Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 246 Brooke’s Ability

In the sky, four or five negative ghosts were flying around, making all kinds of strange sounds from their mouths.

On the ground, the Straw Hats all kept their mouths shut and stood ready, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Brooke's words set off alarm bells in their hearts.

Originally, no one paid much attention to these ghosts, but now, no one wants to be attacked and then commit suicide in extreme negativity.

Zoro, in particular, looked very ugly at this time.

Not only because he was embarrassed in front of Sanji, but also because he had always hated this kind of opponent.

I can't hit him anymore, I can't get rid of him.

In the past, this was true when facing people with natural abilities, and it is still true now when facing these incorporeal ghosts.

Zoro held the knife in his hand and wanted to look at the ghosts above his head, but he still couldn't do it.

The same goes for others, and the atmosphere becomes anxious.

Luffy couldn't stand it anymore and immediately punched out: "Rubber Rubber Pistol!"

The rubber arm immediately stretched out, and the originally powerful fist now passed directly through the bodies of the ghosts, without any use.

Luffy retracted his arm and jumped in anger: "Cheating! Cheating! You bastards, give me a good fight if you can!"

Brook quickly shouted: "Be careful, Mr. Luffy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a negative ghost emerged from the ground unexpectedly and scurried past Luffy's stomach.

He fell to his knees again and began to confess.

"Obviously I'm a monkey, but I like to eat meat the most. Damn it!"

This time, his confession was not only more depressed, but his whole body was trembling, and even his face turned a little darker.

The more times a person is attacked by the ghost of negativity, the more negative he becomes, until he finally collapses and commits suicide.

Luffy looked like he was on the verge of collapse.

"Luffy!" Zoro was shocked and quickly ran over to help him up.

Unexpectedly, another negative ghost flew down from the sky and headed straight for Sauron.

The green algae head quickly dodged and rolled on the ground to barely avoid it.

The passive ghost who lost his target seemed a little angry. He immediately found the guy closest to him and attacked him.

This person is none other than Usopp, who has been lying motionless.

Nami immediately screamed: "He went towards Usopp!"

"Usopp!" Chopper also shouted.

The two people were too frightened to move, and the others had no time to rescue them.

Robin said solemnly: "Usopp is already injured. If he is attacked again, I'm afraid!"

She didn't finish her words, but everyone understood her meaning.

Everyone watched helplessly as the Negative Ghost passed through Usopp's body.

Immediately afterwards, the expected picture did not appear.

Usopp, who was originally motionless, not only did not fall to the ground and repent after being attacked, but suddenly stood up like a carp and sat up.

He stared at everyone blankly.

"What are you doing? Where are you?" Usopp suddenly asked.

The Straw Hats all took a step back, stunned.

The negative ghost that penetrated the body was also frightened after seeing that his attack had no effect.

He then rushed towards Usopp again.

The transparent body passed through Usopp again.

He turned his head left and right, still looking confused.

"What went through me just now?" Usopp asked curiously.

The Straw Hats' brains immediately shut down and they lost their ability to think!

How is this possible?

Nothing happened to that guy!

Did I see it wrong or has the world gone crazy?

The attack was ineffective again, and the Negative Ghost hurriedly emerged from Usopp's body as if it had encountered something terrifying, with fear still on its face.


The negative ghost opened its mouth and screamed, and all the other ghosts' expressions changed and they immediately moved away from Usopp.

Luffy and the others were all confused.

"What, what's going on? What happened?" Brooke's mouth opened wide.

The others also looked at each other.

"Why! Why is nothing wrong with Usopp!" Luffy didn't have time to think about it, he just instinctively felt it was unfair.

"Cheating! This is cheating!" he made a fuss.

"Idiot! Do you want Usopp to get hurt?!" Nami slapped him.

Although everyone couldn't understand this fact, they had no time to think about it anymore.

The ghosts seemed to be enraged. They angrily walked away from Usopp and rushed towards Luffy and the others.

Seeing that Nami was about to attack first, Sanji immediately rushed over and blocked the front.

"Help!" Chopper was so frightened that he ran away.

Zoro quickly shouted: "Brooke, since you know these things so well, then quickly think of any way to deal with them!"

Brooke was startled and waved his hands repeatedly: "It's impossible, I can't deal with them!"

Robin quickly said: "Brooke, don't forget that you have obtained the Sheep Talisman. That thing is specially designed to deal with souls. These ghosts should also belong to souls!"

Robin's words were like a bright light, immediately lighting up Brooke's confused brain.


I got the Sheep Talisman!

And he also awakened the underworld freezing energy!

There should be no problem dealing with souls!

Brooke immediately pulled out his sword and quickly rushed in front of Sanji.

"Mr. Sanji, take Miss Nami and retreat quickly. Leave this place to me!"

"You? No problem?"

"Don't worry! I'm sure!"

Seeing his serious expression, Sanji stopped delaying and immediately picked up Nami and stepped back.

When the Negative Ghost saw its target escaping, it immediately accelerated and pounced on it.

Brook raised his sword and shouted: "Come here! Your opponent is me!"

With a wave of the long sword, biting freezing air spurted out.

The negative ghost, which had no body and was therefore immune to swords and guns, had just passed through Brooke's sword, but was immediately frozen into ice by the cold air.

It fell straight to the ground and broke into pieces.

"It really works!" Brooke smiled happily when he saw that his attack was effective.

"Awesome! Brooke!" Chopper shouted.

Nami also smiled and shouted excitedly: "Are you still useful, pervert skull!"

"Yohohoho, where is it!" Brooke smiled modestly, "Miss Nami, you are so polite. If you want to praise me, can you please..."

"Don't push yourself too far! Bastard!" Nami kicked him away to other ghosts, "Get rid of them all quickly!"

"No problem! Yo ho ho ho!" Brooke, who was rejected, didn't care at all and jumped up and down happily.

Thanks to the fact that he only had a skeleton left, he was very fast and flexible. He was able to dodge among a group of ghosts and eliminate all these annoying guys in a short time.

Seeing the negative ghosts smashed to pieces on the ground, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well done! Brooke." Robin smiled, "It seems that it is indeed appropriate for Sammy to hand over the sheep charm to you!"

Brooke nodded and said seriously: "Although I have never met Mr. Sammy, thanks to his great kindness, I will not let him down!"

"Yo Ho Ho Ho!"

Brooke smiled happily, filled with gratitude to Sammy.

"What should we do next?" Zoro said, "There should be no such thing as a negative ghost anymore, right?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Sauron, except for negative ghosts, no other enemies on this island are your opponents." Brook promised.

Nami looked at the map left by Sami and said, "Keep going forward and you will find the central castle of the island. If nothing else, Sami must be there."

She pointed forward as she spoke.

Following this direction, everyone indeed saw the outline of a huge building vaguely in the night.

"A fortress in the center? It sounds so interesting!" Luffy said with a smile, "Let's go take a look."

"Be careful, Luffy." Zoro reminded, "Since it is the center of the country, there may be many enemies."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I will beat them all away." Luffy smiled nonchalantly.

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