Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 53 A clever plan to escape

"Damn it, at least a few ribs were broken!" Sammy clutched his chest, a sharp pain piercing his forehead from his chest, so painful that he almost couldn't breathe.

But the pursuers behind him kept chasing him, so he didn't dare to stop and rest for a moment.

"Made, you are at a big disadvantage now!"

Originally, half of the reason why he dared to barge in alone was because he knew that the other party would not see the domineering behavior.

So as long as you hide carefully, there is a high chance that you will not be discovered.

But who would have thought that the other party would be so alert, and that he would be seriously injured just by not paying attention!

The Don Quixote family certainly lived up to its reputation.

This Rao G only has a bounty of 6100 million Baileys in name, and he doesn't even know three colors of Haki, but his actual ability is definitely not bad.

It can only be said that Brother Ming, as an ambitious conspirator, knows how to hide his strength.

The Don Quixote Pirates were such a large force, a force at the level of the Shichibukai, but none of the top officials had a bounty of over [-] million.

Totally unreasonable!

Sami guessed that, on the one hand, it was because the Shichibukai Association was stopped by the navy, so the bounty under Ming Ge had never been increased; on the other hand, this was also the result of Ming Ge deliberately hiding it.

After all, what that guy advocates is making a fortune silently.


A strong gust of wind came from behind, and Sammy rolled over without saying a word. As a result, he couldn't brake quickly enough and hit a pile of boxes next to him.

The box shattered with a bang, and all kinds of guns and cannons inside were scattered on the floor. In addition, there were many medicine bottles containing unknown liquids.

This should be a warehouse, with all kinds of cargo boxes piled up everywhere.

Sammy got up from the ground with difficulty and spit out another mouthful of blood.

At this moment, more than a dozen people from the other side had already gathered around Sami.

When a woman dressed as a clerk saw the goods scattered on the floor, she immediately complained to Rao G.

"Mr. Rao, please be careful and don't destroy the goods we worked so hard to bring from the New World!"

"Sorry, sorry, as an old man, I sometimes can't see clearly."

Rao G apologized without sincerity, and quickly turned his head to Sami, "May I ask how this little mouse sneaked in?"

Sami was very uncomfortable with the other party's way of speaking with honorifics even when swearing, so he was stunned for a long time without replying a word.

Rao G thought that Sami was a spy from some force, but now he was keeping his mouth shut, and veins popped up on his face in anger.

"Since you didn't tell me, don't blame me for being rude. You are as stupid as a pig to dare to offend the Don Quixote family."

"Low Pain Pose!"

Rao G suddenly bent down, as if his back pain had returned, his whole body was shaking slightly, and his expression looked like he was constipated.


The huge impact force made Sami like a bowling ball, severely collapsing several stacks of cargo boxes.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Several ribs were broken again on Sammy's chest, and his entire chest was almost sunken.

Due to his injury, his reflexes dropped extremely quickly. Sami was completely unable to dodge any of the opponent's attacks and could only be beaten honestly.

"Mr. Rao!" the clerk woman shouted again, "please don't damage the goods!"

After saying that, she hurriedly searched among the mess on the floor, and it took her a long time to pull out a beautifully decorated box, but it was a pity that it was half broken.

"Ah!" the clerk woman screamed in horror, "No, it's not good! The evil, devil, devil fruit is gone!"


"Is it the one we brought this time?"

"Oh my God! It's over! It's over now!"

"What are you still doing? Look for me quickly!"

Everyone was as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They were lying on the ground looking for things like headless flies, and the scene turned into a mess.

That's a devil fruit!

The cheapest devil fruit is worth hundreds of millions!

What's more, this one was brought here from the New World with great effort and was intended to be traded with a big customer in the East China Sea.

Once this devil fruit is thrown away, the big patron will be angered, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of the opponent's powerful strength and the huge network of influence throughout the sea, all the members of the Don Quixote family present were frightened.

That person is the person that the young master has repeatedly emphasized that he must serve well!

The thought of this matter will not only offend a powerful enemy, but also definitely anger the young master, and the people involved will be in mourning.

"Mr. Rao! You are killing us!"

"Come find it with us!"

"Stop standing there stupidly, you bastard old man!"

Under intense fear, they kept complaining about Rao G, even if the other party was their powerful and eccentric boss.

Rao G's forehead was as red as a volcano erupting as he cursed one after another, and his veins were as big as hemp ropes.

"Hey, stop talking nonsense!" He yelled, "Who told you to put such an important thing here casually!"

His roar shook the fragile ceiling and made everyone present tremble.

"It's all your fault, damn rat! I'm going to kill you!" Rao G made the same gesture again towards the unconscious Sami.

This time it was even more aggressive than last time, "Back Pain Style·Sudden Eyes Withered!"

"Boom boom boom!"

A huge roar suddenly entered the house from the street, as if some huge creature was moving.

Then there was another series of dense footsteps.

Rao G stopped attacking and looked stunned: "It's the navy!"

He could actually tell the identity of the person just by the sound of footsteps.

Sure enough, the footsteps were followed by a naval commander yelling: "The first team surrounds the left side, the second team surrounds the right side, the rest of you follow me and rush in!"

"Yes! Your Excellency, Lieutenant Colonel!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The loud sound got closer and closer, followed closely by the dense footsteps of the navy.

The members of the Don Quixote family were caught off guard by this sudden situation, and they all froze in place.

Rao G's face became increasingly ugly.

Because he clearly judged that this group of marines was surrounding the house where they were located, and it was the huge sound that drew them here.


He shouted: "Little..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge figure smashed into the wall and ran in. Black shadow filled the entire cabin.



Under everyone's gaze, a huge dinosaur that only existed in ancient times stood majestically in the center of the house.

"Just kidding."

"This, this is Rogge Town!"

"I must be dreaming! I must be dreaming!"

They wiped their eyes and pinched their legs. Everyone thought they were in a dream.

It’s not like I haven’t seen dinosaurs before.

But if a dinosaur appears in a busy city, it would be really ridiculous!

Before anyone at the scene could react, the dinosaur suddenly activated and rushed towards them.

"Get out of the way!"

"Mr. Rao!"

"The ultimate secret skill of Diweng Fist: Fighting Fist!" At this moment, Rao G had no reservations and used his biggest killing move in an instant.

who knows!

The dinosaur suddenly turned sideways, nimbly dodging this killing move, then came to Sammy's side in a few steps, picked him up, threw him on its back, and ran away with its tail between its legs.


Blink like crazy!

Rao G was furious: "Chase me!"

On a horse!

A dinosaur stopped eating people and saved them instead!

"Can't chase!" The clerk woman suddenly said.

"what did you say?"

"We should retreat immediately!"

"Why! I'm going to kill that mouse and that dinosaur!"

"The navy is outside, do you want to expose our identities?" The clerical woman completely ignored Rao G's almost cannibalistic look.

She continued to say coldly, "If it leads to investigation by the navy, the family business will definitely suffer heavy losses!"

"But just forget it? I can never accept that I was tricked by a mouse!"

"You have to accept it even if you don't accept it! Your face is far less important than the young master's business!"

"Ah!" Rao G looked up to the sky and roared, impotent and furious.

Even if he had ten more courages, he wouldn't dare to destroy the family business!

That's Brother Ming's money bag!

"Go, retreat immediately!" Rao G said bitterly and turned around to leave.

Soon, just as the navy rushed into the room, all the members of the Don Quixote family had just stepped out of the room.

The two sides passed each other dangerously.

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