Lipu stood beside him anxiously.

"Auntie, look at you, you said that again!"

Li Jiang stopped teasing him. Really, this kid is growing up fast. A year ago, he was riding a pig around the palace, but now he doesn't ride a pig anymore.

If you don't tease it, it will grow up and become boring.

"Okay, okay, tell me, what happened again?"

"Auntie, I want to go out with the young master, okay?"

Li Jiang turned his gaze to Li Pu: "No. You haven't even memorized the Analects of Confucius until now. What are you going to do to convince others?"

"Then can I go on an expedition with Brother Han?"

"Going out?"

Li Jiang was stunned: "Han Xin wants to go out?"

Lipu nodded, his eyes filled with envy: "Yes, the young master is also going out to serve the country, and Brother Han is going to go on an expedition with General Li Xin, and even the generals have been sent out."

Speaking of this, he was a little envious: "Obviously the young master is as tall as me, why can he go out? Is it because your majesty is not my father?"

"You bastard, what did you say?"

Li Jiang pinched Lip Pu's cheek angrily.

"My young master is familiar with the teachings of Confucius and Mencius. You can't memorize anything now. Why are you going out?"

However, Li Jiang did not expect that both Jiang Lu and Han Xin and Zhao Xin would be sent out.

Sure enough, when he went to court again, Ying Zheng told the story about Hu Hai traveling with the great scholars. The great scholars all praised Ying Zheng for loving his people like a son.

Before setting off, Ying Zheng and his courtiers escorted Da Ru and Hu Hai out of Xianyang Palace.

The great scholars and Hu Hai standing in front of Xianyang Palace looked at Xianyang Palace and Ying Zheng.

At the same time, raise your right hand and make a fist.

"Fight once, and you will be rich for three generations. Only by working hard can you not be defeated!"

“If you want to succeed, you must go crazy first and rush forward regardless of everything!”

"Today we go to the battlefield, and tomorrow we will enter the officialdom!"

Li Jiang looked at this spectacular scene with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

But no matter what, everyone present except Li Jiang felt excited.

After sending Hu Hai away, Chunyu Yue was completely free and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

It didn't take long for the story of the Three Emperors written by Li Jiang to be widely circulated in the Qin Dynasty.

Li Jiang even went to Ying Zheng to decide on the slogan for Big Ivan's launch.

After all, the Qin Kingdom has its destiny, so this great Ivan naturally has to have a slogan.

"Everything in the world is the imperial land, and the shores of the land are all the imperial ministers. A strong wind is rising!"

As soon as these words came out, Ying Zheng was in a very emotional mood, and both Ying Zheng and the court officials could understand the first half of the sentence.

This sentence comes from "Beishan" in Xiaoya and Gu Fengzhi's "The Book of Songs of the Pre-Qin Dynasty", but what does the following sentence "The Strong Wind Rises" mean?

"Does this strong wind have any special meaning?"

Ying Zheng asked in confusion.

"The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying. No one is as strong as I, Da Qin!"

Li Jiang looked at Ying Zheng: "How is it? Your Majesty, are you domineering or not? How about this being the charge slogan of the soldiers?"

"Not bad!"

Ying Zheng nodded. While using Great Ivan, he could also declare his supreme status as Great Qin!

The great scholars began to take action, and Ying Zheng also began to prepare to send troops to attack North Korea.

Just like Li Jiang said, if North Korea is defeated, there will no longer be any need to send troops to garrison that area.

After attacking North Korea this time, Ying Zheng wanted to attack Donghu. What a bitter cold, not bitter cold.

I would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

Hu Ye, the one who destroyed the Qin Dynasty, no matter it is Hu Hai or Dong Hu, this time, no one can think of betraying him!

"Wang Ben, you and Meng Tian will lead the 40 troops stationed at the border to attack Donghu."

"His Majesty."

Wang Jian frowned and stood up to object: "Your Majesty has already ordered the attack on North Korea, why are you so eager to attack Donghu?"

"If we attack Donghu, we will inevitably send troops to guard the border. If Fuyu and the Xiongnu unite, Daqin may not be able to defend it."

Wang Jian pointed at the updated map behind Ying Zheng and said.

"Even if Da Qin has Da Iwan, it will still need hundreds of thousands of people to guard the border."

The courtiers' eyes also fell on the map behind Ying Zheng.

No one understands why His Majesty is so anxious.Fight Donghu.

To be honest, even if His Majesty sends people out to fight North Korea, they don't agree.

But Ying Zheng was too afraid, too afraid of the empire he had conquered, but he gave it to others in just ten years.

"His Majesty."

Li Jiang stood up and looked at the map she had presented to Ying Zheng. It had been enlarged several times by someone and hung on the wall behind Ying Zheng's dragon chair.

"Your Majesty, why not attack South Vietnam and push all the way south. All the way to the bottom island."

Li Jiang looked at Yunnan, Myanmar and other places. They should be all woods now. This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but Ivan the Great is there.

Just crush them with force.

Moreover, there are rubber trees in this place. With rubber, it will bring great convenience to the development of the Qin Dynasty.

But the only thing we need to worry about is that there are a lot of poisonous insects in this place.

There are particularly many people in Gayaozi.

Requires extra attention.

Ying Zheng listened to Li Jiang's thoughts and looked at the island below. It was so small and incomparable to the land of Donghu, Xiongnu, and Xiqiang.

In the past, he always thought that Da Qin was very big, but now he saw that Da Qin was still just a part of this map.

As for what Li Jiang is worried about...

Ying Zheng said that after returning from Huang Shigong, he asked Meng Yi to find the descendants of various schools of thought.

Whether it is a medical family, a Mohist family, a farmer's family, a military family, etc., the Yin and Yang family.As long as they are descendants of hundreds of families, they will be brought to Xianyang City.

Especially doctors, they must invite people here, even if they are tied up, they must be tied up!

At that time, let alone Li Jiang's problem, even attacking the so-called Burma and Laos will not be a problem!

"I'll think about it again."

Ying Zheng glanced at this map. Don't worry, he will turn one place after another into the territory of his Great Qin!

The first battle begins with the recovery of Jizi North Korea!

After leaving the court, Han Xin came to Bushou Palace to say goodbye to Lipu.

"Pudi, please wait for my brother's triumphant return!"

He was very excited about this expedition, and he was going on an expedition with a general like Li Xin.

"Okay! When Brother Han returns home in triumph, Pu Di will pour wine for Brother Han to celebrate!"

Li Jiang looked at the five-year-old child and started pouring wine, feeling funny in his heart.

Han Xin's gaze shifted from Lip Pu's face to the pig pen next to Bu Shou Palace.

"When the time comes, it will be great if Pu Di can treat Brother Wei to a whole pig feast."

Lip Pu and Li Jiang followed Han Xin's gaze and saw that the fat red pig was still grunting in the pig pen, unaware that Han Xin had already set his sights on it.


Lipu stood in front of Red Pig: "No, this is my favorite horse. Brother Han, if you do this, I will not recognize you as my brother!"

Sure enough, the boat of friendship is too small to carry the weight of a pig.

I just don’t know if His Majesty’s sending Zhao Tuo out this time will be able to suppress these two extremely confident Han Xin, Li Xin and Jianlu.

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