How could Teach have expected that Sammy had such skills.

Caught off guard, his body collided hard with Akainu's fist.

As soon as the hot magma came into contact with the flesh, a "squeaking" roasting sound was made.


Another shrill scream.


"Captain Blackbeard!"

Badgers, Blackbeard's most loyal younger brother, immediately shouted anxiously.

Fan Oka and several others also rushed forward, intending to save their boss.

"It's so scary. Aren't you afraid of death?!"

Kizaru said lightly, and rushed to block him in a flash.

Badgers and others immediately fought with him.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Hey! If the leader dies here, you won't be able to survive alone!"

When Lafitte saw that several of his own people were being suppressed and beaten by Kizaru and unable to save Teach, he immediately yelled at Pizarro and the others.

These guys have been standing by and watching since they came to Malinfando.

When Tikki was beaten, it was as if he didn't see it.

"Don't forget, you were all rescued by the captain!" Lafitte blushed.

With just a few of them, they would be lucky to be able to withstand Kizaru's attack.

If it drags on any longer, Teach will be beaten to death by Akainu.

"What a trouble! I don't want to have a conflict with the navy right now!"

Pizarro cursed, but still rushed to save Teach.

Seeing him taking action, the others followed suit.

These guys don't take action, but once they do, they show great combat effectiveness.

He is indeed a super criminal who can be imprisoned on the sixth floor of Impel Down City. Every aspect of his strength is extremely impressive.

Kizaru, who was still at ease at first, immediately felt the pressure increase greatly.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

Countless lasers were like a curtain of rain, shrouding Blackbeard's group.


A flash of sword light instantly cut through the light curtain in front, forming a huge gap.

"Huh? Shiryu of the Rain?" Kizaru immediately saw the person blocking him.

It’s actually the warden of Jinshijohara!

"How scary! Did even the people in Impel Down City join Blackbeard's group?"

Kizaru said this, but his actions became more severe.

"Tiancong Cloud Sword!"

With a pull of both hands, a huge lightsaber formed from Kizaru's hand.

Then he raised his lightsaber high and slashed hard at Shiliu's.

"Why, do you also want to be an enemy of the navy? Ame no Shiru!"

"Justice or evil? For me, as long as I can kill people without any scruples, that's enough!" Shiliu said coldly.

After saying that, he actually raised his sword and went straight up, fighting with Kizaru.

Not only him, but even Pizarro and the others who had stood by and watched, now actually started to take action with all their strength without reservation.

As if he was obsessed with saving Tikki.

"Are these guys desperate for their lives?" Qing Zhi frowned.

It seems like their bond with Teach isn’t that deep, right?

Why do you care so much about his safety?

"Tikki! Is he really Luffy's last enemy?" Sammy sighed.

Someone once said that Luffy and Teach are actually like two sides of the same coin.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Luffy is kind and Tikki is evil.

Luffy is sincere and Teach is cunning.

Luffy is hot-blooded, Teach is gloomy.

There is always a one-to-one correspondence.

But at the same time, they have something in common.

For example, they can always attract people who share their interests.

It's just that Luffy relies on sincerity.

Teach relies on ambition.

Whether it's Pizarro, Shiliu, Diemei, or other subordinates.

The reason why they followed Tiqi was because Tiqi was ambitious enough, cruel enough, and capable enough.

Even evil people have dreams.

The more evil the person, the bigger the dream.

They also need to realize their dreams.

Either work hard yourself or find someone to help you.

And Teach was the man they chose to fulfill their ambitions.

As long as they can still see hope in Teach, this loyalty is extremely strong.

"Hey, Uncle Whitebeard, although I don't want to admit it, it seems that Teach is really your most outstanding son."

"Hmph!" Whitebeard said noncommittally, "Maybe he is the best, but he is definitely not the most successful."

"Hehe, I thought so too." Sammy smiled.

Since Ace is not dead.

So with his talent, he will definitely succeed Whitebeard's position in the future.

Whitebeard looked at Sami with a playful smile and remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Soon, his expression changed and he shouted to Sammy.

"Boy, aren't you ready to leave? If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Sammy looked quickly.

After Shiliu's desperate rescue efforts, Tikki had been rescued from Akainu.

Although he seemed to be dying, Teach escaped from danger after all.

The navy actually did not pursue it anymore, but instead all gathered together again and pressed towards Whitebeard.

After all, for them, no matter how troublesome Teach is, he is the enemy of tomorrow.

But the threat of Whitebeard is right around the corner.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out again.

"It's time to go." Sammy nodded.

A handful of cunt Tiqi is enough.

He didn't expect to leave Teach's life here.

"Do you have anything to explain? Uncle Whitebeard?" Sami finally asked, "Ace may not be able to accept your choice."

"Gu la la la, I know that boy's temper." Whitebeard said with a smile.

"Although Roger didn't raise him, his temperament is exactly the same as Roger's."

"This is probably the power of blood." Sammy replied.

"Boy Sammy, help me bring a message to Ace."

Whitebeard grabbed Cong Yunqie and said.

"A child who has not left his father's wings cannot grow up no matter how he grows up."

"If he still recognizes me as his father, don't let me down."

Sami squinted his eyes, nodded solemnly and said, "I remember."

"Gu la la la, I am a remnant of the old era. There is no ship that can carry me in the new era!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly and shouted these impressive words.

"Sammy boy!" he yelled at last.

"Remember! OnePiece is real!"


The waves lapped silently on the shore.

There is silence between heaven and earth.

Only Whitebeard's voice kept echoing in his ears.

"Damn it! Whitebeard!" Warring States was furious.

Whitebeard's words directly turned all the navy's previous efforts into vain.

What was their purpose in planning this war?

Just want to destroy the morale of the pirates and dash their hopes.

After all, once Roger's son Ace and Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, were killed by the navy.

Then the navy's prestige will definitely be greatly increased, and the Sword of Damocles will be hung over the heads of all pirates.

But the war has continued until now.

Ace ran away.

Whitebeard is not dead, and he has given Roger a platform to open up the Great Pirate Era.

This is simply rubbing salt into the Navy's wounds!

"Shut up! Whitebeard!"

Akainu was furious and moved forward bravely, killing Whitebeard like crazy.

Aokiji and Sengoku followed closely behind, and both of them stopped holding back their strength and exploded with maximum power.

Whitebeard laughed and advanced instead of retreating, choosing to fight one against three again.

However, even Whitebeard in his heyday could not withstand the full strength of the Warring States Period.

What's more, now that he is both old and injured?

In an instant, his tall body was submerged in the enemy's attack.

Sammy closed his eyes sadly.

He knew that an era was completely over!

But he had no time to lament.

Looking past Whitebeard's lifeless body, the admirals moved toward Sami.

Sammy had quick eyes and quick hands and immediately flew into the air.

He also picked up Rayleigh, who was having an intimate conversation with Garp.

"Marshal Warring States, see you later!" Sammy shouted.

"Kizaru! Stop him!"

"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

"Light speed kick!"

Kizaru was extremely fast and appeared in front of Sami in almost the blink of an eye.

A hard kick to Sammy!

"Good come!"

Sami had been waiting for this move for a long time and raised his hand to defend.


There was a clear sound of drawing a knife.

Kizaru's kick was firmly blocked by a long knife.

Then a figure appeared between him and Sammy.

Kizaru slowly retracted his right foot and looked at the man who suddenly appeared.

"Are you even here?"

"Yonko—Red-haired Shanks!"

"Long time no see, General Kizaru!"

The red-haired man calmly retracted his sword Griffin, with a gentle smile on his face.

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