Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 398 Set off again to Cake Island

Hearing Brynn's caring words, Sanji's whole body felt as if he was listening to fairy music. His bones instantly softened by half, and he couldn't even stand still.

"Brynn-chan! Are you caring about me? I, I'm so happy!" Sanji resisted the urge to spurt blood from his nose and swore loudly, "Don't worry, dear Brynn-chan, I will definitely do it." Come back safely!"

"Ah! I really deserve to die! As a guardian knight, how can I make the princess shed tears for her own safety!"

"Ah! What a princess, you're so shy! Isn't Mr. Sanji also the prince of the Germa Kingdom?"

Brynn scribbled with her hands shyly, not daring to look at Sanji at all.

"King Germa, His Highness the Prince? No, that's right, I am the Prince, and the Prince who finally lived happily with the princess!" Sanji said while blowing out two streams of hot air from his nose.

Sammy almost spit out his coffee.

"Don't you hate Germa the most when you step on a horse?! Do you still have any principles!!!"

Robin coughed and asked: "Miss Brynn, please forgive me, Jinbe's withdrawal made Big Mom very angry. As her daughter, why do you want to help us?"

"Aren't you afraid that if the matter is exposed, you will be severely punished?"

Brynn was stunned for a moment. She looked at Robin, who looked suspicious, and then at Sanji, who had a nymphomaniac smile on his face.

Then she seemed to have made some determination, raised her head and smiled.

"You are right. In fact, I have always been afraid of my mother. Not only me, many brothers and sisters in the family are also afraid of my mother."

"Mom's long-cherished wish is to give birth to children of all races, then form a pirate group bound by blood, and ultimately help her become the Pirate King."

"But I know very well that this cannot be done no matter what. Because my mother has a very bad temper and never allows anyone to disobey her."

"Once we offend our mother, even us, her biological children, will be at risk of being killed."

"In the past few years, I have been very afraid of my mother and never dared to disobey her, so under her instructions, I did a lot of bad things, even though it was not my intention."

"But not long ago, I saw with my own eyes how unyielding Jinbei was when facing his mother. I admired his courage and bravery. I vowed to learn from his courage and become a free person who can make his own decisions."

"This is why I choose to help you, and please trust me."

After Bryn finished speaking, she bent down and bowed at a 90° angle. Her attitude was so sincere that it was almost humble. It was so convincing.

Even Robin was a little confused now.

She turned her head and glanced at Sammy, her eyes full of confusion.

"Haney, did we make a mistake? This kid doesn't look like a bad guy at all!"

Sami covered his forehead and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It's so amazing, it's such a perfect acting, even Robin was deceived."

If Sami hadn't read the original work, I'm afraid even he wouldn't believe that Brynn was lying.

After all, the most deceptive thing is half-truths.

It is certain that Brynn is afraid of Big Mom and longs for freedom, but the more afraid and eager she is, the more she wants to please her mother and hope to gain her trust to prove that she is a capable daughter.

Brynn, whose psychology has been distorted, will not help Sami and the others against Big Mom under any circumstances before being completely rescued by Sanji.

Sammy shook his head nonchalantly at Robin, signaling her not to be fooled.

Robin could only nod.

Although she didn't understand it, she still believed in Sammy's judgment.

Not only because Sami was her lover, but also because Sami never missed it.

She turned her head and looked at Bryn, with a smile on her face, and her eyes were full of touch and excitement.

That is even more exquisite acting skills than Brynn.

"Thank you, Miss Brynn! You are truly the best and bravest girl I have ever seen." Robin said, holding her hands and saying in a friendly manner, "Now it seems that you are a perfect match for Sanji. ”

"Ah! Sister Robin, it's so embarrassing to say this." Brynn lowered her head and muttered.

"Sister Robin, thank you very much!!!" Sanji shouted excitedly.

Sami coughed, picked up the sketch drawn by Brynn on the table and said, "This is the safest route to Cake Island, right? Miss Brynn, thank you for your kindness, I will accept it."

"Please don't be polite. It's my honor to be able to help you." Brynn said politely.

Robin continued: "Now that the matter has been explained clearly, let's leave as soon as possible. If someone sees us here, it will cause trouble for you."

"Yes, yes, Brynn-chan, we have to leave immediately. We can't cause you any more trouble." Sanji reacted and said anxiously.

Brynn nodded sadly and said, "Although I'm very reluctant to part with you, Mr. Sanji, you still have business to do. Please be sure to pay attention to your safety."

"Hi! Brynn-chan! Just wait for the news of my victorious return!" Sanji said confidently.

So the three of them said goodbye to Brynn, returned to the Queen Mother's Anthem, and then set sail towards Cake Island.

Along the way, with the help of Brynn's map, Sammy and the others successfully bypassed various small islands, dodged one surveillance ship after another, and got closer and closer to Cake Island.

Sanji stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the getting closer and closer, feeling very beautiful.

"Thanks to Brynn-chan, there were no obstacles along the way." He felt elated, "When I see Brynn-chan again, I will definitely kowtow to her!"

Sammy glanced at him and said, "Don't get carried away. Don't you think it's weird?"

"Strange? What's weird? Isn't everything normal?"

"It's just because it's so normal that it makes me feel abnormal!" Sami said, "It's rumored that there are hundreds of surveillance ships in the waters of all nations, but we didn't encounter any along the way. Don't you think it's strange? ?"

"Is this so strange? Didn't Brynn-chan give us a map to bypass them?"

"Idiot, the map is dead but the ship is alive, how can we get around it?" Sami cursed, "It's not so much that we got around them, it's better that they took the initiative to avoid us."

"What do you mean by that! Scheming man?" Sanji was anxious.

"The meaning is obvious. I'm afraid this picture is not a life-saving straw but a life-saving talisman." Sami shook the map in his hand and said, "Maybe it is leading us step by step to fall into the web that the spider has already weaved. .”

When Sanji heard this, he immediately became furious: "You bastard who repays kindness with revenge! Brynn-chan worked so hard to draw the map for us, and you are not only ungrateful but also maliciously slandered her. You are so heartless! I will kick you to death, you idiot!" !”

Sanji said, raising his leg and using the Devil's Wind Kick to kick her over.

"Wait a minute, Sanji!" Robin shouted immediately.

"Sister Robin! Don't stop me. This scheming man and I are incompatible."

"Stop Sanji! I think Sammy is right." Robin stopped him again.

Sanji was suddenly struck by lightning, with an incredible expression on his face.

"Luo, sister Robin, do you even doubt Brynn-chan?"

Robin shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't believe her, but I have to be more vigilant. Sanji, don't forget that the three of us are in the enemy's hinterland now. If we are careless, the consequences will be serious."

"Sister Robin..."

Sanji was confused, muttering to himself, at a loss.

If it was just Sammy who said that, he would definitely fight that scheming man.

But even Sister Robin said so, so he hesitated.

Believing Sister Robin's words is tantamount to questioning Bryn-chan.

Believing Brynn-chan also means distrusting Sister Robin.

No matter which one, it is an unforgivable sin for Sanji.

So he was confused and in a dilemma.

Sami couldn't help laughing when he saw his troubled look.

Sanji finally found someone to vent his anger to, and yelled at him: "What are you laughing at! Scheming man! Didn't you see that I'm almost torn to death?"

"Idiot! Who cares about you!" Sammy shouted.

The two started to fight each other again.

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