Chen Qing's arrival was a complete surprise, and Li Jiang couldn't be more excited.

[Now I have no regrets, I have seen everything I should see. 】

[As long as Da Qin develops steadily, there should be no variables. 】

[As long as Zhao Gao is killed, there will be no regrets, right? 】

【wrong!We still have to let Brother Zheng survive the calamity of death! 】

Chen Qing also didn't expect Master Li to be so enthusiastic towards her, but in any case, it was also beneficial to her to have His Majesty's close ministers be so enthusiastic and friendly to her.

"Your Majesty, I have come here this time to bring you two things to show the sincerity of the royal family."

"The first is mercury. My late husband's family's business is mainly mining, including cinnabar mines. Mercury is one of the gifts I want to present to His Majesty."

"With mercury, the stability of His Majesty's mausoleum can be guaranteed for thousands of years."

Li Jiang kept nodding, yes.

[It is because of this mercury that Brother Zheng has never been disturbed. 】

"The second thing is the shark oil. If you use the shark oil to make a lamp, it will be immortal for thousands of years."

[This... is not very environmentally friendly...]

[They were all extinct in later generations. Could it be that they didn’t exist at this time? 】

"Oh?" Ying Zheng was indeed interested: "You brought it today?"

"Your Majesty, mermaid oil is very precious. Even if you are here, I have to ask my family's workshop to catch fish from the sea and then boil the oil."

Chen Qing shook her head, but the last sentence also revealed her thoughts.

She wanted a business in a county town near the sea.

"His Majesty."

Li Jiang paused: "Even when you get down there, you should also pay attention to rest and health. You won't be able to sleep well if you light up the lamp at night..."

The words Ying Zheng was about to say were stuck in his throat.

After a while, he said angrily: "Then the day I die, I will let you enter the mausoleum and blow out the lamp for me!"

"Isn't that a ghost blowing out the lamp?"

After Li Jiang finished speaking, he saw that Ying Zheng's eyes were really evil and a little timid, so he brought the topic back.

"What's more, all the businesses in our coastal counties have been dispatched."

It’s not uncommon to find ports along the coast, and there are only two in Da Qin today.

Liu Lian's position is the best, but Liu Lian ran back and forth to deliver messages to Hu Hai, so he definitely couldn't give it out.

The only port left is Xihai County, and Xihai County is the port leading to the mining island.

It cannot be given away.

The remaining places cannot be given away just because Chen Qing opened his mouth.

Merchants are trustworthy but do not keep their word, and they may not be so loyal to the court.

"Chen Qing, otherwise it will be like this."

Li Jiang remembered Ba Qing's information on the Internet in his previous life.

Her name is clear, but her surname is unknown. The main achievement of her name that can be passed down through the ages is that she contributed a large amount of mercury to Ying Zheng.

And the stone tablet symbolizing achievement.

But later on, the stone tablet evolved into a chastity archway, and all its meanings were distorted...

"Your Majesty can erect a merit monument for you, yourself, instead of the Wang family's daughter-in-law, in Kuaiji County."

Li Jiang looked at Chen Qing and said: "In the future, as long as you enter and leave Kuaiji County, everyone will know you, your abilities, your mind, and the business and home you have supported as a woman..."

"In the future, the people of Kuaiji County will be proud of you. Everyone will know that the Chen family has a daughter, Chen Qing, instead of the Wang family having a wife, Wang Shiqing."

[I don’t know about my big pie...]

【Do you want Ba Qing to eat? 】

This glory, or this stone monument, can be seen and touched, but the benefits are indeed very few. All it has is reputation. Compared with the business houses near the sea, it is a world of difference.

Chen Qing was able to refuse to remarry, support the Wang family on her own, and allow the Wang family to be in no way inferior to those imperial merchants even though it was not a royal business. It was because of her ability and her brains.

If the family hadn't objected to her opening the business to coastal areas, perhaps the Wang family would have spread its reputation long ago.

His Majesty's decree stated that if a business name is purchased somewhere, it will take root there.

Unless separated.

Chen Qing finally took the risk to separate the family, so naturally he didn't want to and just stayed in the mine.

Sooner or later, the mine will be hollowed out, and it is not possible to sit on the mountain and take advantage of it.

And His Majesty...will he really let the Wang family own several mines all the time?

This is also the purpose of her coming to see Ying Zheng this time.

People who can understand so many things can naturally understand Li Jiang's words.

You can have any kind of glory you want, even personal glory.

But if you want other merchants to move the location, that's not possible.

Ying Zheng didn't say anything. In his opinion, if the Wang family didn't understand the situation, then he wouldn't mind replacing it with someone who did.

He had no time to waste his limited time over trivial matters. He still wanted to continue planning for Great Qin.

There was also a city wall that hadn't been built yet. If he had time, he might as well look at where to build the wall.

After hearing Li Jiang's words, Chen Qing quickly glanced at His Majesty and the Crown Prince and saw that neither of them had any intention to refute.

Then he knew that the Imperial Master really had the absolute right to speak in the court as rumored.

"It's natural, but I'm a little careless..."

Chen Qing smiled apologetically: "Your Majesty, don't worry, mercury and shark oil..."

"Your Majesty, please don't use the shark oil... The gas produced by the fire is poisonous and can easily suffocate people."

[Even if all the fish in the world were killed to make oil, the light would not be able to sustain it]

"I'm gone. Do I still need to breathe?"

Li Jiang was stunned, haha...

"Your Majesty, that...that gas is not good and can easily dye your body green..."

Not because of the Holy Mother, but because there is absolutely no need to let a species become extinct because of the light that will die out in a few decades.

Of course, if Tang Monk comes, that will be another matter.

Later generations basically know that combustion requires oxygen.

And how could the tomb built by Ying Zheng leak air?

The fire couldn't last long at all.

Why bother?

"Your Majesty, with such financial and material resources, we might as well plan the entire mausoleum and build it with gold..."

"Let's discuss this matter."

Ying Zheng waved his hand and asked Chen Qing to go down first.

He is quite taboo about talking about his posthumous affairs now. In more than a year, he may be dead.

People are contradictory. They want to know the date of their own death, but they also don’t want to know the date of their own death.

This is why Ying Zheng knew that Li Jiang knew everything about ancient and modern times, but he never asked him how long he could live.

"Li Jiang."

After Ying Zheng and others left, he looked at Li Jiang: "You said..."

"If I were to die one day..."

"Bah bah bah!"

Li Jiang was already troubled and lived with his fingers pinched just like Ying Zheng. Now when he heard Ying Zheng say such unlucky words, he quickly sighed three times.

He also grabbed Ying Zheng's hand and touched the table: "Your Majesty, touch the wood quickly, there are no taboos as children say... No, good luck and good fortune, there are no taboos."

Ying Zheng didn't know why, but seeing Li Jiang like this, he suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

It doesn't seem to be that busy anymore.

and so……

"Li Jiang, you said one day...where will I be?"

So, tell me, where did Zhao Gao put me?

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