Robin pulled the two of them away and said to Sanji: "Don't be so entangled. In my opinion, although Brynn is lying to us, I'm afraid it's not from her true heart."

"W-what do you mean?"

"The reason why Brynn has such a disguise is just to protect herself." Robin explained.

"Big Mom is nominally her mother, but in fact she has never been kind to her children. She has always regarded them as chess pieces that can be discarded and exchanged at any time."

"Brynn grew up in such a family atmosphere, so it is normal for her to learn some tricks and deceptions in order to protect herself. I think she has a good heart and may have a chance to be saved."

"Save?! Yes, yes, we must save her!" Sanji immediately began to feel sorry for Brynn, and swore through gritted teeth.

"Brynn-chan is so cute, how could she be a bad person? Big Mom must have forced her to do this."

Sanji instantly thought of his abominable father Gaji, and when he thought of his persecution and oppression of him, anger suddenly rushed to his forehead.

He determined that Brynn must have been bullied in this way, but the target was changed from her father to her mother.

He couldn't help but feel sympathy for Brynn.

"As a man, I can still resist Gaji, but Bryn-chan is just a weak woman. I'm afraid she can only accept it, right?!"

Sanji said with tears streaming down his face.

"Brin-chan is really suffering! In order to protect herself, she can only compromise and be cautious and do things she doesn't like. How brave she is!"

"Big Mom..." Sanji stopped mid-sentence.

Because even though Big Mom is a bad person in his heart, with pus flowing from the soles of her feet, she is still a woman.

As a gentleman, you are not allowed to scold women.

Sanji wanted to yell but couldn't, wanted to vent but could only hold it in. Sanji's face turned redder and redder, and finally, he looked up to the sky and screamed.

"Ah! Brynn-chan! Wait for me! I must rescue you from Big Mom! Then..."

"Let's get married!!!"

"That last sentence is what you really mean!!!" Sami complained.

"Shut up, scheming man." Sanji cursed righteously, "I am that lady's only hope for survival now."

"It's too exaggerated!"

"Even if I try my best and let BigMom tear you into pieces and smash you to pieces, I will still smile and persevere until the end. I will definitely shed a tear for this."

"You're happy when I die, aren't you!!"

"So, for the happiness of Bryn-chan and I, Scheming Man, please die generously." Sanji said as he took a step back and kowtowed to Sammy respectfully, "Please."

"Who are you kowtowing to!!!" Sami was so angry that his face twisted.

Sanji just kowtowed and ignored Sammy's complaints.

Seeing his indifferent look, Sami wanted to give him a shot of "Six Dragons Returning to the Sun" right away!

After taking a few deep breaths, Sammy rolled his eyes and said with a wicked smile: "You're so motivated, Sanji. I guess it won't be long before another double dormitory is added to the Sonny, right?"

"Ah ha ha ha, blah blah blah." Sanji said with an infatuated smile, covering his head and shaking his hands with a shy look on his face.

"When the time comes, I'll ask Nami to give you some funds to buy a double round water bed, pink curtains, all the sex toys for you, and whip candles..."

"Ah! Brynn-chan! Please whip me hard! I like it!!"

Sanji's whole body was shaking like chaff, and blood spurted out from his nose.

He had completely fallen into the wonderful fantasy that Sammy had described.

Sami sneered: "Sorry, I made these up, you'd better experience them in your dreams."

Sammy's words directly caused Sanji's fantasy bubble to explode, and he fell to the ground. The pain made him wake up.

"You bastard, the scheming man! There's still one last step to go!" Sanji beat the ground angrily and cursed.

"It's pitiful, it's pitiful, someone has lived for almost twenty years, and that kind of thing can still only be done in dreams." Sami laughed.

"" Sanji pointed at Sami, trembling with anger and biting his lips, unable to curse a word.

In that respect, he was more than three blocks behind Sammy!

Sanji bit his sleeve angrily, the jealousy on his face almost filling the deck.

Robin came over, slapped Sami in the face, and said with a slightly red face: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Sammy chuckled. Not only did he not admit his mistake, he suddenly reached out and hugged Robin, and raised his eyebrows at Sanji.

Sanji fell back angrily.

"Be more serious," Robin spat. "Cake Island is coming soon. Get ready to dock."

"Okay." Sammy agreed simply.

Sanji felt refreshed after being angry, and after hearing his wife's instructions, he suddenly felt full of energy.

Turn the rudder to the shore.

Reef the sails and lower the anchor.

In just a few minutes, Sami skillfully completed all the docking tasks, and the Anthem slowly docked beside a white beach.

Sammy jumped down. The moment he landed on the ground, he felt his feet go soft, and his shoes actually sank and bounced back.

"This is……?"

Only then did Sami realize that this white beach was not sand at all, but soft balls.

Looking around, there is no end in sight, and they are all stacked beaches.

"It's really..." Sami couldn't find any adjectives for a moment.

Let's call it luxury, but that's just it.

To be fair, the beaches on the entire island are also luxurious.

After all, a portion of shampoo costs 50 Baileys, and one Chopper can only exchange for 20 portions.

And how many Choppers is this entire beach worth?

Chopper said he fainted in the toilet from crying.

Sanji followed closely behind, frowning and sniffing as soon as he jumped down.

"What's wrong? Sanji?" Robin asked.

"The smell of food, candies, cakes, strawberries, oranges... Why are there so many food smells?" Sanji muttered to himself.

Sami came over and said, "Be careful. What I've seen reminds me that there are many enemies in the forest ahead."

"Enemy? Food? Are you trying to poison us?"

Sanji's face darkened. As a chef, what he hated most were those who used food as a killing tool.

"Let's go in first." Robin looked at the map and said, "This place is not close to Big Mom's castle."

The three of them walked towards the forest warily.

The surrounding scenery began to change, and the dreamy scenes made Sanji and the others more and more surprised as they walked.

"What are these?!" Sanji opened his mouth and said, "A fairy tale world?!"

Robin was also stunned.

Originally, she found it incredible to see everything made of chocolate on the previous island.

But compared to the scene in front of me, it was nothing more than child's play.

Juice river, biscuit bridge, jelly rocks, milk waterfall, lollipop garden...

Etc., etc.

The whole forest is a world of sweets, which makes people dizzy and drooling.

"What the hell is going on?" Sanji asked dumbfounded.

As a chef, what he saw affected him more deeply than others.

Robin was also surprised and said: "I heard that Big Mom is extremely fond of sweets, and even the tributes handed in by the affiliated forces under his command are only sweets. Now it seems that this is indeed the case."

"Is this, is this the tyranny of the Four Emperors? It really makes people laugh from ear to ear." Sanji murmured to himself.

At this moment, he began to wonder if his idea of ​​the evil-doing BIg Mom was wrong.

Judging from the situation on the island, could she be an old lady with a girlish heart?

Sammy also recovered from his daze.

Although he had known the situation in this forest for a long time, the scenes in the anime were very different from the real scenes.

The reality still gave him a big shock

"Don't let these fool your eyes." Sami reminded, "This forest is not as fairy tale as it seems."

"What do you mean?" Sanji asked confused.

Before Sammy could speak, Robin suddenly raised his hand.

"What's wrong? Honey?" Sammy asked immediately.

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