Revitalize Uchiha from Genshin

Chapter 14 The turbulent Xiangling

"Xiang Ling, give me a piece of grilled tiger fish, Wanmintang boiled fish, and another piece of spicy meat steamed bun."

"Ah? Okay!" Xiang Ling and Guo Ba, who were cooking seriously, were stunned for a moment when they heard the menu, and then a bright smile appeared on their faces, because this diner said Among the three dishes ordered, there happened to be one dish that they both liked the most.

Naturally, the dishes that Yu Cheng ordered were not random. Wanmintang boiled fish is Xiangling's specialty, and spicy pork steamed buns are the dishes that bonded the rice crispy rice and Xiangling.

When Xiangling and Guoba came to Yucheng's table with freshly cooked boiled fish and spicy pork steamed buns, Xiangling looked at Yucheng specifically, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Yu Cheng was a little confused by her behavior, so he asked: "Is there anything strange about my face?"

"No, no, no, that's not the case. I just feel a little strange. I saw that you called me by my name and my specialty dishes. I thought you were a regular customer, but I don't seem to have any impression of you."

"This is my first time coming to Wanmin Hall, and also my first time coming to Liyue. It would be strange if you knew me, but I have heard of your name for a long time."

"Ah? Has my fame spread abroad? Hehe, I suddenly feel a little embarrassed. Sir, you know my name, but I don't know yours. It seems a little unfair."

"My name is Uchiha Miyagi, you can just call me Miyagi. I'm from Inazuma."

"Hello Yucheng, I'm Xiangling, and this is Guoba. Nice to meet you. By the way, this Wanmintang boiled fish is very spicy. Please be careful. You eat first. I'll go back to cooking." After saying that, he returned to the stove in a hurry and continued to cook the next dish.

Just when Guo Ba saw this and wanted to follow him, Yu Cheng stopped Guo Ba, picked up a steamed bun on the table, filled the inner core of the steamed bun with freshly cooked spicy meat and vegetables, and handed it to Guo Ba.

Guo Ba happily took the wowotou, then jumped back to Xiang Ling and continued to help.

Wanmintang boiled fish is actually the boiled fish fillet of Sichuan cuisine in the previous life, but Xiangling creatively added certain ingredients to make the dish look redder, the taste more complex, and it tastes hearty and satisfying.

With the help of three bowls of white rice, Yu Cheng finished the dish with sweat on his face, and his lips turned a charming fiery red color due to the spicy taste, which made some female diners want this lipstick color.

However, because he ate too much rice, there were still a few steamed buns left unfinished. Yu Cheng did not waste them and packed them directly into his arms. The cold steamed buns themselves were a very good dry food, and they were fragrant back then. It was because Ling carried two spicy pork steamed buns with him that he became associated with Guoba.

Three large meat dishes, the total is less than [-] molara. Manmintang is worthy of being Manmintang. It focuses on a people-friendly route and the taste is very delicious. It uses ordinary ingredients to make extraordinary food, which is indeed Xiangling's characteristics. .

Just when Yu Cheng finished paying the bill and was about to leave, Xiang Ling in the store stopped him, then rushed out, put her hands on her hips and said, "How is it? Is the food still to your liking?"

"It tastes very good, but I feel like I overestimated my ability to eat spicy food. You can see my mouth is swollen, but I still can't help but want to continue eating. It's so satisfying."

"Hahaha, this is the charm of this dish. Your ability to eat spicy food is pretty good. Some people just taste it and find it unbearable. It is also for this reason that not many people make this dish. You can eat spicy food. People who like it like it very much, and people who can't eat spicy food are very upset about it.

Speaking of spicy food, my dish actually just added some Jueyun pepper powder. I once saw a person who was a big spicy eater feel that the dish was too spicy and lacked flavor, so he chewed the whole Jueyun pepper. Yunjiaojiao is really amazing. "

Xiang Ling's words reminded Yu Cheng of a person, Ning Guang's special intelligence officer, Ye Lan. She should be the only one who could chew an entire Jueyun pepper without changing her face.

Speaking of Yelan, did I just pass by the nearby Yanshang Teahouse?

"Is there anyone who is so good at eating spicy food? If you have a chance to introduce him to me, I would also like to meet him."

"Okay, but you have to be careful when communicating with that diner. I don't think she is like an ordinary person. Well, let's talk about it then. By the way, Yu Cheng, do you have any plans after eating?"

"Ah? I just came to Liyue and want to go shopping in Liyue."

"That's it, great. I'm going to look for some ingredients near Liyue in the afternoon. How about I be your guide? I happen to be very interested in foreign ingredients. I'll take you around Liyue. Tell me. How about foreign ingredients?"

"Ah? But Wanmintang's business..."

"Now that the meal is over, it's not too busy. Besides, isn't my dad still here? It's okay. I often go out to look for ingredients and new cooking methods. Dad! I'm going out, Guo Ba, follow me !”

Xiangling didn't care about Master Mao's answer at all, and directly pulled Yucheng and left Wanmintang, while Guoba followed closely behind, calling out la la la, apparently wanting Xiang Ling to wait for it.

For such a lively girl with a bad social attitude, it was really hard for Yu Cheng to refuse her invitation. Although he was a little speechless that he had to run out of Liyue just after returning to Liyue today, but he had nothing to do. , it would be nice to get more familiar with Liyue.

If you want to take in the beautiful scenery of Liyue Port, there is no better place than the top of Tianheng Mountain. Tianheng Mountain, as the natural shield of Liyue Port, blocks the invasion of most monsters and is a sacred mountain in the hearts of the people of Liyue.When Xiangling learned that Yu Cheng had never been to Tianheng Mountain, she immediately placed the first purpose of her trip on Tianheng Mountain.

On the way, Xiangling asked with great interest: "Yucheng, are there any specialties in Daoji that are different from those in Liyue?"

"Daddy wife, seaweed, sea ganoderma, and sea rice, these are quite special, oh, and there is also guava, which is hard to swallow when eaten raw, but it is delicious after roasting. I don't know if it should be regarded as a kind of food. Growing a fruit is still a vegetable.”

"It sounds very interesting. The unknown ingredients are so tempting. I will also go to Inazuma in the future."

"Daowu is a very scary country now. The whole country is in a very depressing atmosphere. Under the policy of national lockdown, outside countries cannot enter and the citizens inside cannot get out. Looking at this situation, war is on the horizon. It’s inevitable.”

"Ah? Why is this like this? It seems that I can only go to Mondstadt first. As for Ina Wife, let's wait until the lockdown order is lifted."

"Mond? What are you doing in Mondstadt?"

"I heard that the meat of wild boars in Qingquan Town in Mondstadt is very good. I want to see if it is true. If it is true, I want to introduce this kind of wild boar to Liyue and let the people in Liyue have a taste. "

"Speaking of wild boar meat in Mondstadt, I heard that there is a more precious kind of meat in the Longji Snow Mountain in Mondstadt called [cold fresh meat]. It belongs to a wild boar species that became extinct hundreds of years ago. Due to the extreme conditions of the Longji Snow Mountain, The weather is such that the wild boar is completely frozen. Even though hundreds of years have passed, the meat is still fresh. For the gourmets of Teyvat, it is a sacred and divine ingredient."

"Wow, there is such an ingredient. It's great. No, no, no. I don't want to wait for a moment longer. I have to go to Mondstadt immediately. Yucheng, thank you for telling me this news. When I find what you said [ Cold fresh meat] Please try it."

The furious Xiang Ling left the dumbfounded Yu Cheng behind. Guo Ba sighed helplessly when he saw this. After saying hello to Yu Cheng, he hurriedly chased after Xiang Ling.

Just when Xiangling was heading to Mondstadt, a blond girl happened to catch a white flying emergency food from the sea.

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