Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 340 A giant ship descends from the sky

"This, what is this?"

Usopp looked at the strange scene and was so frightened by the sudden and huge changes that his tongue was tied.

"Overlord and domineering." Zoro said softly, and then a natural smile appeared on his face, "As our captain, isn't this obvious?"

"Bawang color... what is domineering?" Chopper asked stumblingly.

"It is a type of domineering, but unlike the armed color and the knowledge color, the overlord color is an innate ability and cannot be obtained through practice."

Sauron said: "This is an ability that is only born among millions of people. Anyone who possesses it has the potential to become a king."

"King?! Pirate King?" Nami screamed.

"Yo ho ho ho ho, Mr. Luffy, this is really surprising, my heart is about to jump out, even though I am a skeleton without a heart."

"That guy Luffy has really become more powerful in the past two years." Sanji said with a smile on his face, "You didn't disappoint me!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Luffy.

The captain they had chosen had been working wonders from the very beginning of the adventure.

So they have no doubt that Luffy will become the Pirate King!

If Luffy's overlord color brings surprise and joy to the Straw Hats.

Then what brings Hody and the new fish-man pirate group is fear.

Unlimited fear.

Became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

No matter how ruthless Hody is, it is not as terrifying as the strange collapse of his companions.

The morale of the new fish-men pirates collapsed once again.

And, of course, the final collapse.

"Asshole! You idiots are just domineering and domineering. There are..." Hody is naturally well-informed and knows Luffy's methods.

But what's the use at this moment?


Luffy walked towards Hodi with a calm pace, his face showing no joy.

"Hello? You guy, you seemed to have said you wanted to become the Pirate King just now, right?"

"W-what do you want to do?" Hody couldn't help but want to step back, but his limbs were completely out of control and he had no strength at all.

He has been scared silly.

"It doesn't matter what other king you want to be, but as the Pirate King, I am enough!"

Luffy said, raised his right hand and started the second gear again.

"Rubber jet..."

"what is that?!"

"There's something in the sky!"

"Run! The sky, the sky is going to fall!"

Suddenly there was a horrified shout from the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, the originally clear sky suddenly began to lose sunlight, and darkness enveloped the earth at an extremely fast speed.

Everyone.He was stunned by this sudden turn of events, and looked up at the sky stupidly.

Luffy couldn't help but stop attacking and looked up.

I saw a huge ship suddenly appeared in the sky. It was broken and broken, but it was extremely large in size.

Now, this giant ship is falling down at an extremely fast speed, aiming directly at the center of the battle field.

"What, what is this?" Nami covered her mouth and said in disbelief.

Usopp jumped in fright: "Why is there a ship in the sky! Am I hallucinating?!"

"No! This ship is too big! If it hits us, we will all be in trouble!"

With the help of his computational eyes, Franky instantly estimated the impact data of the big ship when it fell.

Shockingly big

It can directly smash everyone present into pulp.

"What to do?! What to do?! Find a way!" Usopp and Chopper screamed holding their heads.

"Look at me!" Without saying a word, Sanji flew up and rushed towards the big ship.

"Devil's Wind Feet·The best minced meat!"

In the blink of an eye, Sanji had already kicked out dozens of times, and his feet landed accurately on the ship, leaving big holes.

However, this does not help the situation at all.

The entire main body of the ship is still intact.

Surprised, Sanji immediately fell back to the ground.

"It's useless!!!!" Usopp and Chopper were on the verge of crying.

"Zoron! Go and try! Can't you cut the pirate ship in half?" Nami shouted immediately.

"Idiot! Even if it is cut into two pieces, it will still kill people if it falls!" Zoro said, "Unless it can cut the entire ship into pieces in an instant."

"No one can do this except that man."

"Ah! What should we do then? Wait to die!" Nami collapsed completely.

Originally, she was waiting to return to the world, kill everyone, and reach Lafdru in one fell swoop.

As a result, he will die before leaving the battlefield!

"Hahahahaha!" Hodi burst out laughing, "Go to hell! Despicable human beings! Hahahaha!"

"This is Vandy Deken's ability! And he is also a member of our fishmen!"

"You humans will never defeat the fish-men!"


Luffy's expression changed and he immediately shouted: "Everyone, come closer to me. I will turn into a balloon and protect you!"

After saying that, Luffy took a deep breath and his body immediately expanded into a huge ball.

"Ugh~ It's not enough! Come again!" Luffy roared, inhaling violently again, and his body grew bigger and bigger.

After a while, his face turned red and veins popped out.

Even if it is rubber, its inflation is limited and cannot expand infinitely.

"That's enough! Luffy! If you breathe in any more, you'll explode!" Franky shouted immediately, "That big ship is too big! You can't hold it! He will smash you directly!"

"I know! But otherwise, I can't save you!" Luffy shouted without hesitation.




The friends were moved to tears by what Luffy just said.

Luffy wants to sacrifice himself to save everyone!

"Stop talking nonsense! I will never let you sacrifice yourself!" Sauron shouted, "If we can't even protect the captain, what's the point of living for us!"

"Let's all take action together! If you don't succeed, you will succeed!" Sanji shouted immediately.

The Straw Hats responded immediately.

Their faces were firm, they raised their heads and looked at the sky, showing an expression of despair.

"Everyone!" Luffy cried with tears in his eyes.

"Hahahaha! You can't succeed! You will all die!"

Hody's harsh voice echoed in the venue. .

This was accompanied by the shouts and cries of the murlocs under his command who were scurrying around.

It seems quite ironic.

Especially compared to the Straw Hats, who are united and working together, they are even more different.

"Let me count, one..." Sanji shouted.

The Straw Hats immediately raised their hands, ready to unleash their strongest attacks

"Follow me, I know where its weak point is!" Frankie shouted, his eyes starting to shine.


Chopper swallowed hard. His legs were shaking and he could hardly stand.

"Don't be afraid! Chopper! We are all here." Usopp looked back at him, but the smile on his face was uglier than crying.

"Usopp!" Chopper burst into tears, but his body stood straighter.


"Secret Skill·Divine Thought·Great Sun Tathagata!"

An extremely dazzling light suddenly lit up above people's heads and above the big ship.

Everyone was enveloped and swallowed up by the light at this moment.

Vision lost its function at this second.

Everyone seemed to have stopped thinking.

There is only bright white light left in the world.


When everyone is immersed in this light, it seems that even the soul is about to ascend to the paradise world.

A huge, deafening sound exploded.

It was as if the air wave generated by the explosion of an atomic bomb swept across all directions in an instant, flying away everything on the earth.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji took a step forward in unison, trying their best to release all their Haki to resist this wave of energy that destroyed the world.

Others hid behind them and shivered, not daring to make the slightest move.



I don’t know how long has passed, whether it’s a second or a century.

This wave of air slowly disappeared.

Everything is at peace.

Luffy slowly raised his head, stunned at just one glance

in front of you.

The original battle site had been destroyed beyond recognition.

Everywhere is as fragmented as the surface of the moon, with large chunks of dark brown soil exposed like scars covering the entire earth.

What's even more terrifying is that.

Originally, this place was a basin with a depression in the middle and cliffs on all sides.

But now, it has become a flat plain.

As far as the eye can see, except for the feet, there is no outstanding place around.

Only a black shadow gradually appeared in the thick smoke and dust.

That's a person.

Luffy's pupils shrank instantly.

The man had a warm smile on his face.

"Long time no see, Luffy," he said.

It's Sammy!

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