blood contract

Chapter 429 Fellow Daoist, why is this happening?

You know, the identities of each faceless man are a mystery. Apart from their respective numbers, they know nothing about each other's appearance.

Because this secrecy allows them to better blend into various environments and perform their missions without arousing suspicion or being traced back to their source.

Even if they are unfortunately caught, it is difficult to investigate their background due to the lack of clear identity clues, thus protecting the organizational forces behind them.

This is why they remain mysterious.

However, at this moment, these people actually revealed their true faces, which was a little too shocking and surprising for the other faceless men.

At this time, the eye sockets of these dozen people were filled with bloodshot, which gradually turned scarlet, and then their eyeballs bulged out, as if they were about to burst through the eye sockets and fall out. Afterwards, blood overflowed from the eye sockets, forming two bloody tears, which looked very scary.

They kept scratching their necks with their hands, leaving bright red marks on their skin until it was bloody and blurry...

They were struggling with painful expressions. Because they couldn't make any sound, their faces turned red. They could only scratch themselves and reach out to their teammates for help.


When the faceless men who had never sucked tree sap saw their strange and miserable appearance, instead of stepping forward to help, they all retreated... Some of them had already rushed to the cave entrance, waving their magic weapons desperately, trying to cut off those hard roots and vines as soon as possible and escape from this hellish place.

Then, the bodies of the dozen or so faceless men who had sucked the juice began to change.

Their skin was drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually turning into trees, with countless branches and buds breaking through their flesh and growing rapidly.

Their eyeballs kept rolling around in their sockets strangely, and strange "jiejiejie" sounds came out of their throats from time to time.

Although they all wanted to struggle, they were ultimately powerless to resist the change and could only allow this force to devour their lives.

Gradually, one after another human-shaped tree men appeared before their eyes, and the extremely violent and ferocious aura emanating from their bodies exceeded their original cultivation levels.

His mouth kept opening and closing, speaking a language that no one could understand.

"Boss, these are..."

"What are you standing there for? Break open the hole quickly." The faceless leader shouted, immediately stopping the faceless man from speaking. He also glared at him fiercely.

In fact, when they saw this scene, the two of them had already thought of the legend of the Tung-Blood Tree Demon, but they couldn't say it out loud at this moment.

I am afraid that if I say it now, it will frighten the other faceless men, and make them lose the resistance and miss their last chance to escape.

He doesn't want to die, he wants to live even if he has to fight to the last bit!

Everyone was awakened by the leader's shout, and the faceless man immediately understood what the leader meant and said no more.

They quickly formed a defensive formation and started to hack and slash at the vines at the entrance of the cave.

The branches grew slower than they were destroyed, and finally a small gap appeared.

Everyone was delighted and sped up. At this moment, they no longer had any mission in mind, and they only wanted to escape.


Countless tentacle-like tender vines grew out from the eyes of those "faceless tree men"; their broken bodies twisted strangely like snakes; their limbs that had turned into branches kept hitting the ground; their bloody mouths that were torn to their ears opened and closed, emitting strange "jiejiejie" sounds, and they rushed towards their former teammates.

The scene was extremely terrifying and horrifying!

"Defend! Defend!" The faceless leader's expression changed and he quickly issued orders.

Boom boom!

When the two energies collided, the cave began to tremble violently. Strong airflow hit the surroundings, and countless soil and rocks fell from the top of the cave and hit the ground below.

Ling Ling was startled and looked towards a certain part of the cave, frowning. She wondered if Le and the faceless man had come into direct conflict, or if the Tong-blood Tree Demon had already appeared.

She didn't receive any message from Le, and felt a little uneasy. Without thinking too much, she rushed into the cave.

On one side, there was the crazy attack of the mutated 'Faceless Tree Man', and on the other side, there were the Faceless Men who were desperately defending and resisting in a desperate attempt to survive. The fight between the two sides was fierce and stalemate.

Mu Qihua.Le, who was hiding in the cracks in the roots of a giant tree, was not affected at all and saw the fight between them clearly.

He tried his best to keep himself calm and didn't dare to make any noise, otherwise he would attract the attention of both sides and be in danger.

He wanted to inform Ling Ling of the situation in the cave, but found that the message could not be sent out at all. This place had been isolated at some point and had completely lost contact with the outside world.

He was also worried and anxious, fearing that Ling Ling would come to rescue him and put him in danger.

Fortunately, the cave entrance has not been opened yet, so Ling Ling's situation should be much safer. The two sides are still checking each other, and once this balance is broken, one side will suffer huge losses. At that time, whether he takes action or cooperates with Ling Ling, it will be the best time to take action.

After thinking all this through, Mu Qihua, like an old monk, sat down and watched quietly, while also restraining his breath to be more concealed.

“Hurry up, can you guys hurry up? We can’t hold on any longer.” The faceless man defending in the front urged his teammates behind him.

"Mad, why don't you try it? You know how hard these branches and vines are."

They are also very miserable. It's not that they don't try hard, but they are helpless in that even if they put in all their mana and slash with all their strength, there is not much effect.

Even the light from the golden magic mirror used by the leader did not frighten these tree people.

"Come two people to replace me." The faceless leader who was defending in the front immediately shouted when he heard this.

Then two people tacitly took the leader's position to defend, while the faceless leader retreated to their position, and then turned his hand and sacrificed an ancient bell.

The ancient bell emitted a melodious sound, shone with golden light, and spun at high speed towards the cave entrance.

There was a clang, two clangs, three clangs... On the fifth clang, with a bang, the entrance to the cave was finally broken open.

"Get out of here quickly." The faceless leader waved his hand and roared.

They had to get out of here before the roots and vines sealed the cave entrance again.

The faceless man behind rushed out of the cave first, then covered his teammates in front and retreated in an orderly manner facing the mutant tree man.


There was a burst of blood splatter, and the heads of the three faceless men behind him flew up at the same time, and their heads moved before they could figure out the situation.

The faceless men who were originally concentrating on dealing with the mutated tree people were surprised and then they noticed that a beautiful bald figure had appeared behind them at some point.

She controlled a lone knife and swooshed towards them.

The faceless leader pointed and said, "Get out."

The wooden stick with a purple bead in his hand deflected the Gu Pan knife.

"Daoyou, why is this?"

They didn't expect that there were other people hiding here.

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