Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 361 Meeting with Sauron

"Okay, this is the last batch."

Sammy waved his hand as he spoke, and the two huge boxes slowly fell down and were stacked neatly on top of each other.

It was dark all around, with only a small lamp overhead providing some light.

Looking around according to this faint light, there are all kinds of supplies that can't be seen at a glance, such as machines, raw materials, production parts, etc., all neatly stacked together.

Krall also put down the things in his hands, raised his head to wipe his sweat, and smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, Sammy. Without your help, Jasmine and I would have been busy for quite some time."

Sami waved his hand nonchalantly and said: "You're welcome, this matter is of great significance to the revolutionary army, and I am entrusted by Sabo, so I will naturally do my best."

Clar nodded and said: "Saab really values ​​things here. I heard that Mr. Long also asked about the situation here several times. When Jasmine and I were chosen, Sister Betty was still very unhappy."

"That woman wants to be the first in everything." Sami shook his head and smiled, then said seriously, "Klar, speaking of important things, I have something I want to ask you to convey to Sabo."

"Okay, you say."

"On the phone before, Saab said that he had made some breakthroughs in artificial fruits, but I always felt uneasy."

Sammy said, taking out a strange-looking artificial Devil Fruit from an open box, looking at it and saying.

"This thing has serious side effects. People who take it are basically gambling with their lives. Even with Caesar's ability, I'm afraid he can't make it perfect."

"Ah? What should we do?" Krall was surprised.

"If you want to be truly foolproof, I'm afraid you need the help of one person."



"Vegapunk, that genius scientist who claims to be 500 years ahead of the world?"


Krall looked embarrassed and said: "Sammy, I may also know Bega Punk's ability. Mr. Long invited him in the past, but he refused."


"What else could there be? They think we have no money, are not powerful, and are always wanted by the World Government." Kral said, "The revolutionary army had just been founded at that time, and Mr. Long said that we cannot raise big fish in shallow water."

"It's different now. We have strong troops and sufficient funds. We can meet all the scientific research conditions required by Vegapunk."

"But since Vegapunk joined the World Government more than twenty years ago, we have completely lost all information about him."

Sami nodded: "I can guess this, Vegapunk is too important to the World Government, and all his information must be top secret."

In fact, Sammy didn't say a word.

That is, for the World Government, people like Vegapunk can either be used for their own use, or they can be eliminated directly. There is no third possibility.

Once he gets involved by other forces, God knows what will happen.

Sami pondered: "What if I know the whereabouts of Bega Punk?"

"You, you know?!" Krall opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

Sami had long been immune to other people's expressions. He nodded lightly and said: "Yes, I know, he should be on Egghead Island now."

Clara had no doubt that Sami was lying. What she wanted to know most now was how Sami learned the news.

"Sammy, you..."

"Hey." Sammy raised his finger and shook it.

"Okay, I won't ask anymore." Krall said helplessly.

In the past two years, Sami has given the revolutionary army the most accurate information countless times, and some of the information is even close to predictions.

But Sammy never told everyone how he knew it, and no one was allowed to ask.

Over time, everyone has developed a good habit of just listening and not asking.

"Even if we know Bega Punk's address, how can we attract him to join us? You must know that the guy here is from the government."

"It's not that we attract him, it's that he begs to join us." Sammy smiled mysteriously.

"Why...well, I won't ask."

"It won't be long before Vegapunk will fall out with the World Government. Then it's time for us to wait and see." Sami said.

"Bring this news back to Sabo as soon as possible. He and Long will handle these matters."

"Okay, I know, I will tell Sabo as soon as possible. Do you need to prepare anything?"

She was referring to whether to send some powerful people to deal with it.

Sami nodded: "It's best for Sabo to lead the team himself. There shouldn't be too many people. Evacuate immediately after receiving Vegapunk."

"Okay." Krall took out his notebook, jotted down all the key points, and nodded solemnly towards Sami.

Then Sami explained a few more words, and after the two people discussed it, they got out of the hole at the bottom.

When Jasmine saw them both coming out, she immediately pushed the fork towards the ground, and the huge black hole on the ground was immediately flattened.

The ground immediately returned to its original state, and nothing could be seen from the outside.

Sammy dusted himself off and was about to say something when the sound of "Bulu Bulu" came from his body again.

The phone bug rang again.

"Hey, this is Sammy. Miss me again? Honey?"

"Miss you Honey, where are you now?" It turned out to be Robin.

"I'm in the smile factory now, with Clara and Jasmine."

"Klar? Jasmine? Why are they here?" Robin's tone was full of surprise.

There were not many female members in the Revolutionary Army, and Robin had become good friends with almost all of them in the past two years, especially Krall and Jasmine who had the best relationship.

Sammy smiled and pointed the phone bug toward Clar and Jasmine.

The two of them immediately greeted Robin excitedly.

"Robin, it's Clara."

"Robin sauce!"

"Hello you all."

The three people immediately started chatting, completely ignoring Sami.

Sami didn't think anything of it. Even a straight man like him knew that women's affairs should be less involved, so he obediently stepped aside and waited for them to finish talking.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before Kral handed the phone bug back to Sammy.

"What are you calling about, Honey?"

"Zoro was seriously injured, and Chopper is treating him. Luffy is dealing with Mingge alone. Come and take a look."

"I know, have you completed the task assigned to Usopp?" Sami asked immediately.

Sugar's abilities are so perverted that Sammy won't rest assured unless she is dealt with.

"Don't worry, Usopp has taken care of that little girl, even though he himself is in a very embarrassed state."

"Very good." Sammy smiled. "Sometimes, if you don't push it, you won't know how powerful our long-nosed gentleman is."

"I believe in Usopp's abilities and he is a very reliable partner."

"All of you," Sammy said. "Okay, see you later, Robin."

After Sami hung up the phone and said a brief goodbye to Clar and Jasmine, a rocket charge rose from the ground, smashed through the roof and flew into the distance.

Looking at the huge hole on the ceiling, Krall asked speechlessly: "Do they never leave the door?"

Jasmine replied: "We didn't leave the door when we came."


With the help of powerful knowledge and domineering, Sami quickly locked in Luffy's location.

Not only that, he also sensed the auras of Zoro and Chopper next to Luffy.

So without saying a word, he immediately flew there, and it didn't take long for him to approach his destination.

"Zoron!! Chopper!!" Sammy yelled from far away.

Zoro, who was lying on the ground gasping for air, immediately raised his head and responded happily: "Hey! Sammy! Here!"

Chopper, who was treating Zoro, also jumped up in surprise.


In the surprised eyes of the two people, Sammy approached and landed.

"How was it? I heard that you had a fight with Drought Jack from the Beast Pirates?" Sami asked with a smile, "It feels good, right?"

Zoro grinned and said: "That guy is indeed a big sign, he is very strong, but in the end I won."

Zoro's tone was calm, but Sami could hear the confidence in his words.

Green Algae Head is always reliable - except when you're on the road.

"I knew you wouldn't lose to that kind of guy." Sammy patted him on the shoulder.

If Zoro can't even defeat Jack, then he will never be able to surpass Hawkeye in this life.

"Where's Luffy?" he asked.

Zoro raised his finger and pointed at it.

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