Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 16 The Japanese have very deep tricks

Chapter 16 The Japanese have very deep tricks

"Minister Zhang, I came to visit you this time specifically to apologize to you."

"Before you came to visit the capital, I was not in a good mood because I had just broken up with my girlfriend, and my tone of voice was a bit harsh. You sir have a lot of money, and the prime minister has a lot of money. Please don't be like me."

"During this period, I have come out of the shadow of broken love and realized that my previous attitude was really inappropriate."

"As a professional, it is wrong of me to bring my personal emotions to work."

"It's extremely disrespectful for you to bear my emotions for no reason."

"After this lesson, I deeply realized my shortcomings."

"Anyway, I deeply apologize for the time I lost my temper and rushed at you. I realize that my actions were unreasonable, and I will work hard to control my emotions and avoid similar situations from happening again. I hope you can forgive me for my impulsiveness. , and continue to work with me."

Listening to Xu Dacheng's words, Zhang Fugui had no expression on his face, but he was smiling in his heart.

He has finally experienced Party A's father's addiction.

As the director of the purchasing and sales department, it is not that he has never enjoyed the treatment of Party A, but this time it is different.

On the one hand, the other party was an employee of Schuler, the leader in the stamping equipment industry, and on the other hand, the other party had humiliated him before.

Now he is apologizing in a low voice, his attitude is extremely sincere.

Well, although it may be superficial, it’s still very cool.

It's like a twisted melon. Although it's not necessarily sweet, it quenches your thirst.

Because I am not sure whether I will buy equipment from Schuler again in the future, I am also worried that if I keep looking for Aida, I will be manipulated by others.

Therefore, Zhang Fugui did not push himself too far.

"Manager Xu, you're welcome. Schuler presses have their own ordering process and cycle, and we fully understand that. We were forcing others to do something difficult before."

"I believe that the cooperative relationship between the two parties will reach a higher level in the future."

Zhang Fugui casually exchanged a few words with Xu Dacheng and ended the meeting.

However, if such a story is not well shared with everyone, it will obviously not be enjoyable enough.

Zhang Fugui, who felt that he could still make use of the waste, deliberately told the Aida stamping people about this matter as a joke when they invited him to dinner.

"Liu Sang, from now on, you must pay attention to your speech when communicating with various customers. You should also pay more attention to the news of Nanshan Auto Parts Factory and come to visit their contacts regularly."

Kato Ichiro also obtained some useful information from Zhang Fugui's jokes.

Dinners have always had a meaning. In addition to communicating feelings, obtaining information is also a very important reason.

"Minister Kato, Schuler actually came over to apologize to Nanshan. It seems that he wants to get their orders in the future. However, Nanshan has already ordered so many presses, and there should be no need to add equipment in a short time. Bar?"

Liu Wenfei felt in his heart that his minister was too cautious.

According to his speculation, in the next three years, Nanshan Auto Parts Factory will have no need for additional equipment.

Even the equipment ordered now will most likely remain idle.

"No, I have completely different views from you. I have visited many stamping manufacturers in the past few years. I can independently design and make a 600-ton PRG mold, and it is also a difficult mold like a nut plate. The strength of Nanshan Auto Parts Factory Not to be underestimated.”

“There’s a reason VW makes so many nut plates for them.”

"With Nanshan's technology, they can produce large quantities of stamped parts on the car body at any time. The mold design of these parts is much simpler than that of nut plates."

"Once they do this, they will need more than just a few 600-ton PRGs. Especially to make large car body skeleton parts, a 1500-ton TRF multi-station stamping machine or even a 3000-ton PRG will be needed. , this is the strength of our Aida stamping.”

Kato Ichiro is obviously full of expectations for Nanshan Auto Parts Factory.

I have to say that these Japanese people are very capable of intelligence collection and analysis.

Schuler was mistaken at first, but Aida was keenly aware that the future of Nanshan Auto Parts Factory was bright.

"Minister, you are really amazing. You are able to analyze so many things from such simple information. I will need to learn more from you in the future."

Liu Wenfei was flattering and flattering.

I have no choice but to use people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

What's the point of sucking up?

I am not Kong Yiji, so I won’t lose control of my figure just because I have read a few more years of books.

"Originally, I was thinking about making a lot of money from them on after-sales accessories, but now it seems that I have to wait a while and wait and see what happens later."

As soon as Kato Ichiro said these words, Liu Wenfei immediately felt that he had more to learn.

In business, can the routine be so deep?

It's like an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another.

"The quality of our presses has always been very good. There won't be any problems easily. We only need daily maintenance. After-sales accessories shouldn't make much money, right?"

Seeing that Kato Ichiro was very willing to share his unique experience with him today, Liu Wenfei also gave full play to his enthusiasm.

No one will teach you this kind of thing.

If you completely rely on yourself to explore, people with poor comprehension may not be able to figure it out for the rest of their lives.

"Liu Sang, you don't understand this."

"The quality of our equipment is good and generally won't break down, but you can still make a lot of money with daily maintenance parts."

"You have to know that our contract states very clearly that all maintenance and repairs require the use of Aida original parts. If they fail to do so, then we will not be responsible for the warranty."

"Once something goes wrong, no one at the Nanshan Auto Parts Factory can afford to take responsibility, and no one is willing to take the responsibility, so they can only buy after-sales parts from us."

"Even if it's a bolt, we can sell it for 1000 yuan each and replace it with dozens of bolts, making a profit of tens of thousands of yuan."

"Of course, I'm just giving an example, but that's what it means."

Kato Ichiro's words once again refreshed Liu Wenfei's understanding.

Can equipment be sold like this?

"If a bolt sells for 1000 yuan, Nanshan Auto Parts Factory shouldn't accept it, right?"

"All after-sales parts must be specially customized. As you know, it is normal for customized products to be more expensive. If Nanshan Auto Parts Factory does not accept it, you can choose to buy the parts yourself, maintain them yourself, and Choose to waive the warranty."

Kato Ichiro spread his hands, but there was a smile on his face.

Although this trick has not yet been used at Nanshan Auto Parts Factory, he has already practiced it with other customers.

Effect of the bar!

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