It had been two days since Robin had boarded the ship.

Nami was wearing glasses and holding a ledger while doing her weekly inventory of supplies.

"There is not much fresh water left and needs to be replenished in time." She said to herself.

"Well, we need to add fresh water." Luffy took a big sip of the drink and repeated.

"There is still enough food for two days at most. Oh, what a headache. These guys can eat each one more than the other. It's better to replenish it as soon as possible."

"Yes, just meat and no vegetables." Luffy said vaguely as he swallowed a leg of meat in one gulp.

"The most important thing is that we don't have much money. This is the most difficult thing to do. I really want to make a big fortune." Nami said longingly.

"Yes, Nami, you haven't given me pocket money for a long time, how stingy you are!"

Luffy ate and drank endlessly while complaining. He originally had two days of food left, but now he only had half a day's supply left.

Nami's anger went straight to her forehead, her face turned red with anger, and she punched him: "Enough is enough, you bastard! All the money has been given to you for food!"

Luffy was punched out of the warehouse, his head hit the mast, and his whole body turned upside down.

But that didn't stop him from stuffing the last bite of food into his mouth.

After eating and drinking, he stood up quickly, stretched out his hands and shouted: "Great! Everyone! Let's go to the next island to replenish supplies!"

Nami felt a headache and touched her forehead: "That's all!"

"Sammy, Zoro, Sanji, please come back with more prey later, otherwise there won't be enough for this idiot."

"No problem! Miss Nami, I will do whatever you say." Sanji was naturally the first to respond.

Sauron also nodded.

Sami said: "The two of them are enough for hunting. Chopper and I will go get water. There won't be enough fresh water."

Nami thought about it, so she said: "Okay, let's take action anyway. Usopp, bring the boat to the shore."

Soon, under the control of Usopp, the Merry slowly stopped at the shoal of a small island.Everyone had prepared their tools a long time ago. When they saw that the ship had docked, they jumped in immediately.

Luffy was the first.

As soon as he landed, this guy ran all the way.


There was a scream, a bunch of smoke, and a figure that disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Idiot!" Nami scolded, "This guy! Forget it, I knew he was unreliable. Sanji, Zoro, please work harder."

"I know." Zoro turned and left.

Sanji's eyes turned red and he turned back three times.

Sammy carried two buckets on his back, turned to Chopper and said, "Let's go, Chopper, we have to bring at least ten buckets of water back today."

Chopper was also carrying a bucket that was bigger and taller than him, and he looked excited at this time.

For him who just went to sea, everything was new and interesting.

The two people walked one after another on the tree-lined path filled with mountain flowers.Chopper watched all this happily.

He grew up on the snowy Ciggu Island, and his first stop after going to sea was the desert-filled Alabasta.

This was the first time he had seen such a vibrant scenery.

"Awesome, Sammy! It's so beautiful here!" Chopper took steps, with an expression of excitement on his face.

Sami smiled and looked at Chopper as lovingly as he looked at his younger brother.

"It's great to be a pirate, isn't it, Chopper? You can see a lot of different things."

"Yes, with everyone, everyone is the best friend." Chopper said with a grin, suddenly thinking of something else, his expression changed, "Except, well, except..."

"Except Robin, right?"

Chopper immediately panicked and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, Sammy, I don't mean to hate her."

"Now that Luffy has invited her on board, she is a partner. I will not hate my partner."

Chopper tried his best to explain, fearing that Sammy would think it was a person who was not united and did not love each other.

"Hahahaha, Chopper, don't be nervous." Sami comforted him, "Robin was indeed our enemy before, but she had no choice but to do so. You will find out when you get to know her better..."

"She is a good person, right?" Qiao Ba said hopefully.

"She is a very sinister woman."

"Ah!" Chopper's eyes began to turn white.

"Okay, okay, no kidding. Robin is indeed a good person, but he is just misunderstood."

"Just like you, Chopper, haven't you been misunderstood as a monster by people who don't know the truth?"

Chopper immediately showed a look of realization, then solemnity, and then turned into surprise.

"Really? Sure enough, Robin was misunderstood? So she is really a good person, that's great."

The little reindeer easily believed what Sammy said.

"Yes, you have to trust Robin and get along well with him, Chopper."

"Yes." He nodded seriously, making up his mind.

The two people walked and chatted, and soon made this long tree-lined path and came to the end of the road.

A huge blue lake stretches in front of you.

The lake is endless blue, and surrounding the lake is a seemingly endless green lawn.

It is covered with colorful stars and flowers.

Robin was sitting on the lawn, gazing at the beautiful scenery in front of him. The beauty and beauty blended into one.

Sammy was stunned.

"Hey, Robin." As soon as Chopper saw Robin, he immediately smiled in surprise and ran over.

Robin was broken from his thoughts. He was a little surprised when he saw Chopper approaching enthusiastically. He put on a smile and asked, "What's the matter, doctor?"

Chopper plucked up the courage and said, "Robin, Sammy told me that you have been misunderstood just like me. I know this grievance best."

"But don't worry, I will definitely get along with you in the future and treat you as my best partner."

Robin was caught off guard by Chopper's sincere "confession".

They didn't understand why Chopper, who was wary of him just now, showed such enthusiasm and sincerity now.

She looked up at Sammy, who was smiling gently.

She looked down at Chopper again, and the little reindeer had a sincere smile on his face.

A certain heartstring in Robin's heart seemed to be gently shaken, and he smiled involuntarily.He replied: "Thank you, doctor, you are really cute."

"Idiot, even if you praise me for being cute, I won't be happy, you bastard. Anyway, let's get along well in the future."

Chopper danced a happy dance.

Sammy came over and said, "Why are you here, Robin? Are you having fun?"

"Well, I found something interesting."

"What is it? Is it a herb? Or a delicious fruit?" Chopper asked in surprise.

Robin shook his head and said, "No, it's an abandoned pirate camp."

"Pirate camp?" Chopper was surprised, "Has anyone else been to this island? Have they all left?"

"No, I'm afraid not." Robin shook his head. "I also found a few corpses in the camp. They should be all of that group."

"Corpse, corpse?!" Chopper was startled and said hurriedly, "Were they killed? Was they bitten to death by wild beasts? How scary!"

"I'm afraid not. I didn't see any wounds on them." Robin said.

"They were probably poisoned, but I don't know what they were poisoned with. Are you going to see me, doctor?"

"Ah? Me?" When Robin suddenly called his name, Chopper was stunned for a moment, and then panicked.

"Okay, let's go take a look." Sammy looked interested.

"Don't make hasty decisions, Sammy, at least ask for my opinion!"

"Don't worry, Chopper. If those people were poisoned, wouldn't you want to go and have a look? You are a doctor, Chopper."

"Oh~ um, um, I do want to take a look."

Robin immediately stood up and said, "Then let's go."

"So fast? Why don't we get ready? Why don't we call Luffy and the others to come together? It'll be safer this way."

Chopper was still thinking about it, but Robin and Sammy were already far away, so he could only muster the courage to follow them.

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