Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 354 Justice of benevolence and righteousness

The purple flame slowly dissipated, and Fujitora's figure was slowly revealed.

Sammy pursed his lips.

Naturally, he couldn't think that he could kill a general instantly with just this move.

But seeing the other person's smoky and breathless look, Sami couldn't help but laugh.

Once upon a time, the general was an elusive existence for him, and just thinking about it would make his back shiver.

But now, he can finally confront the opponent head-on, and even have a slight advantage.

Only he himself knows the hardships involved.

Thinking of this, Sami spread his hands flat, and countless dazzling light spots immediately flashed above his head.

"When I first met Qing Pheasant, I was instantly killed by him with one move. I almost couldn't save the woman I loved."

Sammy said calmly, the stars above his head becoming more and more dazzling.

"I swore at that time that sooner or later I would surpass the general and all my enemies until I could control my destiny in my own hands."

"Now I finally did it!"

Fujitora: Then go find that chicken! What are you talking to me about?

"Secret Technique·Celestial God·Zhoutian Star Chart!"


The stars in the sky suddenly fell at this moment, with a posture that seemed to blow up the whole world, and hit it hard.

Not only Fujitora, but also all the naval battleships behind him were enveloped, and no one was spared.

Fujitora's keen sense of perception immediately judged the seriousness of the situation.

He slashed instantly and activated the Gravity Fruit at full power.

"If you continue to make trouble like this, things will never end." Fujitora murmured to himself.

The sword of the staff was raised high above his head in a sudden stroke, throwing out a circle of deep purple light.

The aperture swelled when the wind blew, covering the entire sea area almost in the blink of an eye. The range was actually wider than Sammy's attack.

He immediately felt an invisible barrier forming above his head, trying to block all attacks.

"Interesting, can you stop me?" Sami stared at Fujitora and sneered.

next second.

Countless fireballs hit the gravity barrier hard, and sparks shot out like a volcano erupting, with purple magma splashing everywhere.

The high temperature burned everyone's skin, and even though they were far away, a large number of sailors were still screaming from the heat.

But they managed to save their lives.

Although Fujitora's barrier seemed shaky, it was not breached in the end.

He held the line of defense firmly.

The price paid was a lot of physical strength, and big beads of sweat fell like rain.

"You actually managed to hold on? But the price is too high. How many more times can you hold on?" Sami asked.

"I will guard until the end." Fujitora gasped.

"Then give it a try."

Sammy raised his hand, and soon there was another "weekly star chart"!


The powerful flaming meteor was blocked again.

Fujitora's body began to tremble, and he could hardly even hold the sword in his hand.



Fujitora finally couldn't hold on anymore and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

But even so, his defense still barely held on.

Looking at the embarrassed Fujitora, Sami couldn't help but shake his head.

If he were fighting alone, Fujitora would never be so embarrassed.

It's a pity that he has to protect those men at all costs, so he will naturally be dragged down.

This is the sorrow of a good person, there is concern everywhere.

And concern is weakness.

This may also be the reason why Akainu chose "absolute justice".

After completing the task of eradicating evil, life and death are determined.

It's a pity that Fujitora's personality means that he will never be able to become a person like Akainu.

Seeing their own general vomiting blood while being protected, the marines below could no longer hold back and started shouting.

"General Fujitora! Let's go!"

"Leave us alone! General!"

"For justice! We are willing to sacrifice!"

These people shouted one after another, with tears in their eyes, and they looked forward to death.

Many people here have followed Fujitora in his wars since he became general. They have been exposed to it for more than two years and have long agreed with Fujitora's view of justice.

In a way, they are all Fujitora.

Therefore, it is natural not to be saved by others sacrificing their lives.

A pleased smile appeared on Fujitora's face: "The more you say this, the more I can't back out!"


"Fight him!"

"Raise the gun! Raise the gun! Cover the general!"

The navy below was filled with indignation. Under the command of the officers, they all raised their weapons and attacked Sami.

next second.

Hundreds of guns fired! Thousands of guns fired!

Bullets and shells came whizzing over like raindrops.

"Secret Technique·God·Character!"

A huge flame character appeared out of thin air and stood in front of Sami, blocking all attacks from the marines.

Fujitora saw the opportunity and immediately stepped forward to fight Sami in close combat to prevent him from using that move again.

When the navy saw this, they cheered.

"Kill him! General!"

"Beat this pretty boy to death!"

"I'm going to die for having a son who doesn't have xxx"


For a time, countless trash talk was poured towards Sami, drowning him in an instant.

"That's too much!!!" Sammy complained, rolling his eyes.

He and Fujitora, one who could fly and the other who could float, collided in the sky in an instant.

First, they were far apart, and then they accelerated towards each other. Each time, it was like two knights engaging in a jousting match.

In just a few blinks, the two sides fought hundreds of times, and the sound of collisions sounded like thunderstorms in the sky.

"Asana·Holy Lord·Little Ascension"

"Asana·Holy Lord·Dance"

"Eight Hells"

"East to the sea"


Sammy frequently used moves and fought happily, and the fighting spirit in his heart boiled like blood.

It can be said that since the war, he has not fought so happily for a long time.

"Secret Technique·God·Yuye Nectar!"

Sammy stepped back suddenly and spurted out a mouthful of purple flames.

Not to be outdone, Fujitora slashed at him with his sword: "Gravity Sword·Tiger!"

The two forces collided violently and disappeared in a loud thunder.

The two people stopped their hands in unison and stared at each other with bated breath.

Two or three seconds later, just as Sami was about to raise his hand to attack again, a voice suddenly came to his ears.

"Blu Bru~Bru Bru~"

It's the sound of a phone bug.

Sami smiled awkwardly and signaled to Fujitora to pause while he answered the phone first.

Fujitora was not one to take advantage of others' danger, so he actually stopped.

"Hello? Who is it?"

Violent explosions and sounds of fighting came from the phone.

"Sammy, it's me, Robin."

"what happened?"

"The situation has changed. Brother Ming has invited help."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"The Beast Pirates, Drought Jack."

"...I know, who is fighting him?"

"Zoro, Luffy went after Brother Ming, and Sanji faced Badgers of the Blackbeard Pirates."

"There's someone from Blackbeard here too? That's interesting." Sami smiled and asked, "Has Usopp dealt with the one named Sugar?"

"It's solved, both sides suffer."

"Then it'll be fine. Call me when you're done."

"Sammy, if you defeat Jack, it's equivalent to starting a war with Kaido. Is that okay?"

"Haha, Robin, remember, Kaido is clearly waging war against us now."


"That's it, bye." Sammy quickly hung up the phone.

He turned to look at Fujitora and said with a smile, "I heard it all."

Fujitora nodded.

"Donquixote Doflamingo is colluding with the Beast Pirates, don't you want to say anything?"

Fujitora said seriously: "If the situation is true, I will arrest him personally."

"So simple?"

"I have decided to advise the World Government to abolish the Shichibukai system."

"Hey, is it okay for you to tell me such a confidential thing?"

"Sorry, I always think that since you have made a mistake, you should not bravely expose it. Covering it up will only make yourself more embarrassed."

Sami nodded seriously and said: "You are very good, Fujitora. I originally thought that after Aokiji retired from the navy, there would be no good people there."

"Thank you for the compliment. But I will never forget your identity as a pirate. We are enemies after all."

"I know this better than you do," Sami said, "but I'm quite curious. How sure are you that you can convince the Five Old Stars to agree to your abolition of the Shichibukai?"

"It all depends on human effort." Fujitora said calmly.

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