Pirate: Just ask, I know everything

Chapter 125 The friendship between Sanji and Xiao Feng

Travel to the desert of Elmar.

The Straw Hats are riding a huge desert sled pulled by two humps, heading towards the Merry.

This is the day after the big banquet, and the day to set sail again has arrived.

The only difference from the past is that this time, not only was everyone not excited, but they were all listless and demoralized.

"Now, let me tell you, Sammy, is Weiwei really not going to sea with us?" Luffy asked with a slumped face.

"Yeah, you've asked No. 30 times."

"Because I can't figure it out! It's such a joy to be a pirate, why doesn't Vivi come?" Luffy said, his eyes rolling, as if he was planning something.

"I told you guys, don't do stupid things." Sami said quickly, fearing that he would cause trouble.

"Alabasta is in dire straits right now. As a princess, Weiwei is responsible for the fate of the entire country. She cannot be a pirate with us under any circumstances."

"What, it's so boring. Isn't it Weiwei's dream to be a pirate?" Luffy really couldn't understand how anyone could give up on their dream.

Sammy shook his head and said nothing.

What can make people give up on their dreams is responsibility, Luffy!

We either choose dreams or responsibilities, otherwise how can we be called human beings.

Nami saw Luffy's listless look and said quickly: "Okay, okay, we are just separated for now. We will definitely meet again in the future."

Usopp also advised: "Yes, Luffy, as long as we keep moving forward, Vivi will definitely see the news of our victory one after another from the newspaper."

This is true.

Didn't Keya find Usopp at a glance from the bounty order?

Although there is only one back of the head, at least the person is still alive, right?

When Luffy heard this, he suddenly became excited, and his face became as fast as a child's.

"Very well, let's move on. One day Weiwei will learn from the newspaper that I found the one-piece and became the Pirate King."

"Yes, that's it." Chopper concluded as he jumped up.

"Everyone, if you don't care about Zoro anymore, we may never find the one-piece in our lifetime." Sanji, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said.

Everyone woke up immediately and stared at Zoro who was driving.

The guy's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Ah! Zoro, you are going the wrong way!"

"You're leading us in circles, Zoro!"

"It's incredible, Zoro, are you playing?"

"Why don't I get some medicine for you before we get on the ship, Sauron."

"Fortunately Roger is not Sauron, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find the one-piece in this life."

The last sentence gave the green algae head a heavy blow, and he was so angry that he yelled: "It's so noisy! I didn't ask for the driver! If you have the ability, you can come!"

"Besides, I'm not a navigator. What does it matter if I can't tell the direction? I'm a swordsman!"

"Lu Chi Swordsman, right!" How could Sanji miss this good opportunity to complain.

"Oh~" Zoro choked immediately, and then yelled, "That's better than you, you crazy cook."

"Asshole, are you looking for a kick?"

"I think you're looking for a chop!"

The two men were about to fight again, and the large movements made the entire sled shake from side to side, almost overturning it.

The captain quickly stood up to stop their mischief.

"Quiet down, you two bastards!"

I'm talking about the real captain Nami.

Looking at the two guys lying on the ground, Nami turned around with still anger and asked Usopp: "Have you seen the Merry? Observation hand?"

Usopp was startled and stammered quickly: "Uh, I see, I see, we are almost there."

"Sammy, speed up, I want to go back to the Merry."

Sami, who took over from Zoro to drive the car, also nodded seriously, his fist as big as a casserole hanging above his head. Everyone had to be serious.

Didn't you see that even Luffy was trembling in the corner holding Chopper?

As the distance got closer, Usopp suddenly shouted: "Everyone, it's bad! The Merry has been discovered!"

"What? Who? Navy?"

"Let me see...it's the navy, the commander...huh? Is it a woman?"

"What?" Sanji's eyes flashed suddenly, he rushed up, pushed Usopp away, and glanced randomly in the direction of the Merry.

Sure enough, I saw a slim, sexy and beautiful female naval officer in a suit commanding a warship to approach the Meili.

"Wow! So sexy! My love is going to explode!"

Sanji stared at the navy beauty, drooling all over the floor like Luffy who hadn't eaten meat for three days.

Until a coquettish pink swan ship suddenly appeared and stood between the Merry and the navy warship. A figure in a ballet costume completely blocked Sanji's sight.

Sanji almost choked himself with a mouthful of saliva.

"Asshole! Why are you here?" The furious Sanji was like a beast.

Xiao Feng said shyly: "Don't be so cruel, I'm here to help you."

"Who can believe it, you bastard! You've been beaten up by me, but you're still kind enough to help us?"

"Don't say that. Although we were enemies before, now that Baroque Studio has been disbanded, of course I have resumed my previous identity."

"Don't forget the precious friendship between us, Straw Hat Boy." Xiao Feng said while crying affectionate tears.

"Friend! My friend!" Luffy was so moved that his tears flowed out like a waterfall.

And of course Chopper and Usopp.

"You three, please wake up!" Nami yelled at the three guys, "That guy is Crocodile's subordinate."

"But wasn't Crocodile defeated by us?"

"Yes, he is free now."

"Yes, you are free, Mr. 2!"

"Please call me Xiao Feng. This is a name that only my friends can call me."

"Xiao Feng!" x3

"Shut up, you three!" Nami punched each of them.

Sami asked calmly: "If my guess is correct, you want to protect our ship from the navy, right, Xiao Feng?"

"That's right! As a friend, how can I watch your ship being captured by the navy? Just let me help you clear the way."

"Then you're really not a bad guy. I'm determined to be your friend." Sami said seriously.

"Thank you, Ragnar Sammy. It's an honor to be friends with such a smart person like you."

"Hey! Sammy, why are you so confused! That guy is a transvestite!" Sanji didn't expect Sammy to be confused as well, and immediately yelled at him.

"What happened to the shemale?"

"I...I like 100% ladies. I can't accept shemales! Sammy! Absolutely not!"

"Sanji, take back what you just said." Sami suddenly became extremely serious, "Haven't you heard of that curse?"

"W-what curse?"

"Those who hate and reject transvestites from the bottom of their hearts will end up being entangled with transvestites for the rest of their lives, and will never get any favor from ladies."

"No, no?"

"It's true! I didn't lie to you!"

"Ah! What should I do? I won't, won't be able to do it for the rest of my life?" When Sanji thought that he was cursed and might have to get entangled with a demon, his whole body turned gray.

"Quick! Tell Xiao Feng that you love him, even if it's a lie, you have to say it."

"I...I can't..."

"If we don't hurry up, it'll be too late! Sanji!"

"I...I..." Beads of sweat broke out on Sanji's forehead. Finally, the fear of the curse made him unable to bear it any longer and he shouted loudly.

"I love you too, Xiao Feng, let's be friends... ugh!"

He vomited.

Xiao Feng only heard the voice, and immediately responded happily: "I heard it, you guys really moved me."

"As a friend, I can't repay you, so let me help you escape from the navy! Also - I love you! Sanji-chan!"


"Sanji! Doctor! Doctor! Come on, doctor!" Chopper shouted in fright.

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