Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 239 Franky’s Spell

Chopper's body was shaking with excitement.

Ever since he learned about the Talisman, he had always thought it was the most precious thing in the world.

Therefore, only the strongest can possess it.

Even if Sammy wants to give this thing to everyone now, he will give it to Franky and the others.

Chopper, who thought he was a little transparent and could never be of much help, never dared to think that he could also obtain the talisman.

However, Robin unexpectedly gave him the first spell.

How can this not shock him.

Robin smiled and said with certainty: "Yes, I will give you the first place. This is what Sammy specially told me."

"Sammy!" Chopper had tears in his eyes, feeling the warmth from Sammy again.

The others all looked at each other and smiled, expressing their happiness that Chopper was the first to obtain the charm.

This is the charm of group pets.

"Okay, Chopper, a man bleeds without crying!" Zoro comforted, "Let's see what the power of this spell is. We are still waiting for your introduction."


Chopper nodded vigorously, took the horse charm and began to sense it.

A mysterious voice sounded in his head.

"Horse Talisman Lv1

1 Under the influence of the Horse Talisman, the healing rate of injuries and illnesses increases by 10 times, and the healing speed increases by 10 times. "

"This!" Chopper opened his eyes in surprise.

As a doctor, the message just now shocked him.

He had heard Siruluk and Gureva say more than once that being a doctor is a very serious profession and treatment is a very rigorous matter.

A qualified doctor must be meticulous and conscientious every step of the way when treating patients.

We must not be too ambitious and place our hope of recovery on the occurrence of miracles.

But now that he is holding the horse charm, it seems that he is really holding a miracle.

The injury recovery rate increases by 10 times!

In other words, a disease that originally had only a one-tenth chance of being cured can now be cured!

Healing speed increased by 10 times!

This means that the phrase "it takes 100 days to break the muscles and bones" will be changed to "it takes 10 days to break the muscles and bones"!

Even for people like Luffy, 10 days is not needed!

After thinking about all this, Chopper almost screamed!

This, this is probably what he has been looking for.

With the Horse Talisman, he will definitely become the "panacea" that can cure all diseases!

Usopp saw that Chopper had been silent since he got the spell, as if he was stupid.

So he quickly asked: "What's wrong? Chopper! Say something!"

"I, I, ugh~" Chopper almost cried again as soon as he started speaking.

"What's going on, Chopper? Is the spell not working well?" Usopp asked quickly.

"Idiot! How could the spell not work!" Nami cursed.

As the first talisman holder besides Sami, she firmly believes in the power of the talisman, so she naturally wants to refute Usopp's lies!

"Chopper, you are excited, right?"

"Yes." Chopper nodded, "The horse charm is so powerful, I'm so happy."

"Really? What kind of ability does this spell have? Please show us quickly." Franky asked curiously.

"Okay!" Chopper said, "I'll just give you a simple experiment."

After saying that, he took out a knife from the first aid bag he carried and made a cut on his left hand.

"Chopper, you..."

Sanji was about to stop him, but found that it was already too late.When Chopper did this, he did it neatly and without even frowning.

The others also looked in disbelief, wondering what Chopper wanted to do.

Then, Chopper held the Horse Talisman in his right hand, closed his eyes, and activated the Horse Talisman's ability with a solemn expression.

In fact, he didn't need to be so religious at all, but the little reindeer did it at this time.

Soon, in everyone's surprised and shocked eyes, Chopper's new wound on his left hand began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Chopper opened his eyes, his left hand was intact as before.

Usopp sat down on the ground.

Zoro's eyes widened.

Sanji dropped his cigarette again.

The others all swallowed their saliva!

"This, this, Chopper, could it be..." Nami couldn't say a complete sentence.

"That's right!" Chopper had completely calmed down at this time, and he slowly introduced, "The ability of the Horse Talisman is to accelerate healing. With it, everyone can be healed quickly if they are injured in the future."

"Fast? How fast?" Zoro asked immediately.

For those of the Straw Hats who are often injured, this news is simply good news.

"10 times!"

"10 times?" Zoro's eyes lit up, "So even if a bone is broken, it can be healed quickly?"

"Yes, not only that, the cure rate has also increased 10 times!"

"So, it's possible to survive even if your head is chopped off?"

"No problem in theory."

"That's good!"

"What a fart! Don't say such terrible things with a calm face!" Nami cursed.

"Sorry, I'm just preparing for a rainy day."

"It's best not to happen like that! You idiot!" Nami said angrily.

Robin smiled and said to Chopper: "Sammy is so thoughtful. This charm is tailor-made for you, Chopper!"

"Well, I feel like with it, I'm getting closer and closer to my dream." Chopper said seriously.

"Yo ho ho ho! Mr. Chopper, congratulations! You don't have to worry about your hands anymore! Although I am a bone now, I only need to drink milk when I am injured!"

Brooke spoke excitedly for a long time.

Chopper held the horse talisman cherished, turned to Nami and said, "Nami, can you help me make a talisman necklace too?"

Although Sammy said that the charm would never be lost or damaged, he still wanted to preserve it.

"No problem!" Nami replied simply, "I will make one for everyone who gets a spell today!"

"Ah! I really want Miss Nami's gift of love!" Sanji shouted.

"Idiot Curly Eyebrow, you don't have a charm!" Sauron complained.

"What does this have to do with the talisman! What I want is love, you bastard green algae head!" Sanji scolded, unwilling to be outdone.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing!" Usopp rarely came out to persuade, "We also want to see what the next talisman is."

Nami also said: "Yes, Robin, ignore those two idiots and continue!"

"Okay." Robin said, taking out a new charm from the box.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they all began to guess who this would belong to.

"It should be me now, right? Robin?" Usopp asked eagerly.

He had been fantasizing from the beginning.

"No." Robin shook his head and said, "This is for Franky!"

Usopp was immediately disappointed.

Frankie looked shocked!

"This, is this for me?" Franky, the tough guy, also became excited, "Oh! That guy Sammy is so nice! He actually still thinks of me!"

The emotional Franky burst into tears again, feeling even more excited than Chopper.

"Don't cry, Franky, try this one and see what it can do!" Sanji reminded him immediately.

Franky immediately stopped crying and carefully picked up the charm.

Within three seconds, he suddenly shouted and the classic pose appeared again.

"Ouch! Super!"

"What's wrong! Franky! What kind of ability is this!" Everyone was curious about Franky's sudden excitement and asked in unison.

"Okay! Let me show it to you!" Franky replied crisply.

He turned back to Brooke's broken ship and stared at it.

"Pig Charm! Activate!"

As soon as Franky finished speaking, two laser beams were fired from his eyes, hitting the ship in front of him instantly.

The next second, the dazzling light almost made it difficult to open one's eyes.

Everyone closed their eyes and heard only a bang, followed by the sound of wood falling into the sea and the crackling sound of burning.

When everyone opened their eyes, they found that the hull of the large ship on the opposite side, which was originally intact, had now opened a huge black hole.

The hole was as big as a water tank, and the fractures around it were full of scorch marks, speckled with sparks, and several flames were burning.

Chopper and Usopp looked at each other and immediately screamed.


"That's right!" Franky said happily, "The one Sammy gave me is a pig charm, which can make people emit laser light and scorching rays from their eyes!"

"Pig Spell Lv1

1With the help of this spell, you can shoot scorching rays from your eyes with no distance limit! "

"Awesome! Franky!"

Chopper and Usopp, who had no resistance to lasers, felt like they were about to fly.

This is so cool!

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