Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 427 The Throne Ceremony

One day later.

Cake Island.

Lanterns are decorated everywhere, birds are singing and dancing, and the lively atmosphere of the celebration fills every street and alley.

Since the night before, people have been telling each other that the country's new ruler, Her Royal Highness Nicole Robin, is about to take the throne.

This is really exciting news for residents of all countries who have just experienced war.

Because they are about to usher in a new ruler, and this ruler will protect them from any external forces just like the previous Big Mom.

What's even more surprising is that His Highness Robin has already given an explicit order that he will not even need to pay the life tax in the future.

As long as everyone sincerely supports her rule, they can live and work in peace and contentment and enjoy peace forever.

This is something that residents of all countries never dare to dream about. Now that it has actually come true, how can it not make people ecstatic?

Therefore, although Robin is an airborne queen, there are already people who support him in all countries.

Everyone is looking forward to her coronation ceremony.

After a long night of waiting, before dawn today, the entire Cake Island residents got up early, put on the most luxurious clothes that they were usually reluctant to wear, and then helped the elderly and children to the central square.

A few minutes before the ceremony started, the originally wide square was already packed, and everyone was eagerly awaiting the appearance of Her Majesty the Queen.

Soon, when the first ray of sunshine in the east broke through the clouds and illuminated the earth, Queen Robin, who had attracted much attention, slowly walked onto the high platform and appeared in everyone's sight.

The golden rays of the sun shone on her body, as if giving her a layer of sacred golden light, and for a moment she seemed like a saint descending to earth.

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

I don't know who shouted first, and then everyone shouted, and their voices gathered together to form a roaring sound.

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

Everyone was impressed by Robin's beauty and temperament, and instantly became her most loyal subjects.

Robin slowly raised his right hand.

All sounds suddenly stopped at this moment, as if after careful rehearsal.

Immediately afterwards, the Homitz chess players lined up neatly on both sides of the high platform played majestic music.

The entire enthronement ceremony instantly became solemn under the music.

"Your Majesty the Queen, please ascend the throne!" the master of ceremonies shouted.

"Your Majesty the Queen is invited to ascend the throne!" Forty messengers shouted together.

Robin took a deep breath and slowly walked toward the throne in the middle of the high platform with dignified steps.

After Robin sat down, the master of ceremonies shouted in time: "Her Majesty the Queen has ascended the throne! The Kingdom of Utopia has been established!"

Forty messengers also shouted and repeated this sentence.

In an instant, all the people under the high platform knelt down in unison, showing their submission to the queen.

Yes, since then, Totland of All Nations has officially changed its name to the Kingdom of Utopia, and Robin has also added the title of "His Majesty Nico I of the Kingdom of Utopia".

Needless to say, the name Utopia was Sammy's idea.

In the previous life, this name meant "a perfect country that only existed in ideals". It was very appropriate to the situation of all nations, so Sami naturally used it.

Moreover, he really wants to govern this country into a utopia.

Sami believes that in this bizarre world of One Piece, utopia can become a reality.

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen! Long live the Kingdom of Utopia!"

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen! Long live the Kingdom of Utopia!"

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen! Long live the Kingdom of Utopia!"

The sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami came again, shaking the entire square and rushing straight into the blue sky.

After everyone calmed down, the master of ceremonies announced again:

"By the order of Her Majesty the Queen, Prince Ragnar Sami is crowned His Royal Highness and will rule the kingdom together with Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Long live His Royal Highness!"

Everyone shouted again.

Amidst this huge sound, the second part of the enthronement ceremony began.

24 salute guns were fired into the sky, and countless ribbons fell from the sky like colorful flowers.

Robin and Sammy walked down the high platform together and boarded the float. Surrounded by hundreds of Homitz honor guards in front and behind them, they began their island-wide tour.

This tour will last for a long time, from day to night.

Then when night falls, Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Highness the Prince will hold a huge bonfire banquet in the central square to celebrate with the residents of the entire island.

The float began to move forward slowly. People who were reluctant to leave surrounded the float and ran with it. The scene was very lively.

Robin kept waving to the crowd outside through the window, smiling and receiving everyone's adoring greetings.


After a long while, just when Robin felt that his whole face was frozen with laughter, Sammy suddenly reached out and closed the window of the float, and the entire carriage immediately became quiet.

"Take a rest, Honey, you've been too tired these past two days." Sami said warmly.

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed Robin's jade hand, and the healing power of the Horse Talisman was immediately activated, instantly alleviating Robin's pain.

"Oh, it's so hard to be a queen." Robin sighed as she collapsed in Sammy's arms.

"That's because you want to be a good queen so much, that's why you're so tired." Sami smiled, "It would be easy if you did it like Big Mom."

"That's not okay, that's too irresponsible." Robin said immediately.

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't do that." Sammy laughed.

Robin rolled his eyes at him and said nothing.

As a person who has experienced hardships and seen darkness, and has been deeply influenced by the revolutionary army in the past two years, Robin will not be a tyrant or a coward under any circumstances.

She had long secretly vowed to be a respected ruler like Kobra and King Riku, even if it was a little tiring and painful, it didn't matter.

The float moved forward slowly, and enthusiastic people were still cheering outside.

Inside, Robin didn't know when, but she had fallen asleep in Sammy's arms.

Looking at Robin's sweet sleeping face, Sami smiled slightly, and then said through the window to the outside of the carriage: "Drive more slowly, our Majesty the Queen is asleep."

"Yes!" someone outside replied.

It was a blond man wearing a white suit, standing upright on the terrace outside the float.

He stared around with vigilant eyes, fearing that some troublemakers would suddenly rush out and disrupt the parade.

This man is Sanji.

On the other side of the float, Jinbei was also wearing a meticulous suit and stood guard with an awkward look on his face.

These two guys serve as the Queen's bodyguards today, specifically to protect Her Majesty the Queen's safety.

Sanji naturally dreams of this position. Being Robin's guardian knight has been his dream for a long time!

"I will definitely sacrifice my life to protect you, Sister Robin!" When Sanji received the mission, he was so excited that he was almost incoherent.

Sami smiled evilly on the side: You do the task of protecting the Queen, and I do the hard work of enjoying the Queen. Everyone will be satisfied.

Oh, by the way, Jinbe is not satisfied.

It's not that he doesn't want to be Robin's guard, it's just that he's not used to wearing such restrictive formal clothes, and his whole body feels uncomfortable at this moment.

In this way, under the protection of the two King Kongs, the float parade went on smoothly, and there were no unexpected incidents until the end.

In the lively atmosphere of the bonfire party, this grand enthronement ceremony came to a successful conclusion and slowly came to a close.

The next day, the headlines of all newspapers were reporting yesterday's ceremony, and public opinion across the sea was instantly detonated.

Almost immediately, everyone was discussing the news of the establishment of Utopia, and the photos of Robin and Sammy were once again exposed to the public.

Such a high-profile behavior naturally attracted dissatisfaction from the world government.

It is said that the Five Old Stars directly called Admiral Akainu and scolded him, warning him to prevent accidents during the World Conference.

Although Akainu was extremely angry, Utopia was far away in the hinterland of the New World. As a navy, he was beyond his reach. In the end, he had no choice but to issue several bounty orders in succession.

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