Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 452 The black charcoal snake was beheaded

Luo looked at Guernica, who was standing there in a cold sweat, and chuckled: "The situation has reversed, and victory is certain."

After saying that, he couldn't hold on anymore and slowly sat down against the corner, which shocked Bebo and the others.


"Don't make a fuss. I'm fine. Get the first aid kit."

"Private Marseille."

"Don't just apologize, idiot!" Xia Qi jumped up and gave his round bear head a circle.

"Private Marseille!" Bebo jumped up and apologized while running towards the first aid kit.

this side.

Robin has transformed into the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara, with a bright Buddha's light floating behind her head, making her whole body look extremely holy, majestic and inviolable.

Guernica on the opposite side has long lost its previous calmness.

His two companions were all killed by Robin in a short period of time, which completely frightened him.

"Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara... How is this possible... Aren't you a superhuman flower fruit..." Guernica said intermittently, looking completely unbelievable.

"Are you, like Blackbeard,..." He seemed to have remembered something in the middle of his sentence, and his words suddenly stopped.

Robin said: "It seems that the Five Old Stars don't know anything about Blackbeard."

"Nonsense! That guy is also a 'D'!"

"Really? Your world government has been strictly guarding against the D clan, but in the end, you didn't release any beast from the D clan yourself." Robin said sarcastically.

Guernica was speechless and her face turned ugly.

Robin was right.

Half of the credit for why Blackbeard is now the Yonko is due to the mistakes made by the World Government.

Even further back, the World Government also played a "huge role" in the rise of Roger and Rocks.

Many times, world governments shoot themselves in the foot.

Guernica gritted his teeth and forced himself not to think nonsense. He raised his head and cursed fiercely: "What do you, a remnant of O'Hara, know about this kind of thing! Why didn't you die with those idiot bachelors back then! "

Robin's eyes turned red instantly: "Don't mention O'Hara in front of me! You beasts!"


Enraged, Robin showed great power.

A golden flame spurted out and enveloped her whole body.

The fierce wind blew so hard that it was impossible to open one's eyes.

Those with abilities of the phantom beast species have the power to control natural elements, and Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara is the Buddhist protector god who controls wind and fire.

Countless chains used the power of the wind and flew towards Guernica with the power of fire.


Travel deep into Guo.

The Red Scabbards who had been intruded by Robin first were fighting with a group of strange opponents.

There are some tall and some short, some fat and some thin. The huge one looked almost like a little giant, while the shortest one looked exactly like an eleven or twelve-year-old girl.

The leader was an old man named Fu Lu Shou with a head like a cylinder and ears like tapestries.

This group of people is the secret ninja force directly under the general of Wano - the Orochi Imperial Court Banchus!

They have always been the guard force that protects the Black Carbon Orochi. There are eleven people in total, and each of them is very powerful.

It is precisely because of their existence that the Black Carbon Orochi has remained safe despite its rebellious behavior.

In fact, many years ago, the Mitei fans were still loyal to the ninja force of the Kozuki family. Unfortunately, after Kozuki Oden died, this group of people directly defected to the Black Tan Orochi and betrayed the Kozuki family.

From then on, he and his original comrades-in-arms, the Nine Heroes of the Red Scabbard, embarked on a path of hostility.

Fortunately, not all members of the imperial family are traitors. Shinobu and Raizo are loyal to the Kozuki family wholeheartedly, and they broke with them directly when they were loyal to Orochi.

Nowadays, the two sides are enemies and are extremely jealous when they meet. They start fighting as soon as they meet, and the fight is inextricably linked.

The people in Chi Sheath had endured their anger for twenty years before taking action with hatred, wishing they could eat each other alive.

The Imperial Court Fans were dutifully protecting their master, the Black Carbon Orochi.

"You bastards! You have disappeared for more than twenty years and you still haven't given up! It's really infuriating!"

Orochi, who was hiding behind, saw Kinemon and the others and was so angry that he cursed.

Even though he has occupied the throne of general for twenty years, Orochi is actually awakened by nightmares every night.

He always dreamed that Kozuki Oden came to life again, brought the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes and other daimyo who were still loyal to the Kozuki family to come to him for revenge, and then chopped off nine of his heads in anger.

The reason why he always has this kind of dream is because Orochi knows the Kozuki family too clearly.

He knows how much the entire Wano Country worships and is loyal to the Kozuki family. It can be said that as long as there is still a Kozuki clan, the people of Wano Country will not give up their resistance to him.

"These remnants of the Guangyue family must die for me!"

This sentence is the warning that the big snake gives to itself every time after waking up!

For more than twenty years, he has not given up the pursuit of the Nine Red Scabbards, but after the fire ended more than twenty years ago, they all disappeared.

Not only them, but the two scoundrels left by Kozuki Oden also disappeared, and there has been no news since!

This makes him feel like a lump in his throat and a ray of light on his back! !

If he couldn't find it, he would have a nightmare. If he couldn't find it, he would have a lifelong nightmare!

The big snake will go crazy from this kind of pain!

Who would have thought that they would show up today and prepare to kill him!

This makes the big snake angry and happy!

I was angry that they were still alive, and I was happy that they actually came to my door.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Looking at the Red Scabbards who were fighting bloody battles with his ninjas, Orochi didn't feel any fear at all. Instead, he couldn't help laughing.

"Guhehehe! Kin'emon! I thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be even stupider than Kozuki Oden."

"Shut up! Orochi! You have no right to insult Lord Oden!!!"

"Insult?! Guhehehe! What's wrong with me just insulting him? He has been dead for twenty years! I killed him with my own hands! Do you think I am still afraid of him?"

"Asshole! Die!" Asura boy was instantly furious, and he rushed towards the big snake with his knife.


The big snake screamed, its arrogance disappeared instantly, and it screamed and retreated hastily.

"General, don't panic! Come down now!"

Fu Lu Shou shouted, and his two huge earlobes were like flexible tentacles, slapping towards Asura Boy to stop him from moving.

Immediately afterwards, the Yuting fans who were still fighting jumped over and stood behind Fu Lu Shou, protecting the black charcoal snake airtightly.

"If you want to hurt the general, you have to pass our level first!" Fu Lushou looked at the people in Red Sheath and said coldly.

When Orochi saw that he was safe, he laughed proudly again: "Guhehehe! You can't kill my Kin'emon! It's you who will die today!"

"Do you think you can overthrow my rule by finding a few pirates from overseas? It's a daydream!"

"Those guys will definitely die in Kaido's hands! Just like you will definitely die in my hands!"

"Shut up!" Kin'emon shouted, "Mr. Sami will never lose to Kaido! He and Mr. Luffy will definitely defeat them and save the entire Wano Country! I believe in them!"

"Believe it? Guhehehe! Don't laugh your teeth out, Kin'emon!" Orochi mocked and smiled, "You believed in Oden so much back then, but what was the final result? He's not dead yet!"

"Lord Oden will not die!!!" Aju roared.

This sound was like a thunder, which directly broke the big snake's laughter.

"Huh?" Orochi frowned, and immediately got angry and rushed, "Stop talking nonsense! You guys want to kill me! You're just wishful thinking!"

"I want to see! Which one of you can kill me!" the big snake said, roaring at them.

"I can kill you!!!"

Before he finished speaking, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

A Wano warrior wearing a kimono, wooden geta, and long blue braid suddenly broke the screen behind Orochi and rushed in.

Cut off his head with one knife!

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