Who knows, family members? The system was intercepted by the First Emperor.

Chapter 190 Multiple choice questions given by Emperor Qin

Hu Hai is gone, Han Xin is leaving, and even General Lu, who is not a few years older than him, will follow Han Xin and Li Xin to the border to see the world.

Don't mention how sad Lip was.

After Han Xin left, Lipu came in with a slumped head and a depressed look.

"Mom, when will I grow up?"

Lipu yearned for life outside and envied Hu Hai who was only two years older than him and could go out and serve the country.

I envy Han Xin that he can go out to fight and kill the enemy before he is strong enough.

The one I envy the most is Jiang Lu. Obviously Jiang Lu is not as good as Hu Hai, Wu is not as strong as him, and he is not as old as Han Xin. Why can he go out?

"Come on, wait until you memorize Taigong's Art of War, wait until you can compete with General Wang Jian on the sand table without falling behind, wait until you can challenge Zhao Xi and Zhao Tong next to my mother, you will be able to go out."

After hearing what Li Jiang said, Lipu's face suddenly fell.

It turns out that children need so many conditions to grow up.

Hu Hai dispersed everywhere with the scholar, and the place he wanted to go was Liaodong County.

Along the way, you can always hear many storytellers standing on the street telling stories.

It is the story of the Three Emperors.

Even though Hu Hai had already heard this story, unlike Li Guoshi's dry narration, after being exaggerated by the storyteller, it gave people a feeling that all the people in the world are one family.

Even when Hu Hai passed by a county town and heard the storyteller preaching, his eyes would turn red and he would feel infinite emotion in his heart.

Of course, not all the people and all the wealthy people buy it.

Hu Hai followed Zhang Rusheng this time to go to the area of ​​the original Chu State where people's hearts were the most scattered to do ideological work.

Each of these great scholars is outside, and they all represent the status of propaganda ambassadors.

Before the great scholar left, Ying Zheng injected chicken blood for them. Everyone's salary was upgraded by one level, and they were also given the title Li Jiang mentioned.

"promoting ambassador".

Zhang Jiren was originally from the Chu State. Now that he has returned to his hometown with young master Hu Hai, he naturally wants to use his identity to better convince the people of the original Chu State.

After Hu Hai and his party arrived in Kuaiji County, they realized how difficult it would be to do this.

Especially the nobles of Chu State, they closed their doors one after another.

It's not that I'm not feeling well, it's that I'm not in the house and it's not convenient to see guests.

Zhang Jiren no longer has much patience.

If you want to convince others, you don’t have to meet them first.

But Hu Hai doesn't think so. Hu Hai thinks that as long as everyone sees his benevolence, they will be moved by him.

The benevolent is invincible!

So Hu Hai led people to knock on the door every day. If the door was not opened, he would stand in front of the house and loudly persuade them.

He believed that where Jincheng reached, gold and stone would open.

"I am the young master of the Qin State. I am a benevolent person in the world. I am a family member. The king is important but the people are important..."

Standing in front of Yu Gui's Mansion in the former Chu State, Hu Hai ignored the eyes of others and talked eloquently, talking about the foundation of benevolence.

The people passing by were doing nothing of their own business until they stood there and listened to Hu Hai's speech in a daze.

Finally, I heard those inspiring words, fight to be rich for three generations.

Everyone began to make calculations in their minds.

Whether it is Chu or Qin, the lives of the people are the same.

What's more, even if Qin did not destroy the six kingdoms, Qin still welcomed people from all over the world to come to Qin to make a living.

At that time, there were many wastelands in Great Qin. As long as the people of various countries could no longer survive in the original country, they could go to Qin to reclaim a piece of land. From then on, you were the owner of this land and you were a citizen of Great Qin.

In the State of Chu they were common people, and in the State of Qin they were also common people.

What's more, Qin State also has a head-level system, so they still have the opportunity to get rid of their status as common people and be crowned with titles.

The nobles and the original ministers of the Six Kingdoms see things more clearly than the common people.

The people only saw that Emperor Qin treated them equally with the people of Qin.

The ministers and nobles of the original six countries saw more and saw the signal sent by Emperor Qin to them.

Now that Hu Hai is standing here, it explains a lot of problems.

One, Da Qin is going to war again.

Second, Da Qin is ready to use the people and soldiers of these six countries.

Third, the Qin Dynasty may not want to let these remaining nobles go. Not only did they take advantage of the Qin State by pretending to be nobles, but they also despised the Qin State and refused to submit to the Qin State.

Now Emperor Qin gave them a choice. They chose to be loyal to Qin from now on and continue to be their nobles and ministers.

Or choose to continue to be loyal to the old country and wait for Emperor Qin to settle his accounts.

So the nobles and the courtiers had a balance in their hearts.

As for those stories, the stories of the Three Emperors, whether they saw the blond and blue-eyed man, who knows whether they are true or false.

The nobles and courtiers did not open the door to Hu Hai on the first day. Zhang Jiren accompanied Hu Hai and stood in the street talking for a whole day.

The next day when Hu Hai got up, his voice was hoarse. When Zhang Jiren saw this, he wanted to dissuade Hu Hai.

"I am the prince of Great Qin, and I represent the royal family of Great Qin when I go out. I think that since my father sent me here, it is enough to prove my father's expectations for me."

Hu Hai looked at Zhang Jiren with firm eyes: "How can I give up when I encounter some setbacks?"

"I can't live up to my father's expectations of me. I will definitely convince everyone with my kindness."

Zhang Jiren has studied Confucianism since he was a child, but he has to admit that when it comes to benevolence, morality and love, he is not as good as the young master.

He felt ashamed!

So Zhang Jiren and Hu Hai stood in front of the Yugui Mansion and once again began to persuade the people to submit to the Qin Dynasty.

For a month and a half, many people and soldiers in Kuaiji County chose to trust Emperor Qin from the bottom of their hearts.

Even those nobles didn't know whether it was the general trend, they were annoyed by Hu Hai, or they were really impressed by Hu Hai.

They all stood up and threatened to support His Majesty in conquering the barbarians.

Respond to imperial conscription.

Seeing is believing, hearing is not.

Even though Emperor Qin was rumored to be violent and unkind, they believed that an emperor who could cultivate such a kind-hearted character as the young master would not be too cruel or unkind.

Besides, the young master's performance outside has at least conquered many people.

As the saying goes, three years old looks young, seven years old looks old.

They didn't know the character of the rumored kind-hearted eldest son Fusu, but they saw the unknown young master.

"Is there really anyone with blond hair and blue eyes outside?"

The people were all a little suspicious. Looking at Hu Hai, they really couldn't imagine a man with gold-colored hair and blue-green eyes.

Isn't this the legendary monster?

Hu Hai nodded, what the Imperial Master said was correct.

"Yes, the National Master predicted that on the other side of the mountain and on the other side of the sea, there is a group of people with blond hair and blue eyes. They speak words that we cannot understand. They are different from us. Their ancestors are not the Three Emperors. But we are a family and the descendants of the Three Emperors!"

Three months after Hu Hai and Zhang Jiren stayed in Kuaiji County, memorials from great scholars from all over the Qin Kingdom were sent to Xianyang one after another.

After receiving the memorials from the great scholars, Ying Zheng ordered to send troops to attack North Korea.

In 219 BC, Qin Shihuang sent Zhao Tuo, Li Xin, and Han Xin to attack North Korea with General Lu and Ivan the Great.

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