Monthly Calculation System in Pokémon

Chapter 229 Refraction Track Line 2 4 (T Company collects personnel)

Character introduction: Dorothy

Description: A girl full of curiosity and desire to explore. It is her nature to be adventurous. Her gender is not a hindrance to her. Her dream is to travel to all corners of the world. Of course she wants to be with her family. She likes sweets the most. Adventures, being with family, hating, people who cause harm to family, hating hardship, hating unhygienic things.

Gender: Female

Race: Pokémon (Eevee)

Rating: 60

Talent: Three Extremes God

Skills learned: omitted

Representative personality: (Faust)

Character magnetic strip:

The "exploration spirit" soul of adventure burned in his body. When competing with the enemy, the probability of his own coin being heads was greatly increased. If it was tails, the probability of tails was greatly increased.

When "Protective Desire" and Lunar Eclipse are in the same team, Little Lunar Eclipse gains a layer of protection.

"Agility" When using dodge skills to dodge, each time the dodge is successful, you will gain one layer of agility in the next round, up to five layers.

"Fairy Power" Fairy-type skill damage increases.

"Destiny" works with Carlos to save the world. It's not the time to despair yet, and he has gained a layer of strength permanently.

"The beautiful camellias are like our past, beautiful but fragile. I really want to go back to the past, to the beginning."

There are beautiful camellias outside. Even through the car window, everyone can smell the fragrance of the flowers (it might be Qingyu standing next to them.) In the distance, they can also hear the chuckle of a girl. It's all so beautiful. .


With the emergency brake, everyone sighed helplessly. They picked up their weapons and prepared to get out of the car. They were ready to fight again.

"This time I will lead the children to prepare to leave."

"Okay! Get ready to fight!"

The last time Lei Yu was locked in the car, she was furious. This time he had to choose to go out.

"The two of us are going too."

Dorothy and Rui Ri volunteered and said that Little Eclipse is now a little unstable due to her mental decline.

"Then let's go and prepare to fight."

The combatants this time were the same as the last one, except that Lucario Muson and Jiutian were resting in the car. Jiutian used two phantom entities at the same time, which consumed a lot of her energy and he needed a good rest now.

Mu Sen had a headache due to the release of the magic bullet, and Lucario was feeling a little weak due to the influence of other people's chains.

Carlos wiped the gun one last time with a cloth and got out of the car with his cane in one hand and the gun in the other.

"Please take out your pocket watches in an orderly manner. We want to check your time."

"Damn...why didn't these bombs kill you...Damn bitches...all of them are bomb-resistant, right?"

Carlos spat at them. Carlos was very familiar with these guys, and he also hated them very much.

When they were in T's nest, their nine-man association was destroyed bit by bit by these bureaucratic lackeys. It was thanks to them that I came to this world.

"The wanted figure, Carlos, a former member of the Nine, has been found and has been authorized to kill the target."

At this time, the personnel from Company T across the street seemed to recognize Carlos and shot him directly.


Carlos knocked off the bullet with his cane, and then rushed over angrily. The employees of Company T in front of him also waved their weapons and hit Carlos.


The weapon in the hand of the T Company employee grazed the edge of Carlos's clothes and hit the ground, while the harpoon in Fireheart's hand rubbed Carlos' hair and hit the T Company employee.

"Come on! Lei Yu!"

Fireheart triggered the rescue attack, and Lei Yu's continued attack poked at the armor of the third-level employee. On the other side, Dorothy and Rui Ri were nailing another third-level employee. Due to their small size, the two of them were , it is very effective to avoid these heavy attacks.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two T Company employees raised their guns at the same time and shot at Dorothy and Rui Ri. Among all enemies, they were the two most threatening.

"Flying water shuriken!"

The two shurikens accurately hit the two bullets fired. Qingyu waved the harpoon and violently knocked him back a few steps. The plug of the harpoon was equipped with the secret attack skill on the harpoon, and then he suddenly made a big blow. Jumping, the sharp harpoon fell directly from the sky and penetrated his chest fiercely.

"Protect me! Olivia!"

The employee of Company T in front of him swung the weapon in his hand and hit Fireheart. Olivia appeared in time to block the blow. At the same time, the counterattack hit him directly.

"Get ready to hunt!"

Fireheart used the third skill, Perseverance Harpoon, to deal high stabbing damage in an instant. At the same time, it released its ego and directly dragged another T Company employee over.

At this time, Olivia also finished using her fitness. While the employee was being slapped away by Fireheart's ego, Olivia's cutting rope was untied and directly penetrated his chest, and the violent harpoon , frantically destroying his bones and flesh.


Carlos had just shot the employee who was pinned to the ground by Fireheart's harpoon, one shot in the head and one in the heart. Two shots would kill him.

"Friendly units are dead and entering the battlefield."

Two more employees came out in front of them. It seemed that they were only halfway over. The other two employees focused on Carlos as soon as they came up, and they hit him with the weapons in their hands at the same time.


A sharp nail accurately hit an employee. In an instant, he fell into dizziness and received ten layers of abnormal damage.


The nail in Dorothy's hand flicked away his weapon, and then the ribbon tightened around his neck, and the nails and electricity destroyed his body.

“Come and taste the sand!”

After the attack ended, Dorothy deliberately threw sand at him in order to disgust him. It was not very lethal and extremely insulting, and it also reduced its point-fighting effect. Even the cold employee in front of him was a little nervous. Living.

"Hey, I think you should look ahead."

Carlos shot him directly in the leg, then swung the cane directly on his head, and then gave his head a final blow.

"Prepare to attack!"

Carlos' Iron Discipline triggers all friendly base points to be increased by one in the next round, and the amount of damage increases a lot.

"Jab repeatedly!"

Kicked down by a sliding shovel, repeatedly stabbed, also known as slow suppression, and the five-pointed cross instantly killed the tenth-level vulnerable employee.

"I'm going to put you in this bag too!"

Olivia raised the bag and hit another employee hard, followed by Lei Yu's enhanced punches, hitting him hard several times.


While the employee there was still confused, a black glove slammed into his face, and finally there were two consecutive stabs with electric current, which accurately penetrated his heart and deprived him of his last vestige of life.

"Haha! You are strong but I can only be stronger than you!"

Lei Yu inserted the sword back into his scabbard. As he snapped his fingers, the employee in front of him could no longer hold on and fell in front of him. Blood flowed to the floor along his golden armor.

"Okay, okay, get ready to go."

Carlos looked at the two corpses on the ground. Those who he didn't kill in the explosion could be regarded as killed.

At this time, deep in the refraction orbit, in a room full of camellias, a woman with white hair and half her face covered with golden camellias stood beside the tree and stared into the distance.

"Are you finally here? My best friend Carlos..."

And deep in the golden wheat field, a figure wearing a bamboo hat seemed to sense something and looked into the distance.

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