Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 355 The battle is over and we run towards Dressrosa

"Not everything can be artificial." Sami smiled, "Let me guess your confidence."

Fujitora's expression remained unchanged and he just stood at attention.

"The Navy has something that can replace the Shichibukai, right?"

Fujitora's expression immediately changed.

"It seems I guessed it right." Sammy said with a smile.

Fujitora was stunned for a long time before he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency is really as good at knowing things as the intelligence says."

"Haha, it's a joke, it's a joke." Sammy said.

"After all, I have spoilers." He thought to himself.

"In fact, it's not difficult to guess." Sami continued, "Two years ago in the Shampoo Islands, I encountered a huge robot that was exactly the same as the Shichibukai Tyrant Bear."

"These killing weapons have also appeared in the top wars. They are more numerous and more powerful, and they have caused us a lot of trouble."

"I saw the horror of them killing people on a large scale on the battlefield, but your navy calls them pacifists. Isn't this a great irony? Fujitora."

"Justice has different meanings in the eyes of different people. Just a name can't mean anything. As long as this thing is in the hands of just people..."

"Justice? Are you referring to the lackeys of the Tianlong people of the World Government?" Sami sarcastically said, "Tell me, Fujitora, how much do you know about this thing?"


"I'm afraid you don't understand either, right?" Sami mocked, "The World Government can even guard against you, a naval admiral, so do you expect them to care about other people?"

"I...I have nothing to say."

"I heard that since Vegapunk joined the government, he has received a large amount of research funding every year. What do you think he is busy with?"

"You can't be studying recipes, right?"

"Pacifists are scary enough, but the world government is not satisfied yet! I won't be surprised if they come up with even more terrifying killing machines in the future."

"Once this happens, what do you think the Five Old Stars will do? What will Akainu do?"

"Let me remind you that the horrific massacre that happened in O'Hara is still going on today!"

When Sami said this, he couldn't help but his voice trembled.

His mind couldn't help but imagine a scenario in which Im would use the new weapons developed by Vegapunk to wipe out the entire Kingdom of Lucia after the "Eight-Nation Revolution" in the future.





Im's character was clearly revealed in this erasure operation.

It is said that pirates are cruel by nature and like to burn, kill and loot, but compared to Im, they are simply good people.

At least, Sammy had never heard of a pirate who could kill everyone in an entire kingdom.

Even Blackbeard never caused such a tragedy on Drum Island back then!

This is the supreme ruler of the world government, the master of the "Sky Throne".

She sat in that chair for eight hundred years.

The Five Old Stars call her a god, which is not wrong at all - because she has long lost her humanity.

Fujitora was speechless at Sami's words, but said firmly: "I will not let that happen again. Even if it is Marshal Sakaski's order, I will refuse without hesitation!"

"I believe in you, and I can only believe in you." Sammy said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge noise suddenly came from Dressrosa behind him!

Sami turned his head and saw that the entire Dressrosa had long lost its former peace and tranquility.

A huge spider web fell from the sky and enveloped the entire island, turning the country into a giant birdcage.

There were noisy screams and people running for their lives everywhere, thick smoke billowing, and flames of war.

Innocent people are in danger of losing their lives at any time.

"Your Excellency, civilians are in danger. I'm sorry that I can't accompany you." Fujitora said quickly.

He retracted his staff and knife, obviously not wanting to fight again.

Seeing that Sami had said everything he wanted to say and fought everything he wanted to fight, he naturally wouldn't stop him anymore.

He immediately flew aside and got out of the way.

"Thank you." Fujitora nodded to him, then turned back and shouted to the marines, "Everyone! Head towards Dressrosa at full speed, prepare rescue supplies, and prepare to rescue civilians!"

"it is good!"

"Wait a minute!" Someone suddenly shouted loudly, which seemed extremely abrupt among the crowd of promises.

It turned out to be the adjutant who had left and returned.

This person turned out to be a confidant who had been following Akainu, and was only transferred to serve under Fujitora at the beginning of this operation.

His mind was filled with Akainu's idea of ​​"absolute justice", and he had many verbal disagreements with Fujitora.

It was only because of the status gap between him and General Fujitora that he never dared to openly quarrel with him.

But now looking at his face that was twisted with anger when he spoke, it seemed that this person had lost his mind.

Sure enough, the next second, Sami saw this guy rushing to the front of the deck and shouting at Fujitora.

The sound was sharp and harsh.

"Fujitora! What the hell are you doing? Why haven't you taken down that damn pirate yet?"

"No one is allowed to leave! We are the navy! The most important mission is to kill pirates and eliminate evil! This is justice!"

"As for those civilians, we can only blame them for their bad luck! Who asked them to recognize a pirate as their king! They brought this on themselves! They don't deserve sympathy!"

"General Fujitora, I have already reported to the Five Old Stars and Marshal Sakaski! They ordered you to capture Ragnar Sami immediately! If you dare to disobey the order, I will sue you in front of the Five Old Stars. shape!"

As he spoke, he spat wildly and his face turned purple.

Sami smiled coldly: "I asked him why he was so bold. It turned out that he was using chicken feathers as arrows."

This guy was the spy placed next to Fujitora by the Five Old Stars, and Yanran already regarded herself as an imperial minister with "emperor's orders".

Naturally, he doesn't take other people seriously.

Fujitora's face was gloomy and his expression was very ugly.

He could tolerate Akainu scolding him because the other person was his boss after all.

But who is that guy down there?

Akainu's confidant?

The eyeliner of Wulaoxing?

Do you really think that as an "imperial minister" you can see the third level of the official?

The Gravity Fruit couldn't help but activate, and the purple light flashed like breathing.


Sammy suddenly fired two laser beams from his eyes, instantly vaporizing the guy on the deck who was still showing off his power.

He didn't even have time to scream.

This move went away as quickly as it came. After Fujitora reacted, Sammy's eyes had returned to their original appearance.

"Ragnar, you..."

"You're welcome," Sammy smiled.

"That guy is from Wulaoxing. If you kill him casually, I will be very passive."

"You can write 'accidental drowning' in his death report." Sammy suggested with a smile.

Fujitora shook his head: "The Five Old Stars are not fools."

"Haha, don't worry, it's just because Wu Laoxing is not a fool, so just write as I say and I'll make sure it's fine." Sami explained.

"They will never fall out with a general like you just because of such a guy. You just need to give them a step down."

"The worst that can happen is to get scolded. Think about Akainu, doesn't he get scolded every day?"

Fujitora took a deep breath. How could there be such a shameless person as Sami in the world?

Good guy, you killed the man, why should I be the one who gets scolded?

However, he just complained in his heart.

After all, he himself had murderous intentions just now.

This adjutant can only be blamed for his bad luck. There are not many people in this world that both the enemy and us want to kill.

This guy is an absolute genius.

Fujitora didn't want to dwell on this issue anymore. He nodded to Sami, turned around and flew back to the warship.

Soon, the navy warship suddenly turned and rushed towards Dressrosa.

Sammy also turned around and flew towards the huge birdcage in the sky, faster than the marines.

After all, he still wanted to meet his old enemy Donquixote Doflamingo.

I hope he hasn't been beaten into a pig's head by Luffy yet.

You know, Luffy's current strength is more than a little stronger than at the same time in the original work.

When he received a letter from Rayleigh introducing him half a year ago, Luffy had fully learned the flow of Sakura and was working hard towards the Overlord Color Tangle.

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