Feeling the bumps beneath his body, Sammy's tense spirit finally relaxed.

After using his remaining consciousness to order King Barbarian Dragon to find Luffy quickly, he finally couldn't hold on and passed out.

The King Barbarian Dragon raised his head and smelled the scent in the air carefully, and quickly locked on Luffy.


Just scream and start immediately.

The huge monster weighing 9.3 tons will definitely cause the earth to tremble violently once it runs at full speed.

It was absolutely impossible for such a violent movement not to attract attention.

So within a few seconds, the huge size of the wild dragon was immediately discovered.

"Afraid of dinosaurs?"

"Are you kidding? This is not the ancient times!"

"It's too, too scary! Notify the Navy!"

Even if the King Barbarian Dragon is just on his way in earnest, the first thing that anyone who sees him must think of is - this guy is not coming for me, is he?

Then someone screamed.

"Eating people!"

This voice was both shrill and terrifying, and it immediately infected everyone with fear.

Then, the already shaky crowd immediately avalanched, and everyone screamed and fled in all directions.

Just like that, something like a scene from a monster movie appeared strangely, with the king dragon chasing behind and the panicked crowd running in front.

More and more people were screaming, and the chaotic screams made the King Savage Dragon very impatient.

In order to avoid this group of annoying little ants, it suddenly jumped to another street.

Then caused panic in another street.

"Navy! Why hasn't the navy come yet?"

"Where's Colonel Smoker?"

"At the execution platform! It is said that Straw Hat Luffy, who has a bounty of 3500 million beli, is being arrested."

"3500 million Baileys! Oh my god! Why are there two monsters appearing in Rogge Town at the same time!"


With a high-pitched roar, King Barbarian Dragon finally arrived at the place where Luffy was - under the execution platform in the huge square.

At this time, the square was crowded with people, people crowded around the execution platform and stared at it closely.

He didn't even notice that a huge dinosaur broke into this place.

"I'm the man who wants to be the One Piece!"

On the execution platform, facing his imminent death and his life that was about to end, Luffy shouted these words loudly.

Then, he showed his usual hearty smile.

The whole square was dead silent.

Both the ordinary spectators and Zoro and Sanji who had just arrived were shocked and speechless by this scene.

It was the experienced Bucky who reacted first. He sneered and said: "Straw Hat boy, I didn't expect you to be so stubborn when you are about to die. I really admire your courage! But your life is over here!"

The long sword raised high slashed down fiercely!

Zoro and Sanji were shocked and tried to rescue them, but it was too late!

The rain is pouring down!

In an instant, a rough thunder flashed across the sky, and it hit the execution platform impartially!

A plank fell!

The blue flame ignited instantly!



The towering execution platform collapsed instantly!

Under the eyes of everyone as if looking up to gods, Luffy calmly got up from the ground.

Then he picked up the straw hat that fell on the ground and put it on his head.


He put up an awning with his hands and cheered in surprise: "Wow! Dinosaur!"


"That's not the point, isn't it!" Sanji complained, eyes wide.

"You're such a big-hearted kid!" Zoro was also shocked by the nervous Luffy.

"Hahahaha! Zoro, Sanji, you are here too!"

"We've already been there, okay!"

"Really? Hahahaha."

"Stop laughing, idiot!" Sanji tapped Luffy's head with his foot, making a clicking sound.

Sauron looked around and suddenly saw that this dinosaur looked familiar.

After taking a closer look, I immediately spotted the unconscious Sammy on the back of the dinosaur.

"Look, Sammy is on the dinosaur's back. He seems to be injured."

"What?" Luffy immediately became nervous and stretched out his arms to wrap around the king's wild dragon's neck, with a swing swinging on its back.

"Hey, Sammy, are you okay?" He squatted down and reached out to help Sammy's body.

As a result, I touched my hands full of blood.

"Ah! Sammy! You don't want to die!" Luffy collapsed immediately, and his body kept shaking while holding Sammy.

Poor Sammy's body was shaking like a rag in the wind.

"Idiot, do you want to kill him?" Sanji rushed over and kicked Luffy away, immediately becoming Sami's savior.

"Sanji! Sammy is dead! Sammy is dead!" Luffy cried as he collapsed, like a child who had lost his mother.

"He's not dead yet, he's just unconscious!" Sanji felt Sammy's pulse and found that although it was weak, it had not disappeared, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Zoro frowned and said, "Who can actually hurt Sami like this?"

"I don't know, no matter who it is, that person must be ridiculously strong!"

As the two most powerful members of the Straw Hats, Soshan is well aware of Sami's strength.Looking at the entire East China Sea, it was impossible for anyone to hurt Sami like this.

After all, with Sammy's speed, he can easily escape even if he can't be beaten.

Zoro frowned and said, "He is too seriously injured and must be bandaged and treated immediately."

"Well, the navy has probably known about the news just now. We'd better return to the Merry immediately."

"But it's easy for us to go back. What should we do with this big guy? We can't just leave it here, right?"

He was talking about the king of beasts at his feet.

"What a headache. This guy should only listen to Sammy's orders. Now that his master is unconscious, no one can command him."

The situation was urgent, and the two people just looked at each other and immediately agreed.

The most important thing at this time is to save people. Since this big guy can't follow him, he can only leave him here.

"Luffy, we need to get back to the Merry immediately."

"Got it." Luffy replied simply, reaching out and patting the dinosaur's head under his butt, "Come on! Let's go back to the Merry!"

Then, Sanji and Zoro immediately felt the big thing under their feet move.

"Could it be that……"

"No way?"

Under the surprised looks of the two people, King Barbarian Dragon actually moved quickly towards the Meili under Luffy's order.


"Hey! How can you command it?" Sanji asked eagerly.

"Hmm~~" Luffy held his chin and frowned, thinking for a few seconds before giving the simplest answer, "I'm preaching!"

"Uh..." Sanji was speechless.

Zoro shook his head and said: "Forget it, it's useless to ask this guy. In short, it's a good thing."

Luffy laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, that's right!"

While the three people were chatting, the King Savage Dragon was moving forward in large strides.

The wind was blowing along the way, and soon we saw the tall mast of the Merry.

"Huh? What is that?" Sharp-eyed Sanji first noticed something was wrong.

A group of fully armed navy soldiers were arrayed on the road ahead.

A tall man with two cigars in his mouth was standing next to a motorcycle, watching them coldly.

This group of marines was so large that they blocked the road leading to the port.

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