Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 238 Distributing Spells

Robin returned soon, holding a mysterious little box.

She smiled and said to everyone: "The things in Sammy can greatly enhance everyone's strength."

"What is so powerful?" Zoro asked doubtfully, "Is it a devil fruit?"

"Devil Fruit? Probably not. No matter how powerful Sammy is, there is no way he can secretly hide so many Devil Fruits."

Franky also said: "Let me tell you in advance, if it is a devil fruit, I will not eat it. I don't want to become a landlubber."

"It's definitely not a Devil Fruit!" Usopp said, "Such a small box can't even hold a Devil Fruit."

Nami stared at the box closely, and suddenly an idea flashed in her mind, and she immediately became excited.

"I said, you can't say that, right? Oh my god!"

Robin nodded: "It's the one you think of!"

As she spoke, she opened the box and saw several small stones lying quietly inside. Each stone was carved with a lifelike animal.

"It's indeed a talisman!" Nami screamed.


Everyone’s expressions changed immediately!

They are both familiar and unfamiliar with things like spells.

They were familiar because Sami didn't hide it. Every one of them knew that Sami's great strength was due to holding these talismans.

The strangers had always heard the name of the talisman, but apart from the one in Nami's hand, they had never seen the others.

But no matter what, the powerful power of the spell left a deep impression on them.

Robin looked at everyone who was in shock, and couldn't help but recall what Sammy said to him.

"Robin, this Justice Island incident will never end so easily. The enemies we will face in the future will be unimaginable."

"What are you worried about, Sammy?"

"I'm worried that everyone is not strong enough. To be honest, this has always been a concern for me." Sami's expression was serious and full of worry.

"Although we have been training specially, we are still too weak."

Robin didn't expect that Sammy had always been so worried, but he had never seen it on his face.

How much has he secretly shouldered for everyone?

Robin couldn't help but feel sorry for Sammy in his heart.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, Robin, I already have a solution." Sammy smiled, "I'm not a person who just talks and doesn't do anything."

"I know you are the best in my heart."

"Haha, your words are enough." Sami smiled heartily, "Since the Judiciary Island incident ended, I have been saving and saving, and now it is finally completed."

Sammy said, took out a small box, handed it to Robin and said, "Inside are the charms I redeemed. Except for the ones you know, almost all the others are here."

Robin took the box and opened it. It was filled with many pills.

She immediately realized that this little box might be the most precious thing on the ocean.

Even in Robin's state of mind, he couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Do you want to share these with everyone?"

"Yes." Sami nodded. "There are twelve talismans in total. I kept six for myself, namely ox, rabbit, tiger, rooster, dragon and dog."

"Is it too few?" Robin asked worriedly, "Why don't you leave a few more?"

"There are still enough." Sami said, "These six are already an all-round improvement for me, and the others are just icing on the cake."

"And I don't want my abilities to be too messy, which will affect my combat effectiveness."

"Okay." Robin nodded.

She didn't know much about the talisman, but since Sammy had arranged it this way, she believed it made sense.

"You can leave the rest to everyone at the most critical moment."

"Why don't you give me a handjob?"

"I was afraid I might not have a chance."

"Can't we leave it to them now?"

"It's not the time yet."


When Robin's thoughts returned to reality, Robin couldn't help laughing when she saw that everyone was talking around the small box in her hand, like a group of guys who had never seen the world.

Sauron exclaimed: "I really didn't expect that there were so many talismans."

"Sammy said there were a total of twelve. I was shocked."

"What's going on with the animals on these charms?" Usopp asked curiously.

"I know this. They each represent the name and ability of the spell." Nami answered quickly.

"For example, mine is a rat charm. Its ability is to resurrect the statue into a real creature, and it will also obey my command."

"Hohohoho, that's it! What a magical ability!"

Brooke, who saw the spell for the first time, was naturally the most surprised.

Several times he opened his mouth wide and was too shocked to make a sound.

"I didn't expect that there was such a thing in the world. I thought Devil Fruit was magical enough!" Brooke was so surprised that his voice changed.

"Are these all for us?" Franky said in surprise. "That guy Sammy is so selfless! What a super man!"

He was moved to tears again.

Luffy, who had been silent all this time, saw that everyone was talking and no one was paying attention. He laughed slyly and secretly stretched his paw towards the box.

With such an interesting thing, with his personality, how could he not want to take it and play with it.

"We're about to catch him!" Luffy felt excited.

Suddenly, two more palms grew out of the box, grabbing his thieving hand firmly.

"Yeah! What are you doing! Robin!"

"Sorry, Luffy, Sammy told you not to touch this thing, and it's not your part!"

"Ah! That guy Sammy actually said that!" Luffy was furious when he heard it, "Why? I just want to play, please, Robin!"

"Idiot! Is this kind of thing for playing with? What should I do if I lose it!" Sanji immediately cursed.

"Don't worry, Sanji, Sammy said this thing can't be lost, and it can't be damaged."

"I see."

"In that case, come and play with me quickly!" Luffy immediately said happily.

"Absolutely not!"

This time, not only Robin, but others also spoke out to object. Even Brooke, who had just joined in, had a serious look on his face.

"If you get this thing in your hands, you will definitely get into trouble!"

"That's right! And there's a good chance he won't come back!"

"You might even get eaten!"

"Maybe they will be exchanged for meat!"

"So, absolutely no!" everyone shouted together.

"You, you are going too far!" Luffy said angrily, "I don't care, I don't care, I want it!"

His childish temper returned.

Sanji grabbed him and said: "Stop making trouble, Luffy, don't let everyone delay the business!"

"Hmph! I don't want it!"

Seeing that he didn't listen to the advice, Sanji deliberately pretended to suddenly remember it and said loudly: "I remember I seemed to be hiding meat in the kitchen!"

"What? Sanji, you're going too far! You're hiding such delicious meat, why didn't you tell me earlier!" Usopp immediately cooperated, "I'm going to eat it now!"

"The meat is mine!!!" Luffy couldn't bear it any longer and was the first to rush into the kitchen!

"Phew! I finally deceived that guy." Sanji breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sister Robin, while that guy is not around, quickly distribute the spells to everyone!"

"Okay." Robin nodded, "But I'm sorry, Sanji, Zoro, Sammy said he wouldn't give you the charm. He said you don't need it."

Zoro immediately smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I don't want such a thing in the first place. As a swordsman, I can only practice swordsmanship, and I am not interested in anything else."

"Me too, Sister Robin, I'm not weak enough to need external help."

"That's good!" Robin breathed a sigh of relief.

She originally thought that this arrangement would make them both angry, but it turned out that Sami did understand everyone's personality very well.

"Okay, Robin, come and share it quickly, I can't wait!" Usopp shouted.

"Yes, me too!" Nami said excitedly, "Although I already have the rat charm, I still want to see the power of other charms."

Robin saw that everyone was anxious, even Zoro and Sanji, who had decided not to, were curious.

So he smiled and took out the first charm from the box and introduced it.

"This is the Horse Talisman. Its power is to cure diseases and restore items. It is most suitable for use by auxiliary personnel."

Robin introduced and showed the charm to everyone.

"Sammy said that this charm should be given to you, Chopper!"


"Ah! Give me the first one?!"

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