Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 467 Facing two generals

"Nami, stop them, I'll go find Luffy." After saying this, Sami quickly flew towards the interior of the island.

He was not at all worried about the safety of his companions.

As the adventure progressed to this point, Nami and the others were no longer strong enough to be dealt with by a few lieutenant generals.

Even if the other party now has a large number of people, it will not cause any trouble.

Sure enough, Nami and the others didn't care at all when they saw Sami leaving. Even Usopp, who was cowering just now, had no change in his expression at this time.

Sami continued to fly inside at extremely fast speed, and soon arrived at Sabo.

Luffy and Ace had already arrived and were now fighting the two admirals, Kizaru and Green Ox, with full firepower.

Sabo was half lying on the grass beside him, carefully observing the battle between the four of them, with a worried look on his face.

The battle with two generals just now not only caused him severe physical loss, but also suffered serious injuries, so now he can only watch anxiously from the sidelines.

Sammy landed immediately.

As soon as Sabo saw him, the worry on his face immediately disappeared, replaced by an expression of surprise.

"Sammy, you're finally here."

"You're in such a mess, Sabo." Sammy laughed.

"We're lucky that we didn't die." Sabo said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect that the Five Old Stars would ambush us. Mr. Long and I were both careless."

Sami nodded and said: "I have already guessed the specific situation. It is obvious that the fundamental target of the World Government this time is actually me, and you are blocking the gun for me."

"Their target is you? How could..." Sabo was stunned.

But he immediately realized that Sammy's guess was correct.

This time the enemy dispatched two naval admirals plus all CP0s, and even Wulao Xing himself was present.

If such a lineup was just for the revolutionary army, it would be too extravagant.

What's more, the enemy has besieged Danjian Island for so long, but the attack progress is so slow. It is obvious that they are calling for reinforcements at the encirclement point.

After thinking about all this, Sabo immediately asked anxiously: "Then why are you here? Leave quickly! This is too dangerous."

His face turned red with anxiety, and he accidentally touched the wound, and he grimaced in pain.

Sammy supported him, then activated the horse charm and began to treat his injuries.

"Don't get too excited, idiot, I'm not stupid enough to throw myself into a trap."

"then you……"

"Don't worry, my plan this time is to use the enemy's tactics to the best of my ability. The enemy must be the one who should be unlucky."

Sabo saw that Sami was confident, so he stopped worrying.

The close cooperation in the past two years has taught him that Sami always plans his moves and never fights unprepared.

The function of the Horse Talisman is indeed powerful. With just two sentences, Sabo's serious injuries were almost completely recovered, and there was nothing serious at all.

Sami clapped his hands and said with satisfaction: "Okay, stop sitting on the ground, the war has just begun."

Sabo smiled upon hearing this and jumped up from the ground quickly.

He turned to look at Luffy and Ace, and found that they actually did not lose in the battle with the two local generals, and even had the momentum to suppress them steadily. He couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"Ace, Luffy, these two are really amazing now. They don't even pay attention to the admiral anymore."

"You are not bad at all, you can last so long under their hands." Sami said, "You three are really a pair of good brothers."

Sabo shook his head and said: "But it's still not as good as you, Sammy. I heard that you defeated Kaido's monster with your own hands. It's really surprising."

"Hahahahaha." Sami laughed, his laughter full of confidence.

Now he fully deserves Sabo's praise, so naturally he won't say anything modest.

While they were talking, Luffy had already finished the first half.

After he forced Kizaru back with a shot of the Ape Divine Spear, he immediately jumped back and landed in front of Sami and the others.

"Sabo! Your injuries are all healed! That's great!" Luffy shouted happily when he saw his brother resurrected with full health.

"Thanks, Luffy." Sabo smiled, "But what's the matter with you looking like this? Why do you look so strange."

"Hehe, this is my strongest state!" Luffy continued while excitedly showing Sabo the magical abilities of Gear 5, "Sammy said what I ate was not rubber fruit, but animal fantasy beasts. Grow everyone’s fruit nika form.”

"I don't know what it is, but it's pretty awesome anyway."

Seeing Luffy jumping up and down in front of him, performing various outrageous actions, Sabo smiled helplessly and said: "You guy, you have gained some lawless abilities after all. No matter what, don't give Sammy any trouble."

"I know, I know." Luffy said with a laugh.

"Forbidden hatred!"

"Fire Mirror!"

Two angry sounds came one after another.

The huge wooden giant and the raging flames collided fiercely, and suddenly exploded with astonishing heat.

Taking advantage of the cover of the explosion, Ace also retreated from the front line, panting and falling in front of Sami and the others.

Unlike Luffy's playfulness and Kizaru's laziness, Ace and Green Bull are both hot-tempered guys.

So the two people got angry soon after they started fighting, and they faced each other tit for tat without hesitation.

Originally, Ace had a slight advantage in terms of the Devil Fruit, but because he spent too much energy on the road, it was not as good as Green Bull's leisurely work.

So the two of them fought tooth and nail for a while, and neither could do anything to the other for the time being.

Seeing the battle reaching a stalemate, Sami frowned.

He didn't have time to waste any more.

The real enemy hasn't appeared yet, so how can you waste your energy on these unimportant people?

Yes, whether it is the Five Old Stars or the Yellow Ape and the Green Ox, in Sami's eyes, they are all insignificant people.

The enemy spent such a large price to lure him into the bait. There must be a huge backhand hidden behind it, otherwise all his efforts would be in vain.

As for who was behind him, Sami naturally had some guesses in his mind.

"Luffy, Ace, you stay back and I'll deal with them first." Sami took a step forward and said without looking back, "You two save your strength and deal with more difficult enemies later."

"Huh? There are still enemies?" Ace was stunned.

"Hehe, it's getting more and more interesting." Luffy said with a cheerful smile.

Watching Sami step by step out of the crowd and approaching them, Kizaru and Green Ox finally took a breath and looked at each other, clearly seeing the worry in each other's eyes.

Ragnar Sammy.

This man, who was designated by the Five Elders at a high-level meeting as the greatest threat to the world government, possesses strength beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Even if he is a naval admiral, no one dares to underestimate him. After all, this man had just defeated the Yonko Kaido, who was known as "the strongest creature in the sea, land and air" in Wano Country.

"How scary, Ragnar Sammy, you actually dare to come here." Kizaru said in his casual tone.

"Ragnar! You are such a vicious guy, today is the day you die."

Compared to Kizaru, Green Bull was not so polite, and his words were unkind.

However, no matter how you look at it, you feel that he is just lustful.

Sami looked at the two of them expressionlessly, reached out and took out his ears and said, "If you want to fight, just fight. Where did all the nonsense come from."

"Bastard! Are you looking down on me?" Green Bull was furious, looking furious.

Kizaru also gradually put away his lazy expression. He had already sensed the power surging in Sami's body.

It seems to be a beast waiting for an opportunity, and it may burst out with terrifying power in the next second.

Sure enough, Sammy took action the next second.

He stretched out his right hand and shook it hard.

Green Ox and Kizaru immediately felt an invisible force pinching their necks, making them unable to move in the blink of an eye.

"Damn...damn it...what is this?" Green Bull immediately started struggling, his face turning red from suppressing pain.

Kizaru couldn't stop coughing.

Sami sneered and slowly raised his hand, trying to lift them both up.

How could the other party let him succeed?

Green Bull instantly activated his fruit ability, and dense roots grew out of his body, instantly piercing the ground and firmly grasping the soil.

On the other side, Kizaru's body was constantly glowing with golden light, and he was preparing to take the initiative to escape through elemental transformation.

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