No matter how others looked down on Gongyang Pu, they thought he was a soft-boiler and a son-in-law.

Ying Zheng will definitely not be able to see him. You must know that His Majesty despises the son-in-law the most.

But no matter what, Ying Yuanman didn't care.

Concubine Zheng was already familiar with the process of getting married. Even Li You took the eldest princess to Afang Palace to attend Yuan Man's wedding.

It has been a custom since ancient times that as long as someone in the family has a wedding, the unmarried people will be urged to get married.

So everyone focused their attention on Prince Fusu.

"The prince must hurry up. Looking at his sisters and sisters, even the young master is engaged. Why isn't the prince in a hurry?"

Zhao Gao walked to Fusu and wiped away his tears emotionally.

"When I saw the princess getting married, I thought of Rongrong getting married in the future..."

Fusu turned his head, looked at Zhao Gao and comforted: "Nothing, I will ask Hu Haiduoduo to take Rongrong to see you..."

When Zhao Gao heard this, he sobbed even harder.

How could it be more sad?

"That's not necessary. The water thrown by the married daughter..."

Zhao Gao muttered: "I miss my daughter, so just go and see my daughter more often..."

There is no need for the young master to come.

Ying Yuanman is the guardian of a county, so naturally he cannot stay in Xianyang for too long.

After the wedding, they will set off back to Liaoxi County.

"Master Li, the method you taught me last time is indeed effective. The land in Liaoxi County is now much fertile."

Ying Yuanman grabbed Li Jiang's hand before leaving: "When you come to Liaoxi County next year, you can eat the food grown in Liaoxi County."

Li Jiang asked people to place all the seeds on Ying Yuanman's carriage: "You can also try to plant the seeds this time. As long as the things planted by the people do not go astray, the taxes of Liaoxi County can be ensured. "

Ying Yuanman got married, and Li Jiang was afraid that Ying Zheng would feel bad.

But she overthinks it... Ying Zheng doesn't have much love between his children.

He quickly devoted himself to government affairs, but Yu Yu looked at Ying Yuanman with envy.

"Don't be envious, it will be the same when you get married..."

Li Jiang joked: "Aunt Li will definitely hold a special wedding for you then."

Yuyu's cheeks were slightly red and he shook his head: "I didn't..."

Li Jiang suddenly said: "Are you envious that she can be an official?"

Speaking of this, she touched Xiaoyu's prickly hair and said, "Don't be envious. When you study hard in the future, you can take the exam and become an official."

"In the future... all the daughters of the common people will be able to study, and they will all be qualified to study and be officials..."

Back at the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion, Li Jiang casually pulled out a notebook from the bookshelf.

Since coming here, she has developed the habit of writing, but the fonts are all simplified characters from later generations.

From what she knew, she studied together with the Mohists and doctors.

I wrote the historical process in the official history using pinyin that I can only understand.

"Alcohol purification, cowpox, the rest..."

Li Jiang murmured: "It would be better if I knew more..."

"No, it would be great if I were Tang Monk..."

Ying Zheng listened to the rustle of Fu Su's memorial, and suddenly his thoughts drifted to what Li Jiang said last time.

He died, where did Zhao Gao put him...

Li Jiang said before joining forces that he would go out on patrol a certain number of times, and those who were on patrol would die.

"Come here, call Zhao Gao."

Just ask Zhao Gao where to install it!

Before Zhao Gao could arrive, word came in from outside that Lu Ze, Lu Pheasant's eldest brother, was back.

"Master Li! Lu Ze is back."

Li Jiang stood up suddenly, great!Glass is coming!

She put the notebook away and put it on the bookshelf before hurriedly walking to Zhengyang Palace.

When I arrived in front of the temple, before I entered, I could faintly hear the voice of a woman talking in the temple.

【Sichuan girl? 】

[This is definitely not from Brother Zheng’s harem! 】

When she walked into the hall and saw the woman standing side by side with Lu Ze, Li Jiang was stunned.

[It’s over, the person I found is actually having an affair! 】

[How should I explain this to Lu Pheasant? 】

[When I first came to Xianyang, I said it was for the sake of the family and my wife and children. Now that I have become rich, I have started having an affair! 】

"Master Li came just in time. The woman next to Lu Ze is a businesswoman from the Sanba area..."

【...What area is this...】

【Which powerful person gave the name...】


Before Ying Zheng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Jiang. He didn't understand what was wrong with the Sanba area.

What's wrong with combining Ba Jun, Badong Jun and Pasir Jun to merge into Samba?

"See Master Li..."

The woman had a respectful look on her face and determination in her eyes: "In Badong County, Chen Qing."

Li Jiang was stunned: "Ba Qing?"

Chen Qing looked confused, but Li Jiang didn't care so much and said a little offended: "Um...sister, are you...a widow..."

Ying Zheng frowned slightly, although Li Jiang's question was really out of tune.

But he also knew that Li Jiang must have his own purpose for asking this question.

Lu Ze didn't express anything. He obeyed and trusted Li Jiang wholeheartedly.

Chen Qing was stunned for a moment, then nodded. There was nothing he couldn't say: "It has been more than ten years since my late husband passed away."

【Sure enough! 】

【It’s Ba Qing! ! !It’s the widow Ba Qing! ! ! 】

[Oh God, I apologize to Ba Qing for my previous words! ! 】

If Ying Zheng is Li Jiang's idol, then Ba Qing is Li Jiang's benchmark.

"Hello, hello, I am Li Jiang, the national advisor of Great Qin."

Li Jiang went over and gave Ba Qing a fist-cup salute.

[This is the first woman to earn honors for women. 】

[This is the person who provided mercury for my brother Zheng’s tomb! 】

[This is the hero who allowed me, Brother Zheng, to sleep underground without being disturbed! 】

[I thought I was dropped by a butterfly because of my arrival. 】

According to official history, Ying Zheng placed wealthy businessmen from all over the city in Xianyang City, so Ba Qing was also included in this list.

But nowadays, the status of businessmen is not that low, and some representatives are elected to serve the royal family.

Naturally, many people who should have appeared in front of Ying Zheng's life did not appear.

Now that Ba Qing appears, how can it not be considered an unexpected surprise!

Chen Qing also didn't expect that the Grand Master of Qin would be so enthusiastic towards her, so enthusiastic that she couldn't resist it.

"The Imperial Preceptor...the Imperial Preceptor is quite hospitable...haha..."

Chen Qing was at a loss for a while when he heard Li Jiang's constant invitations to live in the Imperial Master's Mansion.

Ying Zheng took a look at Ba Qing.

Then he said slowly: "It's okay to stay in the Imperial Master's Mansion for two days. The Imperial Master is responsible for the business affairs. If you want a business in Kuaiji County, you can also talk to the Imperial Master."

Ba Qing also met Lu Ze when he followed his family's caravan to the Western Regions.

Knowing that he was a subordinate of the Imperial Master, he sold a favor and introduced him to a craftsman who knew how to make glass.

Of course, the reward is that I want to meet the Imperial Master and get a position in a business.

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