Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 303 Secret Skill·Divinity·Scapegoat

Ignoring the people in the Navy who had different thoughts, Blackbeard was now content and contented.

Until now, the biggest beneficiary of this war is neither Whitebeard nor the Navy, but him who has been hiding behind the scenes.

Now, not only has he recruited several powerful men in Impel Down City, but he has also grown his pirate group in a straight line.

Moreover, he also used the navy's help to deal with Whitebeard's gang and got rid of one of his biggest enemies.

Killing Thatch to betray Whitebeard's gang was a serious crime.

It would be very dangerous if Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, kept thinking about him.

"Hahaha! Dad, your dear son is here to see you off!" Blackbeard laughed wildly, "Do you like the funeral I prepared for you?"

"Shut up! I don't have a son like you!"

"Yes! I don't deserve it!"

Blackbeard chuckled sinisterly and glanced at the white corpses on the ground.

"They are your good sons, right, dad?"


Whitebeard, who was stabbed and scarred, was furious.

He raised his hand and punched, and the shock fruit suddenly activated, hitting Blackbeard.

"Hahahaha, do you want to try my abilities just after we met, dad?"

"In that case, let you see my growth."

"Dark water!"

Black mist instantly floated out of Blackbeard's hand. The mist became thicker and thicker, and finally seemed to converge into a black hole.

Fist palms meet.

In the blink of an eye, the power of the Shock Fruit belonging to Whitebeard was absorbed by Blackbeard.


Whitebeard was taken aback.

"Hahaha, Dad! This is the fruit I have been waiting for for more than 20 years!"

"How's it going? Are you surprised?"

Teach laughed wildly again.

Even though he entered the White League with ambition.

He has also been preparing to defect from the White Group at any time.

But that doesn't mean he isn't afraid of Whitebeard.

Quite the opposite.

Tiqi, who has been in the White League for more than 20 years, has an unforgettable impression of Whitebeard's strength.

Now, looking at the mountain in front of me, I am actually surprised.

This makes Teach, who has always lived in the shadow of Whitebeard, not be excited.

Unfortunately, he was happy too early.

Whitebeard was just stunned for a moment, and then immediately turned his fists into claws and grabbed Tikki's collar.


"Conceit and rashness! This is your weakness!" Whitebeard sneered, "This world will not be what you want! Tikki!"

He grabbed Blackbeard and threw it into the sky, then hit him hard with a domineering punch.

Blackbeard's back was instantly wet with cold sweat.

He is very clear.

Although Whitebeard is a user with fruit abilities, his domineering and physical skills are also among the best in the world.

Only stupid people would think that Whitebeard became the Yonko because of the Shock Fruit.

"Stop it! Dad! I am your dear son!"

Teach shouted in fear, trying to arouse Whitebeard's pity for him.

But how is it possible.


One punch hit.

Tiqi spat out a large mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground as softly as a rag.

"It hurts! It hurts so much! It hurts me so much!"

The side effect of the dark fruit is that it will double the pain of the eater.

Tiqi held his belly and twisted and rolled crazily on the ground, in agony.

Whitebeard didn't care about Tiqi's ugly appearance. He reached out and pulled out the cloud cutter stuck in the ground, and slashed at him.

Tikki was so frightened that he used his hands and feet and crawled on the ground like a dog.

"Spare your life, dad, don't kill me."

"Come and help me, you bastards, I'm your captain!"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, this is Malinfando. Do you want to see Whitebeard continue to cause trouble like this?"

As he crawled, he talked a lot, trying to incite others to rescue him.

It's a pity that others were completely indifferent, even the few criminals he recruited recently looked on with cold eyes.

Only his first few men rushed to the rescue.

"Die! Whitebeard!"

Teach's number one subordinate, the champion Gizzas Badges, jumped up with a hideous smile, and bumped his huge body towards Whitebeard.

"Swinging elbow..."

"Go away!!"

Whitebeard just waved his hand and swept away the champion Gizas, Fan Oka, and Lafitte.

Although these flies were no trouble to him, taking action against them still allowed Tikki to escape right under his nose.

"Hahaha, dad, I won't die in your hands today!"

Tikki, who was out of danger, laughed.

"I still have a great dream that I haven't completed yet."

Whitebeard stared at Tikki coldly without saying a word.

Instead, Warring States scolded: "Tiqi! You took advantage of the chaos to push into the city and let so many prisoners go. Do you want to rebel?"

"Don't forget, you are still a Shichibukai!"

"Thief hahahaha!"

Blackbeard seemed to have heard a big joke, and he almost couldn't breathe from laughing.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period! How can you be as naive as a child!"

"After this war, the world will definitely fall into chaos!"

"And I'm just collecting some interest in advance."

"Stop talking! No matter how the times change, justice will defeat evil!" Akainu cursed.

"That's your idea, Akainu." Blackbeard smiled, "I also have my own way to go, and none of you can stop me."

Blackbeard said this, the expression on his face was extremely serious.

"Wait until you can get out of here before you say those big words!"

"Ming dog!"

Akainu didn't say anything, he just started hitting.

"Hey, shouldn't your opponent be Whitebeard?" Teach scolded, "I'm not here to fight with you."

As he spoke, he stepped back, applying oil to his soles and trying to evacuate.

"Don't leave in a hurry! Tikki!"

"Who?" Blackbeard asked doubtfully.

"Our grudges are not over yet!"

"Ragnar Sammy!"

Tikki's eyes widened, looking at Sammy who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Let's have a good chat, Teach, I still have some debts to settle with you." Sammy had a harmless smile on his face.

But Tiqi could clearly feel the bone-chilling chill from his eyes.

"Ragnar, what do you want to do?" Teach asked fearfully.

He was very wary of Sammy.

I even think he is more difficult to deal with than Whitebeard.

The reason is very simple - Whitebeard wants face, but Sammy doesn't.

To some extent, Teach even felt that Sammy and he were actually the same kind of person.

Acts strangely, has deep thoughts and is very self-interested.

This kind of talent is the most terrifying.

No one knows what they are paying attention to at all times.

And in order to achieve his goal, he will make some crazy moves.

"What do I want to do? Don't you know clearly?" Sami continued to smile, "Ace is my younger brother."

"Misunderstanding, Ragnar, didn't I know about this at that time?"

"It's good to know. Today I will teach you something else."

"Secret Technique·Divinity·Fire Play!"

Boiling tungsten water appeared out of thin air and wrapped towards Tiqi.

"Dark Water!" Tiqi responded quickly, "Hahahaha, the fruit ability is useless to me, Ragna! You..."

Blackbeard was just halfway through his triumph when he discovered in horror.

Under the power of his Dark Fruit, Sammy's human abilities have not disappeared.

"how come?!"

Blackbeard's eyes were almost bulging out of his sockets.

"Why didn't it work!"

"Why didn't his powers disappear?"

"Is the Dark Fruit invalid?"

For a moment, countless ideas flashed through his mind, and then were quickly rejected.

"No! It's impossible for the Dark Fruit to fail."

"How could my fruit be useless!"

Thinking of this, Tiqi suddenly had an idea and looked up at Sami, the shock in his eyes almost bursting out.

"He is not a fruit user!"

next second.

The boiling tungsten water was poured on Teach's body.

Even though he had activated his weapons to resist with all his strength, he was still screaming from the heat.


"I'm burning to death!"

"It hurts! It hurts!"

"Poison Q! Come and treat me, I'm going to die!"

Blackbeard was so hurt that he almost lost his mind and yelled in confusion.

"No one can save you, the fun has just begun."

Sami snorted coldly, and immediately activated his telekinesis, pulling Tikki up from the ground.

"What do you want to do? Ragnar!" Tikki yelled in fright.

"Secret Skill·Divine Mind..."


The next second, he was lifted up by Sami's power.

Tikki slammed into Akainu!

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