Revitalize Uchiha from Genshin

Chapter 13 Manmin Hall

Yu Cheng and Qiqi, who left Wangshu Inn, finally returned to Liyue Port on the morning of the next day.

This medicinal gathering trip in Jueyunjian, thanks to the help of Gan Yu, greatly improved the efficiency. It only took five days to return smoothly.

Originally, Bai Shu was surprised when he saw the two of them coming back so soon, thinking that something bad happened to them along the way. After all, this time there was an inexperienced newcomer next to Qi Qi, and it would be okay if he encountered some setbacks along the way. normal.

However, Yu Cheng and Qiqi not only escaped unscathed, but also brought back an unexpected amount of medicinal materials. This efficiency surprised Baizhu, and he quickly asked them about their medicinal collection process.

Yu Cheng only explained that he happened to meet senior Gan Yu near Huaguang Forest and gained so much with her help, but he did not explain why Gan Yu helped him.When Bai Shu heard that it was Gan Yu who came to help, he felt relieved.

Yu Cheng picked out 100 Qingxin flowers and 40 glazed plants from his medicine basket and handed them to Baizhu, thus announcing that the medical fee he owed Bu Bu Lu had been completely paid off. As for the remaining medicinal materials, Baizhu He purchased the medicinal materials at Bubulu's normal price and paid Yucheng's hard work fee of 12 molas.

It is precisely because of this cooperation with Qiqi that Yu Cheng's identity has changed from a temporary herb collector to a herb collector dedicated to Bubu Lu.

This means that in the future, the medicinal materials picked by Yucheng can only be sold to Bubulu, and Bubulu will purchase them at a price that is [-]% lower than the market price. In contrast, Bubulu will need to pay Yucun extra every month. He paid the city a hard-earned fee and provided accommodation for the imperial city.

The work content of the herb collectors is naturally to collect herbs, but the growth of medicinal materials requires a cycle. During the season when there are no medicinal materials to pick, the herb collectors have no income. But with this contract signed with Bubulu, even if they are not alive While working, Yu Cheng can also get a minimum salary that is enough to survive.

Since then, Yucheng has been able to completely establish itself in Liyue Port, and the task of collecting herbs to repay debts has been completed.

However, just after this novice task was completed, a new task popped up.

[Ding!A man born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time under human beings?As the only bloodline of the Uchiha family in Teyvat, how can you not have a residence of your own?

Please own an independent property in Liyue within half a year. (Note: From Qunyu Pavilion to the dilapidated thatched cottages outside the city, the higher the value of the property you own, the more generous the task rewards you will receive.)]

This new task focuses on uncertainty. It is not difficult to complete this task. If you just want to complete the task, then go to the wild to find an open space to build a thatched house, and then go to the General Affairs Department to have it notarized. It can be done, but in this case, it will be a complete waste of the good things given by the system.

The [Advanced Skill Mastery Book] obtained from the previous debt repayment mission can improve one's own skills regardless of the conditions. Therefore, Micheng decisively used it on the Sharingan, successfully upgrading the double magatama sharingan into a triple magatama. Sharingan, eye skills have been significantly improved.

Compared with other chakra refining, escape techniques, and taijutsu, the improvement of these aspects only requires hard work, but the improvement of the Sharingan requires experiencing significant pain. You must first understand love, and then lose the one you love.

Especially when upgrading from the Three Magatama Sharingan to the Mangekyo Sharingan, you basically have to lose the person you love most before you have a chance to awaken. This abnormal level of improvement is not something that Mikado can easily improve if he wants to. Even if he could be promoted, Yu Cheng didn't want to experience this kind of pain.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to use bug-level items given by the system to complete this step.

Therefore, since the reward of the task is directly linked to the value of the real estate, then I need to try my best to make money within half a year. As for the Qunyu Pavilion mentioned in the task limit, Yucheng will not consider it. That is Tianquan Xingning Guang's workplace and residence is a landmark building in Liyue, how could it be sold to him?

Huh?No, Yu Cheng, who was familiar with the direction of the future plot, looked at the Qunyu Pavilion that was suspended in the sky and fell into deep thought. Half a year?There is enough time, it seems, it seems, there is indeed an explanation, but it is not very safe and can only be used as a backup plan.

After Yu Cheng came out of Bu Bu Lu, she first decided to take a good tour of the city of Liyue. As for Qiqi, as a medicine collector from Bu Bu Lu, her job also included boiling the medicinal materials she had picked before. Naturally, she only Can stay in Bubulu.

Liyue is a typical port and commercial city. Due to the thousand years of fighting between demons and gods, the mulberry fields were destroyed. For the development of Liyue, people vigorously developed handicrafts and commerce.

In addition, Emperor Yan Wang is also the god of contracts, and the concept of "those who break their promises shall be punished by eating rocks" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No one dares to be careful about contracts under the eyes of Emperor Yan Wang. Liyue's business The environment is extremely friendly.

After 3000 years of development, Liyue's business has been unprecedentedly prosperous, and Liyue Port has become the first port in Teyvat. High-quality mineral resources and jewelry are sold overseas, supporting Liyue's huge financial expenditure.

When Yu Cheng actually walked on the streets of Liyue, he truly realized that the huge vitality contained in this city was far beyond what a remote small village like Konoha could compare with. It had a strong market atmosphere and workers were doing their own thing. The merchants were shouting with all their strength, the Qianyan Army was patrolling carefully, and the children were laughing and laughing, making Yu Cheng feel a rare sense of relaxation.

Unknowingly, Yu Cheng smelled a fragrance, and then noticed that he had walked between Xinyue Xuan and Liuli Pavilion. At this time, he had already reached the dining room. These two most famous high-end restaurants in Liyue have been serving each other since ancient times. The fight never stopped, and it even escalated from a fight between two restaurants into a factional fight between two chefs.

Neither of them is convinced by the other, and the taste of the dishes is also different. It is difficult to distinguish the winner. Due to the large number of wealthy businessmen in Liyue, these two restaurants have become the preferred entertainment places for Liyue people. They are tasteful, stylish and delicious. It's also first-class, and of course not cheap.

However, Yu Cheng bumped Maura in his pocket and felt that he was short of money. At this time, Yu Cheng thought of another restaurant that was more suitable for him.

I saw Yu Cheng walking past Xinyue Pavilion and Liuli Pavilion without looking back, and went straight to Eat Tiger Rock.

When Yu Cheng saw the signboard of [Wan Min Tang], he could already smell a stronger aroma and spicier taste. Seeing this, Yu Cheng smiled even brighter.

Taking a closer look, I found that [Wanmin Hall] was already full of guests, most of whom were workers working at the dock. I saw a beautiful and energetic figure waving a large spoon vigorously on the stove. The fiery red spoon on her waist The eyes of God seemed to declare that this girl was extraordinary.

And there was a mysterious creature beside her, which looked like a bear and a doll. However, the creature was constantly spitting fire into the stove, so you knew it was not ordinary.

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