Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 284 Victory always belongs to justice

The Whitebeard Pirates are coming! ! !

A small black dot suddenly appeared on the distant sea.

Then the dots grew larger and larger, gradually taking on the shape of a ship.

Behind it, dozens of pirate ships joined together to form a majestic and huge fleet.

They were heading in a straight line towards Malinfando.

The navy's outermost reconnaissance ships immediately discovered these ships, and their menacing posture made them stunned and changed their faces.

"Quick! Report quickly!"

"Bring the phone bug!"

It wasn't just someone who yelled that woke up the stunned people. They were gasping for air, and it felt as if even their breathing had stopped at that moment.

Immediately afterwards, these sober heralds remembered their duties, and for a while the ringtone of the telephone bug rang throughout the sea.

"Blu blu blu!"

"Hey! This is the command room, please speak!"

"Report! The Whitebeard Pirates have appeared!"

"What? Did you see clearly?"

"Report, we have indeed seen it clearly!"

"How many troops does the other side have? Report quickly!"

"Report, I saw the Ice Witch Huidibei, Lei Qing Makugai, Great Vortex Spider Scuyard and Giant Oz... The opponent has at least 43 pirate ships!"

"43 ships? So all the affiliated pirate groups under Whitebeard's command have arrived?"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid so." The other person echoed hesitantly, and then suddenly shouted again.

"What's wrong?!"

"Report, report, sir! We have not found Whitebeard's flagship Moby-Dick!"

"What? You saw it clearly!"


"Continue the investigation! I will report to Marshal Warring States immediately!"

The caller was immediately hung up, leaving the helpless messenger staring blankly at the approaching pirate fleet in the distance, breathing heavily.

Marin Vando!

Since the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates, not only the distant reconnaissance troops, but also the navy in the square have become restless.

The brave one had a pale face as if facing a powerful enemy, while the less courageous one was already trembling with fear.

This is Whitebeard.

Before he shows up, just his name can make people's legs weak.

Sami looked at the pirate ships on the sea, covering the sky and the sun, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Whitebeard is indeed Whitebeard! Even the affiliated pirate groups under his command are so impressive!"

Lei Li said: "After all, he is the strongest man in the world! He still has a bit of domineering power."

When Roger and Golden Lion were still alive, Whitebeard and they were known as the three legendary pirates.

Later, the other two disappeared into the sea one after another. Only Whitebeard remained standing. Soon he, Big Mom, Kaido, and Red Hair were collectively known as the Four Emperors.

The Four Emperors have ruled the New World for many years, and everyone thinks this is the glory of Whitebeard.

But in fact, the title of "Four Emperors" is simply an insult to Whitebeard!

the reason is simple!

When Whitebeard roamed the sea, Kaido and Big Mom were just juniors, and the red-haired one was an intern, unknown.

Now Whitebeard has to share the same name with these younger generations of brats. What is this if not derogatory?

Since ancient times, heroes are like beauties, and the world is not allowed to see gray hair.

If Whitebeard hadn't become old and sick, today's new world would have been a situation of one super power and multiple powers.

As time went by, the pirate fleet got closer and closer, almost within reach.

Pieces of white sails were like dark clouds covering the sky, and overwhelming mountains came into view.

On the execution platform, Seng Guo stood upright without saying a word. Even Garp beside him didn't know what he was thinking at this moment.

After a long time, until the pirate fleet had arrived at the predetermined location, Sengoku took action.

He took out a phone bug and gave orders in a calm voice.

"Order the front row fortress artillery to fire immediately to block the enemy's advance!"


After the order was passed on, Warring States finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he has not discovered Whitebeard's flagship Moby-Dick so far.

But so far everything has been according to his plan, and nothing has gone beyond expectations.

Warring States stared at the sea in the distance.

The fortress artillery in the front row had already begun shelling. The rumbling sound of the artillery resounded throughout the sea area, and white waves immediately rose around the pirate fleet on the opposite side.

The originally neat fleet finally became panicked and scattered under the pressure of artillery fire.

"Whitebeard, since you don't want to appear, then I will force you to come out." Warring States said silently in his heart.

"I want to see if you will continue to hide when all these nasty pirates are dead!"

No matter what the ulterior motives of Whitebeard's concealment are, Warring States will not let him get his way and must find a way to force him out.

The sound of artillery boomed, and the speed of the bombardment became more and more fierce.

The pirates also began to fire back.

However, the power of naval guns was completely inferior to that of fortress guns. The pirates were at a disadvantage from the beginning and were completely suppressed.

It wasn't long before they began to take casualties.

Several pirate ships were hit by cannonballs, and their hulls were severely damaged. They had to retreat to the back and withdraw from the battle.

This situation was quickly captured by a naval reconnaissance ship, and they were overjoyed and immediately reported the news back to Malinfando.

In an instant, the navy in the square fell into a sea of ​​joy.

A small injury to the enemy is enough to make them ecstatic.

After all, their opponent is Whitebeard!

"No, it's not good!"

The broadcast that was still announcing the pirates' retreat suddenly changed and they started to panic.

"The enemy has not retreated! They are still advancing!"

"What? Pirates advance!"

"Aren't they afraid of death?"

"As expected of Whitebeard's subordinate!"

The marines were talking a lot, and their morale, which had been high just now, suddenly dropped.

"Why panic! The enemy is just stubbornly resisting. The final victory must belong to justice!"

Warring States's words suddenly echoed in the square, clearly reaching the ears of every naval officer.

"Master Marshal!"

"Those are Marshal Sengoku and Lieutenant General Garp!"

The navy began to scream. They looked for the source of the sound and immediately discovered that it was Marshal Sengoku speaking.

In addition to Sengoku, there was also the naval hero Garp standing next to him.

Of course, because they were too far away, the marines in the square did not notice Garp's ugly face.

All they knew was that behind them sat two great gods of the navy.

In the Warring States Period of Buddha, he was a wise general in the navy.After serving as marshal for many years, his prestige has skyrocketed.

Not to mention Garp, the naval hero is famous all over the world, and the reason why many people join the navy is because of Garp.

Now that he saw the two people behind him, the navy who was still panic immediately calmed down.

Their eyes became firm and their blood began to boil.

This is what Sengoku and Garp are capable of.

You don't have to do anything, just stand there and you can ensure that the morale of the navy does not decline!

The cheered up navy immediately began to engage in battle with 100% motivation.

The fortress cannons in the front row were firing at full firepower, firing at full speed, forming a large steel net that enveloped the pirate fleet.

Under this powerful firepower, the pirate fleet was like a snowdrift illuminated by the sun, melting away visibly to the naked eye.

The outer ships were constantly damaged, some masts were broken and fell violently, and some had a big hole in the hull, and sea water continued to pour in.

More ships were blazing with flames, and most of the pirates began to hurriedly put out the fires.

This made their originally not dense firepower become sparse again.

But even so, not a single pirate ship has withdrawn from the battle.

The harder they were hit, the more bloody these pirates seemed to be aroused. Regardless of any casualties, they just rushed towards Marine Fando.

Warring States looked on coldly and ordered again: "Order the rear fortress artillery to fire immediately! Since they don't retreat, send them all into the sea!"

With an order, the navy immediately took action.

The fortress guns in the back row, which were still watching the excitement, and the defensive forts above the town also started firing.

The navy's already powerful firepower was doubled again, and it hit the pirates' heads with a violent storm.

The navy soldiers who witnessed all this suddenly burst into revelry.

In their view, under such powerful firepower, the destruction of the pirate fleet is only a matter of time.

At that time, all the enemies will be sent to the bottom of the sea without even having to take action.

But, will the facts really allow them to do so?

A sneer appeared on Sammy's lips.

"Are you starting to cheer for victory now? Everything has just begun!"

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