Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 428 The second breaking news

The country of Wano, the capital of flowers.

The Straw Hats, who have been lurking for many days, are having their daily meeting.

Kinemon also came to participate on behalf of the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes.

Today’s topic is about the progress of distributing uprising propaganda leaflets.

Frankie, as the main messenger, was the first to speak.

"Kinemon, about 300 copies of propaganda paper printed with secret messages have been secretly passed on to the people with the moon mark on their left feet in the past few days. The remaining two hundred copies will be distributed tomorrow."

Usopp then added: "Those who received the secret message did not discover our identities, so even if the news was accidentally leaked, we would not be exposed."

"Thank you very much! Usopp...no, it's Usohachi, and Frannosuke." Kinemon said gratefully, "In this way, we can secretly contact those opponents of the Black Carbon Orochi, Let’s prepare for the uprising together.”

"No, you are too polite." Franky said sheepishly, "Usopp and I have seen too many poor people on the street who have been displaced by Orochi's brutal rule these days. As a How can a man sit back and do nothing?"

"Yes, Franky is right." Brooke said from the side. "The crimes Kaido and Orochi have committed are simply too numerous to describe. Nothing can stop them from doing evil."

Brook, who has been secretly searching for information using his out-of-body ability, has seen more unsightly scenes than Usopp and the others.

So faced with the cruel rule of the big snake, even Brooke, who has always been mild-tempered, was very angry.

"Believe me, Gu Guji, we are not far away from the day when we can overthrow Orochi and kill Kaido." Kinemon calmly reassured.

As a native of Wano and a loyal retainer of the Kozuki family, he hates Orochi and Kaido more than anyone else.

But Kinemon knows very well that at this time, he must remain calm, and he must not let any small mistake cause this revenge that has been 20 years in vain.

If that were the case, I would be so sorry to all the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives over the years!

After taking a few deep breaths, Kinemon said, "Namiko, do you have any news?"

Nami replied: "A-nin and I have been in the Flower Capital for the past two days to detect information about ships and weapons. We have almost found out all the strength of Orochi's side."

"Good job, Namiko." Usopp immediately praised.

After hearing the compliments from her best friend, Nami smiled proudly and raised her head and chest unconsciously. She looked magnificent in a cool and sexy female ninja outfit, which made people unable to help but feel positive.

Brooke's eyes suddenly lit up - even though he was a skeleton without eyes.

Kinemon covered his nose and nodded: "Namiko... you are really amazing. I never thought that not only... you have a bold style of dressing, but you also have such a strong ability to gather information."

"Of course!" Nami said with a sweet smile.

The waves rolled again.

"Yo ho ho ho, what a beautiful sight in the world!" Brooke opened his mouth wide and shouted exaggeratedly.

Kinemon's nosebleed immediately spurted out with a "pop" sound.

He quickly covered his nose, looked away with difficulty, and pretended that nothing happened and said, "Chopper... why aren't Chopper, Gate and Zorojuro?"

"Oh, Chopperemon went to a free clinic for poor patients in the Flower City today, and Zorojuro was with him." Usopp said.

"Chopper is indeed a kind-hearted person. Your contribution to Wano will be unforgettable to me." Kin'emon bowed again and thanked you.

"You are too polite, Mr. Kinemon, we..."

Just as Usopp was mid-sentence, the door outside was suddenly pushed open.

It turns out that Chopper and Zoro are back.

"Hey, everyone, this is terrible." Chopper shouted exaggeratedly as soon as he came in.

"What's wrong? Chopper, what happened?"

"Well, have you seen today's newspaper?"

"Not yet, what's wrong?" Nami asked in surprise, "Is there any news about Sami?"

"That's right, take a look." Chopper excitedly handed the newspaper to everyone.

Because the country of Wano is closed to the outside world, even communication only uses its own special snail, which is completely different from the telephone bugs outside.

So since breaking up with Sami, the other members of the Straw Hats have completely cut off contact with him. They only occasionally get sporadic news about them from newspapers, and they don't know anything else at all.

Now I heard that there were reports about them in the newspapers, and naturally everyone became impatient.

"Is it the headline?" Franky asked.


"Again, has Sammy made any big news?" Usopp laughed, "The news that he defeated the Four Emperors last time was surprising enough."

"Yeah!!!" Nami suddenly screamed.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Usopp was startled and asked quickly.

"Robin, she, she..."

"Ah? What happened to Miss Robin?" Brooke asked quickly, "What happened to her?"

The others' hearts immediately began to tighten, and they quickly gathered together to read the newspaper.

"What?! Robin is crowned Queen?"

"The name of the world is changed to Utopia?"

"Hohohoho! What a grand enthronement ceremony! It's like a Yonko-level handiwork!"

For a moment, everyone was sighing. The news that Robin was crowned king was like a bomb, blowing them up in a daze.

Even Zoro, who had always been unconcerned and unconcerned, changed his expression and looked incredulous.

"Robin has become a queen? Doesn't this mean that I also have a best friend who is a queen?" Nami said excitedly, covering her cheek, "I wonder if Robin will give me half of the gold and silver treasures in the treasure house? It should be possible, right? It must be possible, right?"

"Hohohohoho, that guy Sami has also become His Royal Highness, how jealous!" Brooke said with envy, "And that guy Sanji has actually become the Queen's guard, I really want that too. !”

"Hahahaha, Sami and Robin rule a country, so why should we be afraid of Orochi and Kaido? This is not a sure win!" Usopp also shouted.

"Utopia? What a great name! Super!!!" Franky excitedly made his classic gesture again.

Kinemon couldn't suppress his turbulent mood and shed tears of excitement.

He saw more than the pure joy of the Straw Hats.

Kaido and Orochi have ruled Wano Country for more than twenty years, and the foundation of their rule has been as stable as a towering tree.

Therefore, even though they have been going against the grain and doing all kinds of evil, there are still very few who dare to stand up against him.

Our own side's power is too small.

Kin'emon has roughly estimated more than once that once the decisive battle begins, Kaido's side will be able to gather at least 30,000 people, including 20,000 pirates from the Beast Pirates and more than 10,000 samurai under Orochi's command.

And here, the maximum number of people who can be fully attacked is only more than 5,000 people. The disparity in the strength of the two sides is not at all of the same order of magnitude.

Once a war breaks out, even if everyone fights to the death and fights ten against one, there will probably be no advantage at all.

Originally, Kinemon was very troubled by this incident. He secretly spent countless brain cells on trying to increase his own strength, but to no avail.

Now seeing the situation of Sami and the others, Kinemon immediately saw new hope.

As the king of a country, Sami must have powerful and numerous troops.

Maybe even more than what I have gathered these days!

In this way, the problem of insufficient military strength is likely to be solved.

"As expected of Mr. Sami, he always appears like a timely rain." Kinemon said excitedly.

Seeing everyone's ecstatic expressions, Chopper couldn't help but add another icing on the cake: "Everyone, the newspaper not only contains the news of Robin's ascension to the throne, but also the latest bounty order issued by the Navy to Sami and the others."

As he spoke, he took out four brand new reward orders and handed them to everyone.

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