Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 360 I like killing people



The hard ground suddenly seemed to turn into a soft dough, causing ripples.

A huge bulge slowly bulged, shrinking and shrinking, as if something was about to come out.

After a while, a huge unshaven head emerged from the ground.

It turned out to be a giant wearing a top hat, with a pair of goggles tied to the top hat.

"Sammy? Sammy?" he shouted softly.

But even if it was a small sound, it was still a huge sound according to the giant's voice.

"Hey! Jasmine! Don't scream so loud!" A gentle female voice came from the soil.

"I'm sorry, Clar, I didn't pay attention." Jasmine lowered her head and apologized.

"It's okay." Krall responded, and jumped out of the soil in a hurry.

Jasmine followed and got out.

The two people looked at their surroundings curiously.

This seems to be a huge factory building, with all kinds of steel machines as far as the eye can see.

Mixed in between the machines are various other instruments and tools, all of them are scattered in a pile here and there, making the mess look annoying.

What was even more surprising was that there was a lot of strange red liquid spilled on the ground, and a bloody smell hit his face, which was disgusting.

"Hey, it's such a dirty place." Jasmine had a look of disgust on her face, "Klar, be careful, don't get our skirts dirty."

"Don't worry, you're wearing a miniskirt, it won't get stained." Klar responded while looking at it carefully.

"Really? Really?" Jasmine said happily, "Is my skirt beautiful? Those rude men always like to look at the bottom of my skirt."

It's hard for you to believe what a magical scene it is when a giant man with an unshaven beard and a fat body speaks in a shy tone.

Even in the world of pirates, which is full of strange things and crooked things, it is still amazing enough.

But Krall didn't care at all, or she was used to it.

After all, she has been with Jasmine for many years, and she knows that this big guy with a tough appearance is actually a new human being with a delicate heart who hates violence.

Guys who know Jasmine like to be around him.

Even the eccentric Mr. Sammy was the same. He said more than once that Molly was very much like a former friend of his named Von Klee.

"Hey, now, Kral, have you found any clues?"

"Found it, Mr. Sami should be in the largest production workshop." Krall said confidently.

"Huh? How did you find out, Clar, you are so awesome." Jasmine praised her little sister without reservation.

"Well, because Mr. Sami left us a message on the wall." Krall held back a smile and pointed to a wall.

There were several big words clearly written on it in blood: I am in the largest production workshop.

Jasmine covered her face in embarrassment and shouted shyly: "Sammy is the most annoying."

Clar patted his thigh and said, "Okay, Jasmine, let's go find him quickly. He's alone now. I'm afraid something will be in danger."

After saying that, she started running.

Jasmine also moved, comforting Krall as she ran.

"Don't worry, Klar, Sammy is as strong as Mr. Long, even more powerful than Sabo."

"I know, I'm just worried that if the factory is damaged, Saab's mission will not be completed."

"Hehe, Krall, you are still so concerned about Sabo's mood." Jasmine teased.

"No way, don't talk nonsense." Krall's face suddenly turned red, and she quickly covered her hot face, not daring to look at anyone.

"Hehe." Jasmine grinned, picked up Krall, put it on her shoulders, hugged her, and ran forward with rapid strides.

After a while, the two people walked through this long corridor and came to a door at the end.

There seemed to be a fierce battle going on on the other side of the door, with shouts and collisions happening one after another, shaking the heaven and earth.

Krall's expression changed and he shouted quickly: "Hurry up, Jasmine, Mr. Sami should still be fighting, let's go help him quickly."

"Okay." Jasmine responded, without stopping, she headed towards the door.


The iron-clad wooden door shattered like paper under her impact, and sawdust and dust instantly filled the air.

Soon, the smoke dissipated, and Krall slowly lowered his hands to protect his face.

Instantly, she was stunned by the scene inside the room.

There were blood stains everywhere, from the floor to the walls, extending to the ceiling, bright red one after another.

The wooden boxes that were originally neatly stacked seemed to have been swept by a tornado, scattered everywhere in a mess.

In the center of the room, a large open space has been cleared.

A hill, a hill of piled corpses, stood in the middle of the clearing.

The head is like a rock, the severed limbs are like withers, and the gurgling blood is like a river fountain.

On the top of the mountain, Sammy was sitting lazily with one leg bent.

His expression was calm, his clothes were spotless, and he seemed not to be affected at all.

The whole scene seemed strange and terrifying.

There was silence for a long time before Krall and Jasmine reacted.


The piercing scream almost shattered the ceiling!

Sammy then turned around and smiled at them.

"Hey, Clara, Jasmine, long time no see."

Jasmine covered her eyes, not daring to look at anything.

Klar covered her mouth and trembled all over.

She asked in a frightened, trembling voice: "Quan, Quan, dead?"


"It's all... it's all... it's all..."

"Yes, I killed them all."

"Why, why?"

"I told them not to run or scream, but they didn't listen," Sami said. "I didn't want to kill them."

Krall was almost collapsed by Sammy's speech.

If she hadn't known that Sammy never killed innocent people, she would have thought that the man in front of her was the most insane murderer in the world.

"Who are they?"

"Foreman of the factory, cadres of the Don Quixote family." Sammy replied, "Each of them is stained with the blood of innocent people, and all of them died innocently."

Clar then felt a little better.

Although she is a very compassionate person, she is not the Virgin. She still knows very well who deserves to die.

"You still have such a bad temper, Mr. Sammy." Krall said with a strange expression.

Every time Sami takes action, the battlefield will become a bloody mess. This is already known to everyone in the revolutionary army.

Unexpectedly, after leaving the revolutionary army, Sami's symptoms not only did not alleviate, but also worsened.

What a headache.

"Hahaha, I just thought you were complimenting me." Sami laughed.

"I won't praise you for this." Krall said speechlessly.

She still remembers that the first time she met Sami was when she was applying for Sami’s employment files.

Seven or eight forms were filled to the brim by Sammy, but only one line was blank.

That's the personal hobbies column.

Seeing that Sammy didn't fill it out, Krall kindly reminded him that he'd better fill it out.

After all, everyone can give gifts to Sammy according to this method every time there are holidays, birthdays, etc. in the future.

As a result, this guy thought for a long time and muttered: Does killing count?

Good guy!

Kral called him good guy!

She thought that there were already enough demons in the Revolutionary Army, but she didn't expect that another more perverted one would come.

She didn't know if Longtou didn't have a headache, but she already had enough headaches.

Looking at Krall's loveless expression, Sami smiled and said: "Not everyone can be as gentle as your Sabo..."

"What, what!" Krall blushed instantly, waving his hands desperately to drive away the shyness, "What do you mean, my Sabo? I'm not..."

"Huh? No? Then I'll introduce Sabo to his girlfriend."

"Absolutely not." Krall reflexively refused.

Then she reacted again, her face was so red that she was almost bleeding, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

Sammy laughed again.

"Jasmine, Jasmine," he shouted, "work quickly and hide everything in the factory underground, otherwise the enemy will come."

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