Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 339 Domineering and Domineering

"I, I feel that my whole body is full of power." Nami stuttered, her expression extremely shocked, "Qiao, Chopper, could it be..."

"Yes, the ability of Horse Talisman Level 3 is to gain aura." Chopper raised his little head and said proudly.

"I can give each of you a buff halo. Within this halo, everyone's human power will be enhanced."

"Including physical fitness, speed, reaction, thinking, endurance, spirit, etc."

"This is still just the result of my preliminary mastery. I believe it won't be long before even the domineering and fruit abilities can be enhanced."

"Are there any side effects?" Sanji asked hurriedly.

"Not at all." Chopper shook his head. "The only drawback is that there is a time limit. It only lasts about three hours. However, the duration will definitely increase in the future."

"This, this..." Usopp opened his mouth wide, almost unable to believe it.

What kind of perverted ability is this!

Enhance a person's strength out of thin air without any side effects.

Hody Jones cried in the bathroom!

You know, he took dozens of poisonous pills in order to defeat the Straw Hats, but it was all at the expense of people's future potential.

Every time you show off one more pill, your lifespan will plummet!

"Yo ho ho ho, my heart is beating so hard! Even though I am a skeleton, I have no heart." Brooke also opened his mouth wide, trying to calm down with cold jokes.

"Chopper, you guy! You're such a big kid!"

Although Luffy couldn't figure out what happened, he knew that Chopper must have done something amazing, so he immediately praised it.

"That's so long-winded, you bastard. Even if you praise me... Hey! You used the wrong word! Idiot!"

"Hahahaha, it doesn't matter, as long as you know I'm praising you, it's fine." Luffy patted Chopper on the head and laughed.

Frankie also smiled and said: "As expected, we haven't seen each other for two years, and everyone has become super awesome! It seems that you will also become perverted soon."

"Who wants to become a pervert!" Nami complained, "However, this buff effect is indeed perverted. I feel that my strength has at least doubled."

"Really? Why do I feel normal?" Zoro said, touching his chin.

"Don't refute Miss Nami's words! Bastard!" Sanji scolded.

"How can I not! It's obviously very ordinary! It's not okay to tell the truth, you sexy cook!"

"Die San Dao Ryu, what did you say?!"

The two of them were about to fight again.

Chopper quickly said: "Sanji! Zoro is right. Because the gain value is fixed, everyone's feeling will be different."

"The lower the strength, the stronger the feeling will be. Zoro is too strong, so the feeling will not be obvious."

"So that's it!" Sanji suddenly realized, "Oh, in that case, I don't think it's obvious. After all, I'm stronger than Green Algae Head."

"You are indeed better than me at being thick-skinned."

"Kick you, you bastard!"

"Be quiet," Nami scolded.

The two men immediately shut up, but still exchanged angry looks.

"The new abilities have been demonstrated, it's time for everyone to get to work." Nami said seriously, "If this mess is not dealt with before Sammy and Robin come back, you will be beaten!"

When she said this, her expression and voice were sinister, which shocked Luffy and the others.

"Everyone, hurry up!" Usopp screamed strangely, rubbed oil on his soles and rushed out immediately.

The others immediately swarmed forward, as fast as lightning.

For them, the danger brought by fighting the new fish-men pirates is not one ten thousandth of that of Nami's fist.

Even the very nervous Luffy understands this.

Therefore, he is the one who rushes the hardest.

In almost a few flashes, he had already rushed to the middle of the battlefield with the most enemies and came face to face with Hody Jones.

"Straw Hat!!!!"

As soon as Hody saw Luffy, he immediately shouted, and his anger level instantly exploded.

This is the guy!

This is the guy!

Not only did he ruin his plan, he also gave himself a good beating.

Including his men, he almost killed thousands of his men.

This made Hody, who was already overtaken by the drug and turned into an angry beast, how not to get angry.

"Suffer death! Straw Hat Boy!" Hody attacked without saying a word.

"Mlocculant Karate·Same!"

As a master of the fish-men clan, Hodi naturally has a deep understanding of his clan's physical skills.

This move is one of the unique moves that utilize the strong grip of the fish-man, which can crush the huge wall of the Dragon Palace in one blow.

But it's a pity.

In the world of pirates, walls are not really solid objects, and many things are harder than them.

For example: Luffy's arms covered in armament colors.

The moment Hody pinched it, his expression immediately changed.

"Fuck! Why can't I squeeze it!"

"Shouldn't be!"

"Hehe! Two years ago, I might have been pinched by you, but now, it's impossible for you to do that!"

Luffy grinned and said, "In the past two years, I have been practicing hard not to defeat enemies like you."

"Stop talking nonsense! You despicable person..."


Before Hody could finish his words, he was punched in the abdomen by Luffy.

His stomach immediately sunk, his body bowed sharply, his face turned red like a cooked lobster, and all the veins popped out.


Hody loosened his grip on Luffy's right hand, covered his stomach with both hands, and kept retching in his mouth, as if something was holding his throat.

"You're too weak!" Luffy said truthfully.

Hody's eyes immediately turned red, and the power of the poison in his body exploded again, and the pain was immediately drowned out.

"I-I'm going to kill you!"

Hody, who had lost his mind, once again took out a large handful of poison and stuffed it into his mouth like beans.

"Hey! Do you know what you are doing!" Luffy said in shock, "Chopper said that this red one is poison!"

"Poison! Poison!" Hody chewed his teeth loudly, "As long as it can kill you, even if it is poison that kills you immediately, I will take it without hesitation!"

"But you will die after eating the poison, how can you defeat me!" Luffy asked curiously.



The power of the poison begins to take hold.

The fierce force that came from nowhere surged through Hodi's body like a flood, and was about to burst his body!

The eyes, ears, body limbs, and internal organs are all furious!

"Kill you! Straw Hat!"

"Fishman Karate·Yabu Same!"

Several water droplets were thrown out by Hody, forming an arrow-like attack in mid-air towards Luffy.

Luffy immediately raised his hands, arms covered with armor, firmly blocking the blow.

"It's not over yet! Straw Hat!"

In the blink of an eye, Hodi drew out his weapon, the Great Sword, and slashed at Luffy.

"Enter second gear!"

Luffy shouted softly in mid-air, and immediately pumped his right arm twice to pump blood into his heart.

"Rubber jet pistol!"

A fist faster and harder than before came in an instant, hitting Hody in the face.

Hody blocked with a cross sword.

The backhand is a flick.

"Murloc Karate·Hit the Water!"


Water balloon explosion!

A splash of dust covered Luffy.

Seeing that he succeeded with one blow, Hody couldn't help laughing.

"Straw Hat! You were finally hit by me!"

"It's your turn to get hurt now!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

“Rubber jet stamp!”

A big red foot stepped hard on Hody's still triumphant face, trampling him into the soil.


Hody was extremely happy and sad, and was attacked again by Luffy.

"You can't defeat me, fish-headed monster!" Luffy said seriously, "Whether it's you or Aaron, I won't allow you to hurt others anymore!"

Hody spat out a mouthful of blood and stared at Luffy coldly.

Suddenly sneered.

"I do not believe!"

"Straw Hat! You are a human! A weak human!"

"Kill him! New Fishman Pirates!"

It seems that Hodi is planning to use the human sea tactic.

His angry voice echoed throughout the battlefield, and the fishmen who heard it immediately gathered here.

"Luffy! Let me help you!" Usopp shouted.

"No! Stay still, Usopp!"

Luffy stretched out his hand to stop him, then put the straw hat hanging around his neck back on with a smile on his face.

"I'm going to defeat them all alone."

"Stop being ridiculous, Luffy, they still have tens of thousands of people!" Usopp shouted anxiously, about to rush over.

Zoro grabbed him.

"Don't move! Usopp! Trust Luffy!"


"Look..." Zoro pointed with his hand.

Usopp immediately looked in that direction.

Luffy slowly raised his head, stared at Hody Jones and smiled.

next second.

Eyes widened.

A huge momentum spreads out like ripples for thousands of miles.

For a moment, the murlocs who rushed over seemed to have been hit hard by something, and their feet suddenly stopped.


one sound.

"Plop plop!"


"Plop plop plop..."

Countless voices sounded.

Countless fishmen fell to the ground.

A large space instantly vacated the scene.

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