Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 181 Sammy, are you a god?

Seeing that some people are not happy about giving charms, let me explain it here.

Giving away the charm does not mean that Sammy will lose the charm in the future.

Because it has been bound to the Tiger Talisman, Sammy can still use it even if it is given away.

In other words, the spell became two copies. Sammy had one and gave away one.

This is why I kept the spell itself.

Because I always feel that Nami and others are weak, I want to strengthen their strength through this method.

In the future, some other charms will be given to other people to strengthen their strength.

But Sammy works too, and that’s important!


The war is over!

As soon as this slogan was shouted, it immediately ignited the fire of joy in the hearts of every person present.

The stone that had been weighing on my heart for many years was completely removed, and free will soared into the sky like a mushroom cloud after the big explosion.

Even the unsmiling Sandia guerrillas all cheered and shouted loudly.

Sami watched everything coldly and said sarcastically to Weber: "Is the war really over?"

Weber, who was in joy, did not react for a moment and looked at Sami blankly, not knowing what his words meant.

Sammy glanced at everyone present and spoke loudly again, loud enough for everyone present to hear.

"Is the war really over?"


"What? What did he say?"

"Is he stupid? Isn't the god Enel dead?"

"That's right! Is this guy sensationalizing?"

The hilarious atmosphere was shut down by Sami's words, and people began to talk and become suspicious.

"Webb, I remember very clearly that the war between the Sandians and the Sky Islanders started long before Enel appeared, right?"

"Yes, it is."

"You have been fighting for the land for 400 years. Both sides have shed their blood. It can be said that there is a fight to the death between each other."

Sammy said.

"After Enel appeared, the Sky Islanders were oppressed by him and could not go to war. The Sandians did not dare to go to war because they were afraid of him. In the past six years, the number of wars has actually decreased."

"So, Enel should be the hero who ended the war!"

Sammy said in a disdainful tone, with a bitter sarcasm and a high air of having nothing to do with him.

But anyone who knows him well knows that Sammy's heart is full of anger that hates iron.

That's what he is.

When facing those who are confused, he always likes to use sarcasm to clarify the problem, rather than gentle persuasion and persuasion.

Sami looked at everyone who was silent at the scene and continued: "Now that Enel is dead and the person who protects peace is gone, the war will only become more tragic than before."

"No! This is impossible!" Weber denied flatly.

"Is it impossible?" Sami smiled, "Tell me Weber, you finally killed Enelu and your ancestors' homeland is right in front of you. Will you give up?"

"I will never!" Weber replied without thinking.

How could I give up!

The graves of our ancestors are buried there!

The historical stories are told there! !

The roots and soul of the Sandians are there! ! !

How could they give up! ! ! !

"If you don't want to, will the Sky Island people be willing?"

"No! We won't give up either!" a Sky Islander suddenly said loudly.

Then came the support from countless Sky Islanders.

"That's right! Apayado will never give it up to you!"

"Why should we do it! We have lived here for 400 years, and it is also our hometown!"

"My property and relatives are all there. If anyone dares to take it away, I will fight them to the death!"

The Sky Islanders were all excited as they spoke, and the Sandians were even more unwilling to be outdone and cursed loudly.

So the two groups of people who had just cheered the end of the war were now filled with indignation and glaring at each other.

"Kill them! Kill all these barbaric Sandians!"

"Execute them all! Execute all these greedy Sky Islanders!"

The quarrel had turned into verbal violence, and if words could kill, the scene would have been full of dead bodies.

Weber looked at the scene that was completely out of control, and his whole body was shaking to the point where it couldn't be more severe.

He knew it was wrong, but he didn't dare to say anything.

At this moment, he suddenly realized.

It turns out that in this world, there is really something more terrifying than Enelu, and that is greed.

Enel just likes to kill people, but greed can not only kill people, but also make life worse than death, forever.

Sammy pursed his lips and watched without saying a word.

But Luffy next to him couldn't bear it for a long time. He who likes everyone to have a party together, how could he endure such a scene.

"Shut up! I'm so annoying!!"

The Straw Hat boy roared like thunder, shocking the entire audience.

People looked at him with their mouths wide open!

"I don't like anything about ancestors, gold, or land!" Luffy shouted, his face turning red with anger.

"My dream is to be the Pirate King. In order to achieve it, I must trust my partners and get along well with them!"

"Although Sami will lie to me, Nami will often beat me, and Zoro will call me a fool every day, but I don't care at all!"

"Because I know that even partners will quarrel when they are together!"

"Weren't you guys all partners when you resisted Enelu? Why do you want to kill each other now!"

"Sammy said that the past war was a mistake. If it was a mistake, why not correct it?"

"A person who doesn't dare to correct himself cannot become the Pirate King! Do you idiots know this?"

Luffy roared and said a lot of words, making himself panting from exhaustion!

Sammy patted him on the shoulder and said softly: "That's enough, Luffy, it's none of our business, let's go."

With that said, he was about to pull Luffy away.

Weber immediately shouted: "Wait a minute, Sammy, you can't leave!"

"Oh? Why? Because I said those things?"

"No, it's not!" Weber's face turned red from holding back, he took a mouthful of water and said with difficulty.

"Please...please, Sammy, help us! No, pity us! Please end this war! Please!!"

As Weber spoke, he fell to his knees with a plop and curled up into a ball, looking so humble.

But Sammy knew he had never been bigger.

When does a man become a man?

Carrying hope and fighting without fear of life and death?


When you are successful and famous, do you smile when others praise you?


It was the time when he smashed his own statue with his own hands for the sake of the person he wanted to protect, and chose to kneel down and endure the humiliation.

You are already a qualified warrior commander.

Seeing Sami being indifferent, Weber shouted again: "Sammy, I beg you, use your intelligence to end this battle!"

"Please! Lord Sami!" A Sandia guerrilla suddenly knelt down and shouted.

Then, people who knelt down kept appearing one by one.

Kamaqili, Braham, Lucky...

There are countless Sky Islanders that Sami doesn’t know...

In the end, even the war chief and Gan Fore knelt down.

At this moment, the whole place was silent except for countless bent backs.

Luffy stared and said in surprise: "Sammy, everyone is kneeling down to worship you. Are you a god?"

Sammy shook his head.

The goal has been achieved, so he no longer needs to show his cold face to others.

Go over and help Webber, as well as the Warchief and Gann Fore.

Sami said: "You are wrong, Weber. To end this war, relying on my so-called intelligence will not help at all."

"Why? Sami?" Weber didn't believe it at all. "Since you can predict that the war will happen, why can't you stop it?"

"Because intelligence or conspiracy can win the war, but it cannot bring peace, let alone eliminate hatred."

Sammy pointed to his heart and said, "The only way to summon peace is in the sincerity."

"Sincerely?" Weber, the chief, and Gan Fore looked at each other, completely incomprehensible.

Seeing them looking at each other, Sami could only sigh and said: "What is the difference between the encounter between the Sandians and the Sky Islanders and the encounter between Nolando and the Sandians 400 years ago?"

"Why did Nolando bring peace, friendship, and touching stories, while the Sky Islanders only brought war?"

Sammy said, "Sandian people are not easy to kill, and Sky Islanders are mostly hospitable. I think you will understand."

After saying this, Sami really had nothing to say.

As for whether they understood or not, Sammy didn't want to worry about it.

He pulled Luffy and walked straight to a sky island girl.

"You are Cornish, right?" Sammy had a warm smile on his face.

The girl was startled, not expecting Sammy to talk to her.

Her heart was pounding. After all, Sami looked like a big shot.

Cornis stumbled and said: "Yes, yes, sir, I am Cornis."

"Sorry, Miss Cornish, I have a favor to ask." Sammy said.

"In order to defeat Enelu, our group has fought until we are exhausted and hungry."

"I wonder if I can go to your house to have a rest and have a quick meal?"

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