouthed locusts.

The three of them were stunned.

what's the situation?

Next, there is a scene of insects eating each other.

The big locusts kept changing their shapes. Sometimes they split into countless small locusts, rolling like huge waves and shuttling through the swarm of fire-scale worms, devouring them. Sometimes they gathered into big locusts again, sucking in countless fire-scale worms in one bite.

The fire phosphorus worms were not afraid at all. They took advantage of the upper environment, swam quickly, and then devoured the big mouth locusts bit by bit...

This process of insects eating each other is simply a feast of nature, which is breathtaking.

In the end, the Big Mouth Locust was defeated by the Fire Phosphorus Worms and fled back to the lower layer of the magma.

When the fire scale worms chased to a certain depth, they dared not swim further and returned to their own territory...

Lingling and the other two marveled at the wonders of nature and the wonders of the food chain.

Although the giant locusts are invincible, once they touch the territory of the upper magma fire scale worms, no matter how many they split into, they will become food for the fire scale worms.

On the contrary, because the fire-scale worms are not adapted to the lower magma environment of the giant locust, they can only dominate the upper magma environment and become the undisputed overlord here.

It's like a big river that stretches between the two banks, completely separating the strong men on both sides.

The three of them escaped from the lava area, not caring about their image at all. They sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

The Phoenix Clan disciples guarding the periphery looked bewildered, not knowing what horror the three men had encountered inside. They could only comfort them and wait for them to catch their breath before heading towards the rest area.

"Hey, now can you tell me what's in it?"

On the way, Nie Jingyu did not forget this matter and asked Ling Ling about it.

"Are you so persistent?" Mu Qihua said with a smile.

"Don't try to change the subject, tell me now?"

Mu Qihua.Le glanced at Ling Ling and saw her take out a glass bottle from her ring and placed it in front of Nie Jingyu.

"Here! This is it."

Nie Jingyu's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but move aside, "Why did you bring it out?"

There is a white bug inside, what else could it be if not that big-mouthed locust!

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