blood contract

Chapter 447: The Indestructible Little Cockroach - Big Mouth Locust

Its white body is covered with scales as hard and rough as rock. Its head is round and huge, with only a huge mouthpart on the top.

There are no other living creatures around it, but there are a lot of corpses of living creatures piled up around the rocks.

The big mouth opened and closed from time to time, and some debris of other creatures floated out from it from time to time.

It looks disgusting.

The three of them looked at the big white worm from afar. It was sleeping soundly on a big rock with a very steady breath. The big white worm didn't seem to notice their arrival, or perhaps it didn't care at all.

Mu Qihua was shocked. He followed Lingling all the way here, but Lingling was actually looking for an unknown big white insect?

Even Nie Jingyu, who followed closely, was completely confused.

Is this the secret? Is this the big white worm they came for? What is so special about it?

Ling Ling saw such a big insect lying on the boulder to rest, and pinched her brows in annoyance.

There are so many rocks around, why did it choose to rest on this one? !

"What's so special about this big bug? Is it worth it?" Mu Qihua.Le asked in confusion.

"Ah?!" Ling Ling knew that Le had misunderstood, and pointed at the big white worm's body, "Why do I want it? I want the stone under it."


Mu Qihua, Le and Nie Jingyu were stunned and looked at each other in confusion.

"What do you want that stone for?" the two orcs asked in unison.

"That's so much talk! I'm just asking if you have any way to get me the stone."

"..." The two orcs were silent and thoughtful, trying to find a solution.

Before knowing the ability of this unknown giant white insect, they did not dare to make any decision easily.

Nie Jingyu thought to himself that the ordinary stone was just an appearance, and there must be an extraordinary treasure hidden behind it.

The three of them discussed several solutions but none of them worked.

Kill! The hard outer skin on the back of the big white worm looks pretty hard; magic circle! If it starts struggling, I’m worried that it will cause too much noise…

Anyway, the biggest crux of the problem is that although there are many ways to get rid of this big white worm, the key is to choose the right way.

If too rough a treatment method is adopted, it will inevitably make too much noise, thus disturbing the land tortoise. It is unknown whether the catastrophic threat can be escaped.

So we need to find a gentle way that can effectively solve the problem without disturbing the land tortoise.

Then, Mu Qihua.Le suddenly had an idea. He thought that if he used them as bait to lure away the giant white worms, he could get the big stone without any effort.

This is undoubtedly the fastest and best way.

But whether the person who becomes bait can escape the pursuit of the giant white worm depends on his ability.

As soon as he said this, he was opposed by Nie Jingyu, and then he was retorted by Le Hui.

"If you don't contribute, what's the point of coming here?"

"You're such a meddlesome person. You have no right to control where I go, right?"

"Wow! You are such an ungrateful person. You always refuse to do anything when I ask you to do something... Well, I will consider it as saving a bastard."

"Who are you calling ungrateful and a jerk?"

"Who is it? Don't you have any idea?"

"That's enough!" Ling Ling didn't want to listen to the two orcs' nagging, so he said to Nie Jingyu, "If you want to know what the treasure is, it depends on your ability."

After saying this, she went towards the big white worm.


Lingling just took action!

Mu Qihua.Le ignored Nie Jingyu this time and followed Ling Ling towards the big white bug.

"Ling, you go east and I go west later."

"it is good."

The sudden actions of the two caught Nie Jingyu off guard.

Are you just going to act like this? What about the details? You are just going to act without even discussing the details of the attack. How can you be so careless? !

Although he had not wanted to take action, Ling Ling's words successfully aroused his curiosity. He was very concerned about what she meant.

So he rushed out.

When I caught up with Ling Ling, I asked,

"Hey, what did you mean just now? Can you explain it more clearly?"

"You will attract it to the south later," Ling Ling said, pointing in a direction.

"Hey, answer me!"

Seeing how anxious he was, Ling Ling said calmly, "You followed me just to find out why we came here, didn't you? Survive first!"

Nie Jingyu was speechless.

This is really a way to keep people on edge and force them to work! How come this woman is even more hateful than the devil?

But it must be said that she succeeded in whetting his appetite. After all, he was a proud orc of the Phoenix Clan, and it was still uncertain who would live and who would die!

Ling Ling didn't have time to explain to them now. She had to get the stone today no matter what.

Although this big stone has nothing to do with me, now that I have got the precious book, I have to do what I promised Uncle Yuanwu.

That’s right, Ling Ling sensed that the big stone under the lava was the stone statue of inheritance that Uncle Yuanwu asked her to find.

She also didn't expect that the stone fragments collected in the ring would react when flying over the lava land.

The big rock under the big white worm is part of the stone statue.

It was only after a long period of time that it was repeatedly covered with soil, gravel, and sand, accumulating and piling up layer by layer... and finally turned into such an ordinary-looking huge sedimentary rock.

Ling Ling held the knife-shaped Om Da in his hand, took a deep breath, and then approached the big white worm step by step. He took the lead in attacking, stood up and jumped up, and chopped down at the front end of the big white worm's head.

The big white insect had hard scales on its body. Ling Ling used 60% of his strength and felt that this force was not enough to kill it, but it should be enough to hurt it, as a provocation.

As a result, with one cut, snap! The head of the big white worm was chopped off.


Are these seemingly hard scales just for fun?

"..." Ling Ling raised his eyebrows and looked at the Om Da in his hand in disbelief.

Has evolution become so sharp?

Mu Qihua, Le and Nie Jingyu paused in their rush and were stunned.

So fierce?

They just thought that it was because of Ling Ling's toughness that he could chop off its head so easily.

The three of them were stunned, and suddenly——

A new mouthpart actually grew out of the severed end of the big white worm.

The three pairs of jaws in the mouth are covered with densely packed, thorn-like teeth, all exposed.


He opened his mouth wide and roared at Ling Ling.

The blue-black magma water surged, and the sonar shock waves formed by the water waves made the ears of the three people buzz.

The three of them were also extremely shocked!

It's not dead even after all this, and it can even turn one into two.

At this time, the three of them remembered the name of this unknown big white insect - the big-mouthed locust.

The terrifying thing about this giant locust is that it cannot be chopped off and is difficult to kill.

Because wherever it is cut off, another complete locust will quickly grow out, and the more it is cut, the more locusts will become...

The most important thing is that this big locust is not afraid of the five elements and is extremely difficult to kill!

It can be called the indestructible cockroach!

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