Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 247 Secret Technique·Divinity·Zhoutian Star Chart

In the castle of Moria, the fighting continues.

"Ragnar! Now is not the time to be distracted!"

John yelled and used the same move again.

Countless accelerated and amplified cores flew around the entire floor, splashing like cannonballs.

Several flew right towards Sammy.

He raised his hand and fired a ball of magma fire, hitting a core.

The remaining two cores continued to fly towards Sammy.

"Hahahaha, that trick of yours is of no use!" John laughed.

"Really? You have to see clearly!"

Sammy grinned and stretched out his index finger to lightly hook it.

The magma fireball that lost its target and flew away suddenly flew back in the air.

It turned around as if it had consciousness, and soon swallowed up the two remaining cores.

Then, as soon as Sammy flipped his hand, the magma fireball hovered steadily in his hand.

"What, what is this?" John said in surprise, "That thing can actually fly back? What on earth did you do?"

He had never seen such a scene before and couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Go to hell and ask!"

Sami waved his hand, and the magma fireball condensed again.

Compared with before, these fireballs are not only more numerous, but also larger!

"Using telekinesis on this, it really works!" Sammy said happily.

The fireball with added telekinesis has completely turned into a tracking missile, which can be used repeatedly as long as it is not extinguished!

Moreover, under the precise guidance of Jianwense, it will become more vicious.

Finally, it’s the same as “Asana” becoming stronger after two upgrades of “Flame” and “Black Fire”.

Sammy's "secret skill" has also been upgraded to a level with the blessing of telekinesis and the power of knowledge and color.

Sami named it "Secret Technique·Dragon Thought"!

"Secret Technique·Long Nian·Zhoutian Star Chart."

Hundreds of magma fireballs flew out and hit John.

He quickly began to resist.

"Momo·100 times shotgun!"

The sky is full of confrontations between fireballs and fruit cores!

The explosion flashes like fireworks!

The only difference from before is that Sami has the upper hand!

Those fired magma fireballs became extremely flexible under the control of telekinesis.

One moment they dispersed like stars, another moment they merged like a giant dragon, and in a few moments they swallowed up all the flying fruit cores.

Then, under Sammy's control, he slammed into John who had no time to react!


The opponent immediately used his weapon to resist.

But the scorching magma was pervasive and burned many wounds on his body in an instant!

"Damn brat!"

John cursed his whole life, and his armed domineering energy surged, covering most of his body, resisting the invasion of magma.

"How does it taste?" Sammy smiled cruelly.

"I admit that I underestimated you!" John gasped, "But! This alone is not enough to kill you!"

"Momo 100x speed!"

"Momo·50 times the knife!"

John accelerated, drew his sword and struck at him.

With the blessing of his fruit ability, the long knife instantly grew 100 times and split the floor in half.

A giant mountain-like slash pressed towards Sami, seemingly cutting him in half!


Sammy disappeared.

In the next second, he was flying into the air and dodged the blow.

"Secret Skill·Dragon Thought·Fire Play!"

If the previous "fire show" was just a churning magma liquid.

Well, now it has evolved into a monster!

A tiger formed from magma formed from mid-air and pounced on the enemy.

"Momo·100 times the knife!"

A flash of sword light flashed, and the tiger was split in half.

But before John could feel proud, the tiger that split into two parts turned into two firebirds and continued to crash towards him!


The magma poured in and enveloped the whole body.

John let out a shrill scream!

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Sammy didn't pause at all and hit the ground with another blow.

"Secret Technique·Long Nian·Lian Dan!"

A fiery red lotus bloomed on Sammy's right hand and stamped hard on John's head.

Like a facehugger swallowing it in one gulp!


John was hit hard again and looked like a madman!

He raised his huge long knife and slashed at Sammy, his knife skills were impenetrable.

Sammy hurriedly evaded, but the whole building was damaged and was soon chopped into pieces like tofu.

Ceilings and walls kept collapsing.

Moria was alarmed again and yelled angrily: "You two bastards, are you going to demolish my castle? Stop it!"

It's a pity that the two people who were already red-blooded would not stop fighting no matter what. Instead, they fought more and more fiercely.

Moria was anxious and angry, and wanted to rush forward to stop it, but was afraid of being affected.

He was surprised to find that he had no way to intervene in the fight between the two in front of him.

If he goes up rashly, he will be injured in the aftermath of the battle alone!

"These two guys are so powerful!" Moriah had a cold sweat on his forehead.

Moria had expected how strong the shadow of John's body and Bundy Walder would be.

But Sami's strength really shocked him.

"Is this guy really just a novice pirate?" Moria murmured to himself, "This kind of strength is rare even in the new world!"

The navy underestimated Sammy's strength!

This was Moria's first thought!

Then he started yelling: "You bastard navy! You bastard bear! You fooled me badly!"

Originally, he thought that dealing with the Straw Hats was a very simple matter, and with the strength of his own Shichibukai, it would be effortless.

But now, he knows that he was wrong!

Looking at his castle that was about to collapse, Moria had no time to curse, so he could only evacuate in a panic.

He was afraid that if he was one step too late, he would be buried alive!

With Moria withdrawing, Sami and John seemed to have no scruples and began to fight.

Sammy was flying around in the sky, and John was chasing after him on the moon cloth (Bundy Walder's ability).

The two sides clashed with each other, hitting each other from the middle floor to the top floor, and then from the top floor to the bottom floor.

As a result, the entire castle suffered, and a large number of zombies living in it were either killed by the aftermath of the battle, or fled away howling alone.

"Momo·100 times the knife!"

"Secret Technique·Long Nian·Jade Liquid Nectar!"

Finally, after a violent collision between Sami and John, Moria's castle could no longer hold up and collapsed magnificently.

The huge sound spread throughout the island, and the earth screamed.

Not only Moria's group who had just escaped, but also the Straw Hats in the distance could clearly sense it!

At this time, they are dealing with a huge zombie monster-Oz!

Robin dodged an attack and immediately said: "This movement must have been caused by Sammy."

Sauron looked up at the collapsing castle in the distance and complained: "That guy is still so pompous!"

"Hehe! Sammy is the best!" Luffy praised.

Nami scolded: "Idiot, don't be distracted at this time. Get rid of this big monster first!"

"Okay! Let's hurry up and meet Sami!" Luffy yelled, "Brothers, come on!"

Different from the original work, the strength has been further improved at this time, and many people have the blessing of talismans.

When the Straw Hats fought against Oz, it was not as difficult as the original work. Everyone just spent a lot of effort and almost solved it.

"Third gear·Rubber Giant Rocket Launcher!"

"Devil's Wind Kick·Roughly Shredded!"

"Three Swords, Ghost Slash!"

"Thunderbird·Thunder Weather!"

"Jet Kill·Special Oil Star!"

After using one trick after another, Oz, who had already lost one of his legs, could no longer hold on and fell to the ground with a roar.

Seeing Oz finally defeated, Brooke immediately cheered.

How many years!

He is working hard to regain his shadow.

But never once was it successful!

Not to mention Moria himself, Oz and the Wano swordsman made him despair!

But now, with the help of the Straw Hats, they defeated Oz with just a little effort!

Brooke felt that his long-cherished wish was about to come true!

"Perhaps, this is the power of partners!" Brooke said with emotion.

"It feels so good to have a partner again!" Brooke exclaimed, "My eyes are flooded with tears, even though I am a skeleton and have no eyeballs! Yohohoho!"

"Hey! Brooke, what are you doing? Come up!" Luffy called back, "We have to go rescue Sammy quickly, we can't delay any longer!"

"Okay, Mr. Luffy! I can't wait to see Mr. Sami too!"

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