Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 126 Three lost friends one after another

The waves rippled and the cannons roared.

Ever since Sami and the others boarded the Mellie, the naval bombardment never stopped.

Sammy steered the helm and ran left and right, taking the Meili to nimbly avoid the flying shells.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji stood at the four corners of the ship, blocking the occasional cannonballs flying over.

"Wow! So many shells! Very good, more cannonballs!"

Although he was being hunted, Shan Luffy didn't panic at all, and instead regarded it as a game.

"Shut up! You idiot!" Nami slapped him, and then said with a worried look, "The enemy's shelling is too fierce, I'm afraid we are in trouble."

"Don't worry, Miss Nami, I will protect you and the Merry." Sanji said firmly.

"There is a naval base nearby. If we don't find a way to get rid of this warship, it will definitely attract more enemies."

Zoro also frowned and said, "The Meili's speed is too slow. We can't get rid of the navy at all."

"Sammy, think of a way, I don't want to die!" Usopp cried and shouted to Sammy.

"Me too, Sammy, I want to take risks with you!" Chopper also had tears in his eyes.

"Don't panic, we can definitely escape!" Sami cheered everyone on, "Nami, summon the Mosasaurus!"

"No! Even if a Mosasaurus comes to pull the boat, our speed is very slow!"

"It's not a pull!" Sami said coldly, "It's an attack, a direct attack on the navy warship! As long as we slow down their movements, we can hope to get rid of them."

This is also no way.

Without saying a word, Nami immediately summoned a mosasaurus and prepared to attack the warship from the bottom of the sea.

The moment the huge figure of the Mosasaurus reappeared, it swam to the bottom of the sea. The Straw Hats all stared with bated breath, for fear of an accident.

"Hey! Can you hear me? Hey!"

A loud voice broke in at this moment, shaking everyone's eardrums.

"Asshole! Who is it!" Usopp, who was paying full attention, was startled by the voice and immediately cursed.

Sanji kicked him away: "Shut up, this is Vivi-chan's voice."

"Weiwei!" Luffy immediately showed a surprised expression.

Weiwei was standing on the coast looking at the Meili in the distance.She sent a steady stream of sound through a huge loudspeaker.

"Sammy! Luffy! And everyone!"

"Hi! Vivi-chan! Are you calling my name?" Sanji twisted his body, full of spring.

"Your ears are really good at filtering!" Zoro curled his lips and complained.

"Thank you for your encouragement and help along the way! I really like you all!"

"But, for some reason, I really can't continue to accompany you on adventures! You won't blame me, right?"

"I believe that the friendship between us will not diminish because of separation. One day, we will meet again, right?"

"If one day comes, I hope you can still remember me and call me partner again! Okay?"

Weiwei's voice sounded like crying, so sad in the gentle sea breeze.

"That is……"

Just as Luffy was about to shout out, Nami held him down.

"What are you doing, Nami?"

"Idiot, if you yell at this time, wouldn't you be proving that Weiwei has colluded with us pirates? Don't forget that the navy's warship is still nearby, don't cause trouble for Weiwei!"

"Then what should we do? We can't just say nothing, right? Weiwei will be sad!" Luffy said dissatisfied.

Sammy suddenly rolled up his sleeves, exposed the "x" mark on his wrist, and smiled at everyone.

They immediately understood and unanimously turned their backs to Weiwei and raised their right hands.

Even from such a distance, Weiwei could still see it at a glance.

The "x" mark seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.

That is the light of friendship!

"Thank you!" Weiwei couldn't help shouting, her tears couldn't be held back any longer and poured down her face.

This sad and touching scene not only affected the Straw Hats, but also the navy was stunned, and even the bombardment became sparse.

Sami noticed this and immediately reminded: "Nami! It's now!"

Nami reacted quickly, and with a thought, the Mosasaurus, which had been lurking for a long time, got the order and mounted it on the warship with a headbutt.

The blow was so fast and hard that it knocked the mosasaurus into a daze and fell into the depths of the sea with a whimper!

at the same time.

The waves splash!

The hull vibrates!

The navy was also caught off guard by the sudden attack.

Some sailors lost their footing and fell into the sea, some were in a hurry and threw their arms around, and some almost lit the powder keg with trembling hands.

"Don't panic!" the beautiful navy woman holding a cigarette shouted calmly, "The medical team will rescue the wounded, and everyone else will perform their duties and continue the bombardment."

"Sir! There seems to be something under the sea. Is it a Neptune type?"

"Impossible! The bottom of our warship is inlaid with sea tower stones, and the sea king class will not attack us."

The beautiful officer said, "It should be the work of the Straw Hats. According to intelligence, they have the ability to control animals."

"Then what should we do now?"

"The animal was probably injured in the impact just now and should be unable to move again for a short time."

"We take this opportunity to destroy their ships. As long as we catch them, the animals will not dare to attack."

"Yes! Keep firing!"

The rumble of cannons came again.

"No! Sammy! The Mosasaurus failed to ram the ship, and the navy started attacking again!" Usopp shouted in panic when he saw the navy firing cannons and catching up quickly.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and Luffy and the others were gradually unable to stop the increasingly dense cannonballs.

Sami frowned and was about to use his ultimate move.

"Damn it, this is something I finally got. I was going to wait until Justice Island to use it, but I didn't expect it to be wasted here."

Sammy held the statue in his hand, feeling extremely reluctant to part with it.This thing is very powerful, but it will be gone once you use it.

Just when Sami was struggling, a pink ship with a swan head suddenly inserted itself between the Mellie and the navy warship.

"Xiao Feng!" x6

"I heard the call of friendship! As a friend, how can I not help you when you are in trouble? Everyone, let me help you block the navy."

"No! Xiao Feng, you will be caught!" Luffy shook his head and shouted.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not afraid even if I have to sacrifice myself for my friends!" Xiao Feng said with a serious smile.

"Whether it's a man or a woman, you can't lose your way of being a human being. This is my way of being a shemale!"

"Goodbye! My friends, let's meet again in the next life!"

After Xiao Feng finished speaking, he drove the swan boat towards the navy and drowned them with countless cannonballs.

"No! Xiao Feng!" Luffy cried bitterly, hitting the deck with sadness.

Usopp and Chopper were also in tears and crying.

Nami, Zoro and Sanji also opened their mouths, they were greatly shocked!

How can the highly emotional Straw Hats accept losing friends one after another?

The sea breeze is noisy, and those are the words of farewell from my friends.

As the sun sets in the west, that is the silhouette of my partner leaving.

The blue water is not only our broken hearts, but also the tears we left behind.


Only Sami still calmly operated the rudder, taking advantage of this precious opportunity to gradually distance himself from the navy and lead everyone to escape.

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