Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 453 Kuangshiro and Denjiro



The big snake's head, still in shock, fell to the ground, and then rolled to the corner like a ball.

Both sides, who were still fighting in a bloody battle, were all stunned on the spot, their brains already in a shutdown state.

Especially the members of the Royal Court couldn't believe what they were seeing: they were still fighting to death in the front, but their home was actually stolen from behind.

Go ride a horse!

Fu Lushou was furious: "You bastard! Kuangshilang, are you crazy! You dare to attack the general, are you willing to die?!"

It turns out that the blue-haired samurai who beheaded Orochi is actually the gang boss of the Flower City. Because of his powerful force, he was recruited by Orochi as his bodyguard and royal money changer.

The imperial fans looked at Kuang Shilang with a calm expression and couldn't figure out why he would do this.

Hasn't this guy been devoted and loyal ever since he followed the General?

Even if he was secretly ridiculed as a dog raised by the General, he was content with it.

Why is he doing such a rebellious thing now?

The Kuangshilang sheathed his sword, with a strange smile on his face, especially his narrow eyes, which were full of ridicule.

"You killed the General and still laughed. Kuangshilang, you are treasonous." All the Yutingfans shouted angrily.

"Shut up! A bunch of idiots!" Kuangshilang shouted angrily, "General? What kind of bullshit general is he? The only generals of Wano Country will always be the Kozuki family!"

"What on earth are you talking about?" Fu Lu Shou's eyes widened, "Could it be that... you are also a remnant of the Guangyue family?!"

"That's right! My master is none other than the late Kuri Daimyo of Wano Country, the only legitimate candidate for the position of general, Kozuki Oden!"

Having reached this point, Kuangshilang no longer concealed anything and openly admitted his identity.

"For more than twenty years, in order to avenge Oden-sama, I have carefully lurked around the beast Orochi. In order to gain his trust, I am willing to be his most loyal dog."

"All I have done is to wait until this day, when I can cut off his head with my own hands, avenge Lord Oden, and seek justice for all the suffering people of Wano Country!"

"Bastard!" Fu Lu Shou's face became uglier as he listened, and he yelled, "Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Denjiro! One of the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes, Lord Oden's retainer!!!"

Crazy Death Lang... No! It was Denjiro who loudly shouted his identity.

"Denjiro!!!" Kinemon shouted excitedly.

Everyone in Red Sheath also burst into tears.

Denjiro looked at them and his expression became extremely excited.

Twenty years, he has been waiting for them for twenty years.

We finally meet today!

As a person who lurks alone around the enemy and lives in fear every day, is there anything more exciting than this gathering?

"Good job! Denjiro!"

"Master Oden will be proud of you!"

"Denjiro! You guy! You guy!"

The most hated enemy in the past twenty years was beheaded and died at the hands of one of the Red Scabbard Nine Heroes. This is such an exciting thing.

For a moment, Kinemon and the others were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

As an enemy, Fu Lu Shou saw how happy they were, and the expression on his face was as ugly as possible.

"Hey, for safety's sake, pack up Lord Orochi's body and let's leave!" Fu Lu Shou suddenly ordered.

"Yes." Upon hearing this, the members of the imperial court immediately took action.

When Denjiro saw them approaching Orochi's body, he immediately shouted: "Kin'emon! Stop them quickly! Orochi is not dead yet, don't let them take the body away!"

"What?!" Kinemon was shocked, not understanding what Denjiro meant at all.

However, his trust in his partners made him subconsciously choose to take action, and he struck directly at the Yuting fans who were approaching the corpse with a knife.

They hurriedly evaded, slashing through the crowd and striking the doorpost, leaving a large wound.

The dust spread instantly.

Just when Kinemon was about to take action again, the body of the big snake in the mist suddenly moved.

"Ahem...it hurts so much...crazy...Lang! You bastard..."

A howling sound came over.

It turned out to be the voice of the long-dead snake.

Immediately afterwards, his headless body began to roll around on the ground, and finally it got up strangely.

"What...what's going on?" Xiao Ren, who didn't know the situation, screamed in fright.

The expressions of everyone in Red Sheath also changed greatly.

Denjiro, who knew the inside story, quickly explained: "The body of the Kurotan-no-Orochi is a Yamata-no-Orochi. Because of this, he has eight lives. If you want to kill him completely, you must cut off his head eight times."

"What?!" Asura Boy screamed, "This beast can actually live eight times! I said Denjiro, are you sure you didn't tell me? Isn't the Yamata-no-Orochi something in mythology?"

"He's right!" Cat Viper suddenly said, "The Yamata-no-Orochi is indeed a legend, but it doesn't mean it can't appear in the world."

"Devil Fruit! That guy ate the Devil Fruit, just like Kaido can become a blue dragon!" Kinemon reacted and shouted immediately.

Having traveled overseas, he is no longer unfamiliar with Devil Fruits. He knows that many of the so-called senjutsu and ninjutsu in Wano are actually fruit abilities.

With Orochi's current status, it would be easy to eat a Devil Fruit, even if it was an extremely precious phantom beast.

As if to confirm Kinemon's words, Orochi's headless body suddenly began to undergo drastic changes.

His body swelled up like a balloon, and then, one after another, big and thick green necks grew out from his shoulders, and on the necks, there were huge snake heads.

Each one looks extremely vicious, with ferocious features.

Excluding the one that Denjiro just chopped off, the snake now has seven heads left, which means he still has seven lives!

"Bastard! Bastard, bastard, bastard! I'm going to kill you all! Kill them all!"

The resurrected Orochi looked very angry and cursed at the Kinemons.

"I know you damn well!" Inuarashi responded loudly, "No matter how many lives you have, we will fight to the end today and drive you back to hell completely!"

"Come on!!!"

Kinemon shouted, drew his sword and took the lead in charging forward.

Everyone in Red Scabbard, including the newly joined Denjiro, all rushed over without saying a word.

"Ah!! Stop them!" Orochi screamed and quickly gave orders to the Imperial Court fans.

Fu Lu Shou also reacted immediately and rushed forward with his men.

The two sides were entangled again.

However, the situation this time was very different from before. As soon as the two sides came into contact, the Red Scabbards immediately had the upper hand, almost overwhelming the Yuting fans in the fight.

the reason is simple.

Their newly added Denjiro is really too strong.

As the second-ranking figure among the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes, Denjiro possesses extremely powerful two-sword swordsmanship, which he learned from Kozuki Oden.

In the original work, Denjiro once easily captured Sasaki alive, who had a bounty of 4 million among the flying six children.

He also withstood Sauron's slashing attack and showed no weakness in his confrontation.

All these behaviors illustrate Denjiro's strength.

It can be said that among all Oden's retainers, his strength is not inferior to that of Asura Boy, who is called a monster, and may even exceed it.

So now that he has joined, the Yuting fans are no longer a match for the Red Scabbards, and they were beaten back again and again.

"General! We can no longer hold on. For your safety, please evacuate quickly."

"What did you say?!" Orochi was furious, "You losers! You actually let me go?! I'm going to kill them!"

"Sir! Leave quickly!!" Fu Lu Shou shouted

After such a short time, he was slashed three times by Denjiro, causing blood to flow all over his body.


"What a good opportunity!" The Asura boy saw the opportunity, stepped forward, and struck one of the snake's heads with the long knife in his hand.


A huge snake head rolled to the ground

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