Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 129 Ou Heather and Betrayal

When they arrived at the pirate camp, the strange and tragic scene even made Sami stunned.

The bonfire had long been extinguished, and there were some unused firewood piled beside the fire pit.

Seven or eight ugly corpses were scattered around the fire pit. Everyone looked livid with pain and unwillingness.

Chopper didn't care about his fear at this moment and hurried over to check.

"How's it going, Chopper?" Sammy asked.

"The time of death was about five days ago. Everyone experienced painful struggles before death." Chopper quickly judged some information.

As he spoke, he picked up the wooden bowl that had fallen next to a corpse and smelled it. "It should be that he accidentally ingested some kind of highly poisonous mushroom."

He put down the bowl, got up and looked around again, and sure enough he found a large pot above the fire pit.

Because the flame had long gone out, the food in the pot had cooled down and turned into a sticky paste.

"It's the abazi mushroom. This mushroom is so poisonous that just a small bite can kill an elephant."

"Because it is very similar to the delicious Koshinosaurus mushroom, it is often eaten by people by mistake."

Chopper said with a look of regret: "How pitiful! They must have been in pain when they died."

Sami also finished observing the situation at this time.

So he nodded and said: "That's great, Chopper, except for the incident of accidentally eating mushrooms, you guessed everything right."

"Really?" Chopper was about to dance.

But he quickly reacted and said in surprise, "Sammy, you mean they didn't die from accidentally eating mushrooms?"

"No, the cause of death was indeed the consumption of poisonous mushrooms, but I'm afraid it was not accidental consumption, but someone deliberately poisoning."

"What?" Chopper suddenly jumped up, "Who is so cruel?"

"Abazi mushrooms can cause pain all over the body like fire after being eaten. Some people who cannot bear the torture even choose to commit suicide early. Who is so cruel?"

Sammy walked over to a treasure chest.

There was also a body lying in front of the box.

The difference is that the cause of his death is clear.

Several finger-length crossbow arrows were inserted into his face, two hit his eyes, and one hit his eyebrow.

"Look, this corpse is the only one shot to death by an arrow. It seems that he accidentally hit the trap while opening the treasure chest."

Sammy deduced, "He should be the one who poisoned me."

"No, no, why? Sammy?"

"If you look at his bowl, there are absolutely no abazi mushrooms in the bowl."

After hearing this, Chopper quickly ran to check, but was interrupted by Robin's voice.

"That's right, among so many bowls, only his bowl has some water and no food at all."

Chopper still didn't believe it, and he quickly asked: "But, how can you be sure that the bowl is his?"

Robin poured the water out of the bowl and turned it over so Chopper could see the bottom.

A lifelike heather flower is carved on it.

Sami also squatted down and raised the murderer's right hand. There happened to be an identical heather tattoo on his tiger's mouth.

Chopper opened his mouth.

This situation almost shut down his brain as a fledgling.

He really couldn't believe Sammy's judgment that a pirate would poison his companions.

Or use abazi mushrooms, a poison that can cause extreme pain to the victim.

"But, but even so, it's not necessarily him who did it."

Chopper stammered his explanation, trying to convince Sami, but it was more like convincing himself.

"Maybe he just didn't go to drink soup. Maybe he has a stomachache..."

"Chopper." Sami said, "Isn't it strange that this man didn't go to rescue his companions after he found out that they were all poisoned, but instead ran over to check the treasure chest as soon as possible?"

"not to mention……"

"What's more?"

"What's more, what does heather represent? Don't you know best, doctor?" Robin answered for Sammy.

Chopper was suddenly speechless and opened his mouth wide.

As a doctor, Chopper has a deep understanding of most herbal plants.

As a medicine, heather has miraculous effects on beautifying, sterilizing and sedating, but its flower language is precisely betrayal.

Sami sighed, stood up, walked over to Chopper, and touched his head.

The kind-hearted little reindeer burst out crying: "Why, Sammy? Aren't they companions?"

"Why betrayal? Why do you want to kill all the companions you have been with day and night?"

Sammy was speechless.

He didn't know how to answer either.Because he also hated this kind of betrayal.

Robin was used to it, and said very easily: "Isn't this what pirates have always been like? Treasures, killings, betrayals, whatever is beneficial to them, they will do it."

"Even companions who were chatting and laughing one second will kill each other for profit the next second..."

"No, this is not a pirate! Pirates are free."

"They like adventure, parties, and treasures, but they will never betray their companions!" Chopper retorted loudly with tears in his eyes.

Robin's words were completely unacceptable to him.

Whether it was from Hiruluk's teachings or from being in the Straw Hats these days, he did not believe that betrayal was the nature of all pirates.

"At least! Sami, Luffy and everyone else will not betray their companions!" The little reindeer stared at Robin and said stubbornly, "Including you, Robin, I believe you will not betray us."

His innocent face now showed an extremely determined expression. Even the well-informed Robin was shocked by this expression.

For the first time she felt something.

This thing is called trust.

This was something she hadn't seen in decades.

Robin couldn't help but sweat, and she was momentarily speechless.

"Right, Sammy, am I right?" Chopper turned to ask Sammy, hoping to get a positive answer.

Sami nodded seriously and said, "You are right, Chopper. We will never betray any of our companions. We do what we say."

"Even if we have any difficulties in leaving in the future, we must make it clear in person."

The last words were obviously meant for Robin.

"Chopper, you are unfortunate to have become a pirate who will be hated and misunderstood by ordinary people." Sami said, "But you are lucky because you joined the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Yeah, I know! Luffy, Sammy and everyone else are all best friends, and I'm very satisfied now." The little reindeer laughed.

Sammy shrugged, and then said: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, we are not here to discuss such a heavy topic."

He set his sights on the culprit who caused this group of pirates to kill each other.

"We are here to hunt for treasure. Since this treasure box is now ownerless, I won't be polite."

Chopper also reacted at this time and said with a smile: "Yes, Sammy, treasure hunting! We found the treasure!"

"Nami will be very happy when she finds out. Let's give this treasure box to her!"

"I know. But before that let's see what's inside."

Sammy walked over and reached out to open the box.

"Wait a minute, Sammy!" Chopper suddenly stopped him, and then quickly ate a blue wave ball, "Fur Strengthening!"

A huge, fluffy ball of hair appeared immediately.

"Robin, come behind me quickly and I will protect you."

Robin was stunned.

"Come on!" Chopper shouted anxiously.

"Okay, um." Robin finally reacted and walked behind Chopper with a smile.

Seeing that she had hidden, Chopper turned to look at Sami and said with a serious expression: "Come and open the box, Sami, be careful of the trap!"

"Okay." Sammy smiled, raised his hand and opened the box.

"Ah!" Chopper shouted in fear.

But no arrows were shot.

"Oh, fortunately, fortunately." Sammy said pretending to be relaxed.

Chopper immediately asked in surprise: "Look, Sammy, what's in it? Gold? Herbs? Or meat?"

Sammy stretched his head over, then suddenly stiffened and cried out: "Ouch!"

"What's wrong, Sammy!" Chopper almost fainted.

"There's nothing in there," Sammy turned around and said, "Just two coins and a chart."

"Asshole! I was almost scared to death by you!" Chopper said angrily.

"Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to tease you." Sammy smiled.

"It's not funny at all. Don't do that again! You idiot." Chopper was almost furious.

Ignoring their banter, Robin came over and looked carefully at the chart in Sammy's hand, and then couldn't help shouting: "Hannabal! Death Contest!"

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