Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 466: Arrive at Eggjian Island and kill the Demon-Slaying Order instantly

With the blessing of Sammy's telepathy, the Sonny crossed thousands of sea miles without any danger and arrived at the outer sea of ​​Eggjian Island.

A group of people were standing on the bow of the boat, looking down curiously.

Under the light clouds and mist, the outline of Danjian Island has emerged.

"Wow! I saw it, I saw it!" Luffy said excitedly, "What a magical place."

"Is this the home of Vegapunk? It's so exciting." Franky said in surprise, looking like a fan who wanted to see his idol.

Nami glanced down a few times. Because the distance was too far, she could only see a dark shadow, so she asked Usopp next to her.

"Hey, Usopp, what did you see? Where is the enemy?"

After hearing this, Long Nose took off the telescope on his forehead and began to observe by himself.

After a while, he made a series of strange screams.

"Awesome! I saw a lot of navy warships!"

"They are shelling, at least a thousand cannons are firing!"

"That's...it's Kizaru! There's another guy. Is he the new admiral of the navy, Green Bull? He looks like an evil ghost!"

While observing carefully, he kept reporting the situation, and the words he said made everyone's hearts rise in their throats.

"Hey! Usopp! Show me!"

Luffy said eagerly, grabbing Usopp's telescope and looking down.

A hellish scene immediately came into view.

The entire Eggjian Island has been plunged into a sea of ​​fire, burning everywhere.

There are at least dozens of huge naval warships docked on the sea, and each one is facing the island with full firepower.

A single salvo of artillery shells can form a barrage visible to the naked eye on the sea, like a huge iron hand, beating hard on the island.

"Damn it... Sabo... where are you..." Luffy muttered while looking around with his binoculars.

Soon, he found the figure he was longing for in the center of the island.

"Ah! Sabo! Danger!" Luffy shouted.

In sight, the defensive cover of Eggjian Island suddenly shattered for some reason. The attacking side that was originally blocked from the outside immediately seized the opportunity and rushed in.

Kizaru and Green Bull rushed to the front and got involved with the five major commanders of the revolutionary army led by Sabo.

Even though they were outnumbered, their strength was far from the match of the two generals, so they were at a disadvantage as soon as they made contact.

On the other side, Long's situation is even more dangerous.

He was facing the attack of the Five Old Stars alone.

Fortunately, although the two sides are close to each other, they have not started fighting yet because of their fear of each other.

"Saab! Wait for me to save you!"

Luffy yelled, threw away the telescope and was about to jump down, but fortunately, he was immediately caught by Zoro, who had quick eyes and quick hands.

"Idiot, are you looking for death! This place is still above the sea!" Sauron held him tightly and cursed.

"I don't care! I'm going to save Sabo!"

"We'll go right away, just stay well!" Sanji punched him angrily.

"Look! Ace is rushing forward!" Usopp, who picked up the telescope again, exclaimed.

When Luffy heard this, he immediately ran over to take a look.

Sure enough, I saw a small boat suddenly rushing out of the sea, breaking through layers of warships like lightning, and swooping towards Eggjian Island.

That was Ace.

After getting the news with the Straw Hats at Rabbit Bowl, Ace ignored everyone's obstruction and made a strong choice to drive the rocket ship alone to save Sabo.

Unable to stop him, Sami and Margao agreed to let him go first. Unexpectedly, they met here.

"That guy! How anxious are you! He's one step ahead of us." Sami said speechlessly.

Robin's eyes showed worry: "If you work hard like this, your physical strength will not be able to hold on."

Although the speed of the rocket ship is very fast, it can actually surpass the telekinetically flying Sonny. It can be seen that Ace was definitely pushing the Burning Fruit at full power along the way.

How much physical strength does he have left after all this journey, regardless of cost?

"This idiot must be crazy!" Sammy scolded, "Everyone! Sit tight! We're going down right away!"

"Come on!" Luffy yelled as soon as he heard this.

Sami stretched out his index finger and pointed downwards, and the Sunny immediately flew downwards at a high speed. The huge feeling of weightlessness made Nami and Usopp scream.

"Nami! Usopp! Brook! Chopper! Franky! The five of you will be responsible for holding back the navy later and covering the rest of the people as they rush in."

"I know! Take a look!" Franky said enthusiastically.

"Yo ho ho ho, leave it to me!"

"Hey, Sammy, there are tens of thousands of marines down there! We will die!" Usopp screamed.

"Please give me a decent way to die!" Nami cried.

"I...I'm a man...I'm not afraid!" Chopper encouraged himself pitifully.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die." Sami smiled, "Before rushing in, I will help you deal with most of the enemies."

"What are you going to do, Sammy?" Jinbe asked doubtfully.

"Look, it's like this!" Sammy smiled and raised his fist.

next second.

The Sonny fell from the sky and hit the sea hard, forming a central flower in the middle of the navy's huge fleet.

The huge waves it set off surged in all directions, and a violent storm seemed to blow on the sea. All the navy were stunned by this hand.

Disembarked from the sky? !

They were stunned for a moment.

But Sammy was not confused.

I saw him pressing his raised right hand to the ground.

A golden light exploded from his fist like the Big Bang.

The next second, the dozens of surrounding warships suddenly burst into flames without any wind. The fire was so intense and the temperature was so high that there was no possibility of putting out the fire.

The navy's wooden warships melted quickly like snow under these flames, and more than half of them were burned in the blink of an eye.

"what happened?"

"Fire! Will-o'-the-wisp! So hot!!!!"

"Hurry and dive! This fire can't be extinguished at all!!"

The fleet that was still launching the demon-slaying order towards Eggjian Island fell apart in an instant.

The rest of the Straw Hats were stunned.

The terrifying demon-slaying order was actually easily solved by Sami. Dozens of naval warships were destroyed in a sea of ​​​​fire in the blink of an eye.

What kind of fantasy is this?

Sammy is he a god?

Usopp swallowed and looked at Sami with fear in his eyes.

"Okay, don't be in a daze, everyone, get ready to land on the island!" Sami loudly woke up everyone who was still in a daze.

"Yoshi! Enter - fourth gear!!"

Luffy was the first to respond, instantly going into fourth gear.

"Saab!!! Ace!!! Here I come!!!"

With a whoosh, Luffy flew towards the island.

"Idiot! Don't act alone!" Zoro scolded.

"Forget it, that guy has endured it long enough, let him go!" Sami said, "Zoron, Sanji, Jinbei, the three of you follow Robin to save the dragon first, leave Sabo to me. !”

"Remember, don't be too eager to fight. Move closer to me as soon as you save someone, otherwise we will be defeated by the enemy one by one!"

Zoro nodded, silently took out the turban and put it on his head. He became serious as soon as he came up.

In such a big scene, he couldn't help but not be serious.

Sanji stepped on it and flew up: "I'll set off first, Green Algae Head, just run slowly down there."

After saying that, he activated the moon cloth and flew from the sky, leaving Zoro running and cursing on the ground.

Robin and Sammy looked at each other, then immediately turned into an eagle and flew into the sky, chasing Sanji.

At this time, the surviving marines around had discovered the Straw Hats.

"Follow me and catch them! Don't let any of them go!"

Huo Shaoshan, one of the lieutenant generals in charge of this demon-slaying order, drew his sword without hesitation and rushed over with the regrouped navy.

This demon-slaying order against Danjian Island was directly launched by Saint Saturn, one of the five old stars. The scale was ten times that of the normal demon-slaying order, and there were more than a dozen lieutenant generals in charge.

Even though many of them have been killed by Sami, there are still seven or eight left, who are rushing over with Huoshaoshan at this time.

Their purpose is very clear, which is to prevent the Straw Hats from rushing to the island and joining the revolutionary army.

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