blood contract

Chapter 428 Hello, are you okay?

However, not only were the roots of these vines extremely tough, they also kept wrapping around them. The magic weapons that were used were unable to cause much damage to these tough vines; the fire spells that were cast were also unable to burn these roots, but did have a delaying effect.

The rustling sound made by the roots and vines rubbing against each other was like a crazy laugh made by a person, shocking the soul and echoing in the cave.

The faceless man in the lead reacted quickly and threw out a mirror-like magic weapon. After a dazzling golden light flashed, the root vines in the dark retreated with a "swish".

Everyone stood up and cut off some broken vines that were entangled around their bodies or feet, and suddenly found that they were in a cave with a huge root system like that of a giant tree.

On these roots, countless bones were tied and hung like wind chimes!

Some are just a skull; some are a complete skeleton; and some are just a small fragment of bones, some look very fresh, while others are rotten...

Each of them had experienced countless life and death tests, so they were still somewhat frightened when they saw this scene. They gathered together in horror, tightly grasping their magic weapons, and were alert to their surroundings.

"Boss, boss, this place is a bit weird?" A faceless man's throat tightened and his voice changed.

The faceless leader observed the environment here, and a sense of uneasiness surged in his heart.

"Retreat, let's get out of here quickly."

He wasn't the only one who felt this uneasiness; everyone felt it.

Because the root system was so large, they didn't even notice Mu Qihua Le on the other side.

But their previous shouting attracted Mu Qihua Le's attention, and he hid as soon as possible.

He used the gaps between the huge roots in the cave to hide himself and carefully looked towards the source of the sound.

When he saw more than thirty faceless men, he was shocked. He wondered why so many faceless men appeared here!

You know, they originally chose to come out from other doors in order to avoid these faceless men, and now, they also appeared here.

He quietly hid his body and concealed his breath, wanting to listen to what they were saying. Then he thought about it and sent a secret order to Ling Ling.

Ling Ling, who was rushing over, received Le's intermittent messages and was happy but also a little surprised.

Seeing Ling Ling stop, Miao Shiyu looked suspicious and called out softly, "Young Master?"

Seeing Miao Shiyu's confusion, Ling Ling said, "I received news from Le that he is fine, but there are more than thirty faceless people with him."

"Faceless people?" Miao Shiyu was shocked. "Why are they here?"

Then he thought of the rings covering the riverbed and what he had said to the rabbit, and everything became clear.

"I think they have a ring like Mr. Rabbit's to lead the way."

"Yeah, I think so." Ling Ling said, "It's true that we can't avoid them anywhere!"

I originally wanted to escape quietly, but unexpectedly, things are beyond my control. If there is no way to avoid it, I will just face it head on!

"What does the young lady want to do?" Miao Shiyu was a smart person and knew that Ling Ling would not let this group of people go so easily.

Lingling tapped her forehead with her fingers and accidentally glanced at the 'empty cage' on her wrist.

The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and a plan came to his mind.

Hey hey hey hey! Little Black Hats, Grandma Wolf is coming!

Ling Ling raised an eyebrow and whispered something in Miao Shiyu's ear...

Afterwards, Miao Shiyu immediately understood and ran into the cave. Ling Ling stopped, passed a message to Le Yidao, and began to set up a formation at the exit.

Since this place is so dangerous, let these faceless men stay here forever!

But just when Mu Qihua and Le Zai were observing their movements and planning to lure them into the trap set by Ling Ling, the entrance to the cave was blocked by those vines.

At the bottom of the dark cave, the thick roots that were tangled and intertwined like a spider web emitted a faint fluorescence, covering the entire cave.

Each branch emits a faint but flickering glow. These lights gather together, like a brilliant galaxy in the sky, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

The scene was both beautiful and alluring, and seemed to have some kind of magic, causing the thirty-odd faceless men to fall into confusion for a moment.

The eyes of seven of them became dazed, and then they ran towards the center of the tree roots uncontrollably with strange smiles on their faces, grabbed a branch and started biting it hard.


Purple-red blood-like liquid flowed out from the root, instantly staining the mouths of those people... The liquid continued to flow down the corners of their mouths, staining the entire lapels of their chests red.

The look of satisfaction on his face, as if he had tasted delicacies from the immortal world, stunned everyone else. They stood there in a daze, bewildered for a moment.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Someone wanted to go over and wake up the seven people.

But he was stopped by the faceless leader beside him, "Don't go over there, there's something wrong with them."

Then the glowing light on the roots became stronger, and the friction between the roots was like a secret whisper...

Then a few more faceless men rushed over uncontrollably, opened their mouths and bit the branches, and began to suck the juice.

The faceless leader shook his head, realizing that this was a temptation attack on the soul, and shouted, "Hurry up and keep your mind."

Then, he hurriedly took out his magic mirror... After a flash of light, the thirty or so faceless men finally woke up.

Those faceless men who were grabbing the roots and sucking looked at each other, and when they saw each other's embarrassing looks, they quickly dropped the roots and branches in their hands in shock.

A fishy and bitter juice was still spreading in the mouth, and the stomach contracted several times, causing several people to vomit.

The other people who saw this scene also felt nauseous. After vomiting a few times but failing, they scratched their tongues to induce vomiting.


A dozen faceless people were leaning against the tree trunk and vomiting. The faceless people on the other side laughed at the scene.

"Wasn't it so refreshing just now? Keep on sucking!

"What's wrong? Did you see your mother or your lover?"

“Hahahahahaha…” followed by a burst of sarcasm and ridicule from the crowd.

"Hey, don't go too far... Ugh..."

"Fuck, wait and see how I'm going to handle this later... Ugh..."

"I'm so... ugh..."

The sounds of vomiting and laughing were mixed together!

The faceless men who had sucked the tree sap kept vomiting, and their movements became a little exaggerated. Each one was louder than the other, as if they wanted to vomit out everything in their stomachs.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you guys ready? Do you really have to be so exaggerated?"

"Tsk, these guys even installed ..."

"Yeah, just pretend... Yeah, this is a bit weird."

"Hey, are you okay?"

On normal days, those people would have responded long ago, but now they didn't respond, they just kept vomiting...

Then their faces turned red, and their previously hidden faces revealed their true appearances one by one...

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