Monthly Calculation System in Pokémon

Chapter 228 Refraction Orbit Line 2 3 (Wandering Fox)

Character introduction: Lunar eclipse

Description: This little guy is taken care of meticulously by his two sisters. Although he looks a little cowardly at ordinary times, he is always the bravest at critical moments. At the same time, he also has very powerful potential. Give him a little time and he will become extremely powerful. , I like music, sports, lighter food, and hate things that have no temperature and are cold.

Sex: male

Race: Pokémon (Eevee Moon)

Rating: 54

Talent: Three Extremes God

Already learned skills: omitted

Representative personality: (Sinclair)

Character magnetic strip:

Although the "Mark of Cain" is still not complete, it cannot be underestimated. It permanently gains a layer of power and increases the damage caused by 20%.

"Harnessing Erosion" long-term ego erosion allows it to have certain control over it. Lunar Eclipse will give priority to attacking enemy units, and at the same time, the probability of attacking our units is reduced by 20%.

"Unyielding Will" Carlos and Jiutian, the training of Lunar Eclipse made them strengthen their will. When Lunar Eclipse lost half of its blood volume, all damage was reduced by 60% for five rounds. "

"Poison Defense" When Lunar Eclipse's spirit is reduced to 10%, he will secrete venom himself. When he is attacked or attacks others, the venom will adhere to his body, making the enemy gain a layer of restraint and a layer of weakness.

"Destiny" works with Carlos to save the world. It's not the time to despair yet, and he has gained a layer of strength permanently.

"Where exactly is the train headed?"

The children were amazed by the changing scenery outside the window. Each abnormal space was unique, and each space could be called a small world.

"This kind of atmosphere is really beautiful. It was the same with everyone in the Nine People's Association back then. Except for Qiu Fu and Dong Lang, it was always difficult for them to integrate into such an atmosphere."

Carlos sighed, saying that the next journey may be more difficult, like a boat in a storm, the Sword of Damoc hanging above his head has never been lifted.

"So what should we do next? That evil guy will come back eventually. How can we defeat him?"

Gardevoir sat in front of Carlos and asked. Both of them knew what they were facing, but this matter should be left to the adults to worry about, without bothering the children.

"Let's take one step at a time."

"Sir, madam, this is your tea."

Angel put the teacup and teapot on their table. Yes, Angel also got into the car, but she couldn't participate in the battle and could only serve as the team's doctor to treat their wounds.

"Angel, please sit down too. It just so happens that the three of us can chat or something. By the way, what time will Lucario usually work overtime in the future?"

At this moment, Lucario was looking at the scenery outside the window and felt a chill. Who was thinking of him?

"My wife probably works overtime until ten o'clock in the evening. Sometimes the president just can't bear it anymore and just goes to rest. He often complains to me, "I work overtime all day long and he feels like a cow." "Something like that."

"Haha... This kid is now feeling the pain of working overtime. By the way, Angel, are you still adapting to your new body?"


The sudden braking interrupted the conversation, and the children fell to the ground with a painful sound. This time the braking was so sudden that they were not mentally prepared at all.

"Alas... I have to fight again."

Lei Yu sighed, but he immediately cheered up and prepared to get out of the car with Lucario.

"Skills 1 and 2 are ready for the arrogant personality. Next, let's play the arrogant team."


Lei Yu looked at her third skill and was arrogant. Musen smiled and patted her shoulder and stepped out of the car on her behalf. "

"The atmosphere here is so sad."

There are broken umbrellas everywhere around. In fact, no one needs to guess whose abnormal space this is, that sad wandering fox.

"Well, although I quite like that guy, now I have to face him."

This time, the trio of Pequod, Sword Chi Lucario, W Jiutian, Magic Bullet Musen and Thumb Carlos are on the stage.

"Woo... woo... woo..."

The fox in front of her bit the umbrella in her mouth tightly, and she let out a painful whimper. The umbrellas inserted behind her would pierce her flesh even more as it moved.


Fireheart waved the harpoon to block the attack of the umbrella in the fox's mouth, then suddenly raised his head to interrupt his attack, and then threw the harpoon directly towards his throat.


With an explosion, Qingyu on the side directly triggered the rescue attack and gave him a blow.

"I've destroyed an umbrella!"

Carlos has four arrogant resonances in his first skill, which reduces all the enemy's coin points by one. This round, they have a huge advantage in combining points.


Musen's shot interrupted the stray fox's attack, and Lucario used his second skill to chop his head at the same time. The two people cooperated very well.

"Bang! Bang!"

Olivia and Qingyu each destroyed one umbrella, leaving a total of three umbrellas that were not destroyed.


The fox in front of him saw that his umbrella was destroyed, and his originally deep voice gradually took on a hint of threat.


Jiutian's quick attack blocked the umbrella in the fox's mouth. At the same time, her two phantoms used energy to destroy the other two umbrellas. The fox finally had only one umbrella left.

"The electric current is full and ready to kill."

Jiutian's eyes gradually became dangerous. Because of his passivity and her two phantom charges, including her own body, she already had 20 layers of charges in the first round.

"Lucario prepares for a quick victory!"

Carlos used mega evolution. He knew that the longer the next fight dragged on, the less beneficial it would be for them.

"Judgment is over."

Because there are four arrogances, the points of all square units are increased by one. Don't look at it as just adding one, but what about the nine days of sub.magic.empty.crack? Then the damage exploded instantly.

Carlos dodged the umbrella that was stabbing him, and then shot him directly in the left front leg. The stray fox groaned in pain and tilted his body, while his head was aimed at Carlos's gun.


This shot hit a human, and that human was basically hopeless, but it still didn't cause much trouble when it hit the abnormality. The real trouble was the two armor-piercing bullets in Carlos's bullet.

The two armor-piercing bullets add two layers of vulnerability. Since the effect of the Judgment Ammunition is doubled, it can be directly added to four layers of vulnerability.

"Countless things bind me."

Lucario's Locks of Others tightly entangled the fox, creating the best moment for Jiutian to attack.

"Now...go to hell!"

The hair on Jiutian's body changed, and she transformed into the form of Xi Cui. Then, one of her two phantoms used Retribution on her. After all, being vulnerable was considered an abnormality in her eyes.

The terrifying resentment even surpassed the resentment of the wandering fox at a certain moment, and his other clone used Teng Yue's quick attack, leaving him vulnerable to slashing attacks, and everything was ready to face the nuclear explosion.

"Now take your resentment and go back to hell!"

The Dimensional Demonic Blade in Jiutian's hand emitted light like a death scythe. As the four knives of Dimension, Demon, Sky, and Split struck, the fox, who was like a candle in the wind, could no longer hold on, and he let out a last howl. Ming was then beheaded by Jiutian.

"Not interesting."

Looking at the fox that turned into an egg, there was no trace of pity in Jiutian's eyes. She took out a lighter and lit a cigarette for herself, which was the end of her combat operation.

"I used to be just like you, but now I have a family I can rely on. Maybe you are a remnant of my past?"

Olivia sighed as she looked at the fox's eggs in front of her. She gently picked her up and everyone walked back towards the car.

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