Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 182 Mountain Moving Taoist Liu Suolong

Seeing that Cornis had not agreed, Sami asked, "What? Doesn't Miss Cornis welcome us?"

Cornish woke up with a start and said quickly: "No, no, Mr. Sammy."

"You are the great hero who saved us from Enelu. How could I not welcome you?"

"Then I'm sorry to bother you. But please don't worry, we are just borrowing your kitchen."

"In exchange, I can provide you with some food and spices from Qinghai, including one of Qinghai's best chefs."

"When the meal is ready, you can enjoy it with us. I think you have never tasted Qinghai cuisine, right?"

"No. Thank you very much, Mr. Sami, then please come with me." Cornis smiled, turned around and led Sami the way.

As soon as Luffy heard that there was delicious food, he immediately became impatient and ran to the front in a few steps.

Watching Sami leave, Weber reached out and wanted to stop him, but finally gave up.

Because he no longer had any reason to keep Sami.

All that has to be said has been said, and all that has to be done has been done.

Although he didn't know what Sammy meant.

Looking at the two people gradually leaving, Weber didn't know what to do for a while.

Fortunately, although he doesn't understand it, it doesn't mean that others don't understand it either.

After listening to what Sami said, the chief fell into deep thought.

Especially after listening to the conversation between Sami and Konis, he seemed to have thought of something and immediately shouted in surprise.

"I understand, I understand." He waved his hands excitedly, almost jumping up.

Weber asked doubtfully: "What do you understand?"

"I understand what Mr. Sami said." The chief said excitedly.

Gan Fuer also realized in a trance: "I also understand, so it is like this. Sure enough, we were all wrong before?"

"I said you two old men, do you want to kill us? Tell me what you mean!"

Kamachili looked at the two old guys who clearly knew everything, but were just putting off talking about it. He wanted to give them a shot.

Seeing that everyone was anxious, the chief said.

"Mr. Sami said that the only way to end the war is to rely on sincerity. In fact, he wants our two communities to cooperate and jointly own the land of Apayado."

"What? Shared ownership? Why?" Kamachili was unhappy upon hearing this.

Others also subconsciously refused.

"That's right, why? That's our land."

"Living with Skylanders? Are you kidding? They want to kill us all!"

Gan Faure said quickly: "No, we will not do that, I promise you."

"I don't believe your guarantee. There is no trust between us." Kamaqili cursed.

"Shut up, you idiot!" the warchief shouted angrily.

"It is precisely because there is no trust between us that the war breaks out. Now, in order to achieve peace, we must put aside our prejudices and accept each other. Unless..."

"Unless we want to continue the war!" Weber continued.

He stared hard at Camachili and the guerrillas, as if asking them which one they wanted to choose.

Kamaqili gritted his teeth and finally lowered his head and stopped talking.

Because he doesn't want any more wars.

"When Nolando and the others came to Gaya Island, they came with sincerity."

"So even though we misunderstood him and insulted him many times, he still remained true to his heart! In the end, he won our respect for hundreds of years!"

"Now, we are faced with the same choice again, but this time, we need to learn from Nolando's sincerity!"

"Great Chief, are you sure Mr. Sami means this?" Camachil asked unwillingly.

The great chief shook his head and said with a confident smile: "At first, I thought I guessed wrong."

"But the conversation between Mr. Sammy and Miss Cornish confirmed my suspicion."

"Dialogue? What's wrong with the dialogue? Isn't it just a few ordinary words?"

"What do you know?" The chief rolled his eyes at Kamaqili and said, "Mr. Sami's words are full of profound meaning."

"Yes, although Mr. Sami is young, he is indeed a man full of wisdom. Every move he makes is natural and full of philosophy."

The two old men, the chief and Gan Fore, sighed in unison with expressions of reverence on their faces.

"It really makes us two old men admire us so much!"

Kamaqili looked at Weber and asked with his eyes: "What are these two old guys going crazy about?"

Weber didn't understand either and quickly asked: "Great Chief, Mr. Gan, what do those words of Sami mean?"

Gan Fore smiled and said: "The meaning is very simple. Mr. Sami is actually showing us whether sincerity is useful."

"Show? How to show?"

"Mr. Sammy wants to visit Miss Cornish's house. To Miss Cornish, is he considered an uninvited guest?"


"Faced with Mr. Sami's powerful strength, is Miss Cornish afraid that he may have evil intentions and occupy the magpie's nest?"

"After all, they are all strangers to each other."


"Yes, scared, very scared! But why did Miss Cornish finally agree to Mr. Sammy's request?"


"Because Mr. Sammy is sincere and Miss Cornish is not stingy." Gan Fore smiled.

"This is what Mr. Sami is showing us that the gap between two people can be resolved by sincerity."

"Not only that, Mr. Sammy also said something, which quickly dispelled Miss Cornish's doubts." The chief added.

"What?" Everyone asked almost immediately.

"Mr. Sami and the others borrowed the kitchen of Miss Cornish's house. In order to prevent her from thinking of losing money, they immediately expressed their willingness to use food and spices from Qinghai in exchange."

"I will also ask Mr. Sanji to cook and invite her to eat together."

"This is called equal exchange. As long as both parties do not suffer, the relationship can continue without conflict."

Gan Faure then concluded: "This is what Mr. Sami taught us."

"It's just that in order to test us, he deliberately didn't say it clearly, but let us realize it ourselves."

"Fortunately, we are both not stupid enough to live up to his old man's expectations."

"Yes, his old man is really worried about us. We deserve it."

The two old men sang and harmonized, and after a few back and forth, Sammy's seniority was several times too high.

The more Weber and the others listened, the more they felt it made sense, and they unknowingly accepted what the two old men said.

The image of Sammy in my heart once again increased countless times.

If Sammy were here, he'd give Warchief and Gan Fore a thumbs up.

"You guys are still awesome! I'm just hungry and want to find a place to eat."

"You guys can actually understand so many things. It's really hard to believe."

But no matter what, the ideas of the chief and Gan Fore finally did not go astray, and they were roughly consistent with Sami's ideas.

In Sami's opinion, the only way to own Apayado is by bringing the two communities together.

Only by shelving disputes and pursuing joint development can we usher in true peace.

This is easier said than done.

In order for the Sandians to let go of their hatred, the Sky Islanders must sincerely apologize.

In order to make the Sky Islanders no longer wary, the Sandians must also learn how to treat guests.

Anyway, now is the best time.

The two sides worked together to overthrow Enero, and with the Straw Hats as witnesses, as long as they work hard, peace will surely come.

However, all this has nothing to do with Sami.

At this time, he had arrived at Cornish's home and met the other members of the Straw Hats who were gradually returning.

"Nami, you are back. How many good things did you bring?"

Sammy asked quickly when he saw Miss Navigator walking over carrying a heavy baggage.

"No, not much, just a little bit." Nami walked into the room and sat down on the sofa.

"That ship was big and strong. It took Sauron a long time to cut off a little bit, and we got it all back."

"Huh? Is that all there is?" Sammy asked, pointing to the package on the ground that was as big as Chopper.

"No, each of us carried a little bit. You see, Zoro and the others are back too."

"Really? Let me see...I'll go! Move mountains, Zoro!!"

Outside the door, Zoro was walking over carrying a huge package that could fill the entire deck of the Meili.

Every time he took a step, the ground shook violently, as if a local earthquake was occurring.

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