Douluo: Rebirth of Blue Silver Grass, Infinite Devour and Evolution

Chapter 18 Flanders abandons his teammates, the talking elk princess

Qin Lan's appearance was something that none of Shrek's teachers expected. He grabbed Flanders's feet and quickly used the Devouring skill.

While devouring Flanders, the skill Power is also used together.

Qin Lan's Blue Silver Grass vines were much more powerful, and they suddenly pulled Flanders' Four-Eyed Cat Eagle Martial Spirit Avatar down.

After falling down, the colorful elk was also successfully rescued.

The reason why Qin Lan wants to save the Colorful Elk is because it is difficult to defeat Flanders and others by himself. If he joins forces with the Colorful Elk, he will have a great chance.

After the colorful elk escaped, Qin Lan immediately used his recovery skills to entangle the colorful elk.

A faint blue light emitted from the blue and silver vines, and the colorful elk was slowly recovering.

After the recovery skill is improved, he can not only heal himself but also heal other people or soul beasts. This is also the first time Qin Lan has treated a soul beast. After all, he used to devour it, so how can he use the recovery skill? .

Compared with Flanders and others, this colorful elk is more pleasing to Qin Lan's eyes.

On the other side, Qin Lan did not give up on devouring Flanders.

Flanders felt that his soul power was disappearing at a rapid speed, so he shouted loudly: "Save me, there is something wrong with this Blue Silver Grass, please help me get it under its control."

Zhao Wuji seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem, shouted loudly, and used his seventh soul skill.

Then Lu Qibin also used Xingluoqi again at this moment to block Qin Lan's area, trying to cut off the Blue Silver Grass vines outside.

Seeing Zhao Wuji coming, the colorful elk struggled under Qin Lan's blue and silver vines.

"Let me deal with this human!"

Qin Lan was stunned when the voice of the colorful elk appeared in his mind.

Qin Lan also responded: "Can you speak?"

"Of course. Can't you still speak? And I'm the princess of the Elk Clan. Thank you for your help! Don't worry, I will definitely repay you."

"Your healing ability is good, I can go fight now." Colorful Elk said again.

Qin Lan also put away the blue silver grass, and the colorful elk immediately got up and rushed towards Zhao Wuji, who had released his true form of martial spirit.

Now that someone is going to deal with Zhao Wuji, Qin Lan can devour them as much as he wants.

However, his body was controlled by Xingluoqi, with only a few Blue Silver Grass vines outside.

Under Flanders soul skill, the Blue Silver Grass vines are also losing Flanders control.

Qin Lan turned to look at Xing Luo Qi who was controlling him, and murmured: "In this world, I am the only one who controls others. Others cannot control me and devour me!"

Qin Lan could still devour Lu Qibin's Xingluoqi martial spirit.

Lu Qibin turned pale in an instant, and as one of Shrek's rare wise men, he shouted to Flanders: "There is something wrong with this bluesilver grass, Dean Flanders, run away!"

"Let's go!" Lu Qibin shouted loudly.

With a loud bang, the colorful elk and Zhao Wuji's martial soul body collided head-on, and both the deer and the other flew out.

A bloody hole appeared on Zhao Wuji's body, and the colorful elk's antlers were also broken.

At this time, Flanders discovered that his soul power had dropped by 2 levels during the short time he had been entangled by the Bluesilver Grass vine.

Flanders originally had level 77 soul power, but now it is only level 75.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Flanders also shouted: "Everyone, run away."

Still in the form of his martial soul, Flanders came to Zhao Wuji immediately.

But at this moment, Qin Lan had broken through Xingluo Qi's control, and at the same time entangled Lu Qibin and Shao Xin, who was looking for the soul ring.

Qin Lan's devouring was in progress, and the two of them also screamed.

Flanders said: "No, I can't leave them behind."

But when Flanders came forward with the injured Zhao Wuji, Qin Lan's Blue Silver Grass vines followed him.

How could Qin Lan let the two of them leave?

Unless Flanders simply gave up on the two of them and left.

However, just as Qin Lan expected, Flanders wanted to move forward at first. When he saw Qin Lan's blue and silver vines, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry."

Flapping his wings, Flanders quickly flew into the air, and Qin Lan's blue and silver vines followed him, but they couldn't reach them even when they reached their limit, allowing the two people here to escape.


In mid-air, Zao Wuji shouted at Flanders: "Flanders, why the hell did you run away? Come on, didn't you kill both of them?"

Flanders said: "Zhao Wuji, what do you know? This Blue Silver Grass is very special. It can swallow my soul power. In the moment just now, my soul power dropped by two levels."

Zhao Wuji was stunned and asked in confusion: "Two levels? So you are now level 75?"

"Yes, as long as we are entangled by the vines, we will die. Not only will we not be able to save the two of them, we will also have to die together." Flanders analyzed calmly.

In fact, Zao Wuji is also a ruthless person, and he was full of evil in his early years. He only restrained himself when he got to Shrek Flender.

Seeing Flanders say this, Zhao Wuji could only say helplessly: "Okay, but this grudge cannot be settled like this."

At least he was saved by Flanders and survived!

Flanders said: "Don't worry, we must avenge this. Although this Blue Silver Grass is powerful, I don't think it is capable of dealing with Contra. When I get back, I will gather the other two former members of my golden iron triangle." Come and destroy this Blue Silver Grass, as long as the three of us join forces, Titled Douluo and below will not be afraid of anyone."

"And we can also let him study what kind of soul beast this is! I don't think he is like Blue Silver Grass!"

"Okay! Flender will do as you say, and I support you." Zhao Wuji said.


[Successfully swallowed a level 66 Soul Emperor, obtained: 20050 energy points]

[Successfully swallowed a level 70 Soul Emperor, obtained: 23285 energy points]

It's a pity that he let them run away. Flanders really let go of his two teammates.

Qin Lan had deliberately slowed down his devouring speed just now, attracting Flanders and Zhao Wuji to come to the rescue. As long as the two came, Qin Lan would be [-]% sure to devour it.

Sigh... I misjudged you. I betrayed my teammates at the critical moment!


" actually have the ability to devour, just like that dark evil tiger." The injured colorful elk looked at Qin Lan nervously.

It had been injured again in the battle with the human soul master just now, and the injury was much more serious than before. If Qin Lan wanted to devour it, it would not have much power left to resist.

Qin Lan asked curiously: "Little Elk, you actually know about the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger?"

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger also relied on devouring to grow, and its quality was much higher than Qin Lan's.

In just tens of thousands of years, he could go head-to-head with the two 10-year-old soul beasts, Da Ming and Er Ming. This was an existence that even the soul beasts of the Star Dou Forest would not allow.

At this time, the colorful elk started to cry and said: "Why didn't I know that that guy swallowed up my grandfather and swallowed up many, many of our elk clan? Wuwu... Do you want to devour me?"

"You're not going to devour me, are you?" The tearful eyes of the Colorful Elk looked at Qin Lan worriedly.

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