Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 285 Moby Dick is here!

As if in response to Sami's taunt, the naval fortress artillery group suddenly changed after the first salvo.


A fort suddenly exploded.

The huge fortress cannon, which was still firing freely, suddenly burst into flames and thick smoke.

The thick black cannon body was blown into the sky by the impact of the explosion, and then hit hard into the sea.

The huge and thick base of the cannon shattered into countless fragments in the blink of an eye, with the blood and flesh of the artillerymen flying all over the sky!

"what happened?"

"Did you get hit by a pirate ship's cannon?"

"Idiot! How can a naval gun be so powerful!"

The artillery command headquarters fell into chaos!

The lieutenant general in charge of the command had big beads of sweat on his face, looking like the sky had fallen.

Making such a serious mistake at such an important moment of the war, he seemed to have seen his tragic fate.

After all, the person in charge of military law is General Akainu!

"What are you still doing? Why don't you send someone to check it out quickly!" he yelled anxiously.

"Some idiot must have set fire to the ammunition depot in a panic! Get him here, I'm going to kill this idiot alive!"

"But Lieutenant General, are you sure there is still someone alive there?" a subordinate reminded cautiously.

The lieutenant general was stunned.

On the execution platform, Warring States naturally saw this change immediately.

Being experienced, he would naturally not think that this was the Navy's own mistake.

A huge crisis immediately swept through his heart, and Sengoku was about to shout a reminder.

But it was too late.

The big explosion just now seemed to be a signal.

Immediately afterwards, under the stunned gaze of [-] marines, fortress turrets all over Marinevando exploded one after another.

The intervals between explosions are getting faster and faster, as if there is a fireworks contest, with turrets rising into the sky one after another!

In an instant, flames shot into the sky and wails filled the land.

One hundred thousand sailors collectively lost their voice.

They don't understand what's going on!

Obviously these forts were still sending death to the enemy fleet just now.

How come at this moment, they all suddenly died collectively?

Even though this group of marines were all elite, they were stunned and unable to react in the face of this huge change.

The first people to react to this change were the pirates under Whitebeard.

As early as when the first fort exploded, they were already cheering and their morale was greatly increased.

Now they were completely ecstatic to see those damn guys explode one after another.

"God's will! God's will!"

"Daddy bless you!"

"Damn Navy bastards! Let's all go to hell!"

The pirates were excited, and the captains in charge immediately gave orders with clear understanding.

For a moment, the pirate fleet accelerated towards Marine Fando.

After witnessing this huge reversal of the situation, Warring States almost broke his teeth.

Even before the war, he had carefully imagined all possible scenarios, but he did not expect this situation to happen.

"There is a traitor! It must be the traitor!"

Warring States judged the truth instantly.


"Leave it to me!" A gray-haired old lady immediately responded, turned around and left her seat.

At this time, her face was as cold as ice, and her anger was almost uncontrollable.

Wherever they passed, all the naval officers were trembling, and even the vice-admirals couldn't help but retreat back, swallowing their saliva in fear.

After all, this old woman is the Navy's chief staff officer, Lieutenant General He.

Like Garp and Sengoku, he was a ruthless character in the navy who could chase Ming Ge all over the sea to escape for his life.

Warring States watched Lieutenant General He leave, but the cloud on his face did not dissipate even a little.

The navy's ability to recruit troops from all over the world to replenish its forces is both a huge advantage and a fatal disadvantage.

The soldiers recruited came from all over the world, with varying qualities, and their backgrounds were even more complex.

No one knows who they are.

Some guys are as innocent as a piece of paper, but they might be undercover agents of some big pirate or revolutionary army.

Although the Warring States Period had a secret investigation unit specifically targeting these people, the elimination results had never been satisfactory.

Every year, undercover agents are like leeks, one batch comes out after another, seemingly endless.

Thinking of this, Zeng Guo's face became a little more solemn.

He took out his phone bug and ordered again.

"Organize the fire brigade immediately to put out the fire. We cannot let the fire continue to spread."

"Raise the defensive wall to prevent pirates from landing!"

As Warring States ordered, his mind was spinning at high speed, thinking of various remedial measures.

Regarding this war, the unstable factors in his heart have increased a lot.

And until now, the main enemy force - the Whitebeard Pirates have not appeared.

On the other side, the town square.

Sammy shrank back, trying to hide himself among the other marines, and waited until the crane passed by before breathing a sigh of relief.

He turned his head and smiled at Reilly and said, "It's really exciting now. That guy Sabo has caused big trouble for the Navy."

Reilly smiled bitterly and shook his head: "You guys are getting more and more perverted. I think Roger and I never made such a big fuss when we were our age."

"Hahaha, uncle, the new generation is better than the old one. We are the brothers of the future Pirate King and we will not lose to you."

"That's a shame." Rayleigh scolded with a smile, "You are indeed outstanding, but we old guys are not too old to move."

"Look, little kid, there are many things you haven't seen in this sea."

Sami listened to this sentence very seriously and did not refute.

Because he knew what Reilly said was true.

This sea is huge.

Even the current Sami is still far from those top experts.

What envelopes this sea is still the afterglow of the old era, not the dawn of the new era.

Although the War on the Top was hailed as the end of the old era, Whitebeard still set off a huge wave on his own.

After that, the remnants of the old era will exit one by one.

It will not be until after the Battle of Beehive Island that the old era will come to an end with Garp's defeat, and then the new sun will slowly rise.

But, that was also two years later.

"Uncle Rayleigh, after this war, I want to..."

"Sammy! There's something moving under the sea!" Rayleigh suddenly shouted.

"Under the sea?" Sami was stunned for a moment, then his face became serious, "Whitebeard is here!"

Sure enough, just as Rayleigh finished speaking, the wide sea surface of the inner harbor suddenly churned and bubbles bubbled up.

On the outermost side of Malinfando, a huge defensive wall has been raised.

It not only isolated the pirate fleet on the outside, but also firmly locked the entire inland sea.


After the water kept rolling, it finally exploded, and huge waves rose into the sky.

Under the cover of the waves, a huge ship jumped out from the bottom of the sea, and then crashed straight onto the sea.

There was another upheaval.

Slowly, under the watchful eyes of [-] naval elites present, the inner harbor gradually returned to calm, as if it was no different from before.

However, the sudden appearance of the large ship broke the navy's illusions.

Its huge whale prow grinned, its fat belly flat.

And that mast that pierces the blue sky!

Everything makes people hold their breath and shudder.

That's the flagship of the Whitebeard Pirates!

The huge battleship that makes all the forces on this sea fearful - Moby Dick!

As soon as the Moby Dick came to a stop, two more battleships emerged from the sea following behind.

Those are the two auxiliary ships of the Whitebeard Pirates.

So far, the three ships of the Whitebeard Pirates headquarters, which have never been seen, appeared in an unpredictable way.

Breaking into the Navy Headquarters!

In the square, one hundred thousand sailors opened their mouths and stuck out their tongues in disbelief.

On the execution platform, Warring States was so shocked that he directly squeezed the phone bug in his hand to death.

"Whitebeard Pirates!"

"The attack is coming!!!"

"The strongest man in the world!"

"Here comes the stage!!!"

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