It is generally accepted that the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is a useless martial spirit and the Blue Silver Grass spirit beast is a useless soul beast.

Thousand-year-old bluesilver grass soul beasts are also looked down upon by people in the soul master world. Even a seventy-level soul emperor like Shao Xin who is about to become a soul saint still looks down on bluesilver grass as his soul ring.

Seeing Qin Lan's body, Shao Xin also frowned and said: "Dean Flanders, you agreed at the beginning that I don't need much remuneration to serve in Shrek, but I will have to wait until my seventh year. Help me get a soul ring that suits me at level ten."

"But isn't this Bluesilver Grass not suitable?"

"And the seventh soul ring can absorb soul rings up to 5 years old. Isn't 3 years too low?"

Shao Xin was extremely dissatisfied with the 3-year-old Bluesilver Grass.

Flanders also smiled and scratched his head, and the extremely powerful soul-deceiving skill came online, and said: "This is the Blue Silver Grass. The ten thousand-year-old Blue Silver Grass has strong life attributes and relatively strong healing ability. It is very suitable for your martial spirit. .”

Shao Xin shook his fat head, as if he was not fooled by Flanders, and said: "You may be able to persuade me about other soul beasts, but this Blue Silver Grass cannot do it. The seventh soul skill is too crucial for a soul master. , I don’t want my seventh soul skill to be too useless, so I’d better change it to another one!”

Zhao Wuji also said: "Flanders, this 3-year-old Bluesilver Grass is a bit too perfunctory. It should be replaced."

Seeing Zhao Wuji say this, Flanders could only say helplessly: "Then let's change. There was a battle here just now. Why didn't we see any traces of other soul beasts and soul masters? There's something fishy. Let's leave first!"

Flanders could already smell the smell of fire in the air, and it actually made him feel a hint of danger.


The four people left quickly in front of Qin Lan.

But not long after they left, Qin Lan used his transformation skills and suddenly turned into the most ordinary blue silver grass and then quickly grew up.

It was simply a shame that he was so disliked.

Now that we have met Shrek and your group, we have to go up and make a wave and see if we can destroy them!

Qin Lan followed him all the way. Anyway, with the soul power of Shrek and others, they would not be able to detect him. They would probably find a suitable opportunity to take action.

For some reason, Qin Lan just wanted to get involved.

Flanders and others were cautious. Qin Lan followed for about an hour, and Flanders and others finally stopped.

From a distance, Qin Lan heard Flanders' voice.

"Shao Xin, you were right to give up on the Blue Silver Grass just now. There is actually a colorful elk that is over 4 years old. I think it will be difficult to find a second soul beast soul ring suitable for you in this Star Dou Forest."

"Colorful elk, with strong life, is definitely the top existence among deer soul beasts. Dean Flender, are you sure we can win it?" Shao Xin looked in Flender's direction questioningly.

But the next moment, Flanders had left, and the martial spirit completed its possession and ran directly towards the 4-year-old colorful elk.

When Flanders left, Zhao Wuji and Na Lu Qibin also took action.

"Shao Xin, since I, Flanders, have promised you, I will never break my promise. This colorful elk is probably a bit difficult, but how will you know if you don't try?"

"Yes, I haven't done anything for a long time, and my hands are itchy." Zhao Wuji said loudly.

Seeing this, Shao Xin no longer hesitated. The Wuhun jelly beans also lit up at this moment, and then used the fifth soul skill to quickly produce three jelly beans.

Swish...three jelly beans flew in different directions.

"Eating this will help you!" Shao Xin said. His jelly beans also have powerful auxiliary abilities.

The three of them became excited after eating Shao Xin's jelly beans.

Lu Qibin took action first, and Xingluoqi quickly surrounded the colorful elk. By the time it discovered it, it was already a little late, and it was completely controlled within the chessboard arranged by Xingluoqi.

Using martial spirits as chess pieces and status chessboard, this is how Lu Qibin controls Xingluo chess.

As for Qin Lan, he still looked like he was watching the fun.

The system also detects the condition of this colorful elk.

[Detection: There is a 41260-year-old soul beast Colorful Elk [-] meters in front of the host, which can be swallowed. Danger level: highly dangerous. 】

The colorful elk actually put Qin Lan in a highly dangerous state. This colorful elk is definitely not simple, and it is worthy of being one of the top deer soul beasts.

The same people from Shrek also put Qin Lan in a very dangerous situation. In other words, this colorful elk can compete with the four of Flanders. If he really can't win, why not help him?

After the colorful elk was controlled by Xingluoqi, its antlers suddenly turned into colorful colors.

Its antlers are its most powerful attack method. The attack range can cover a 90-degree area in front, and turning its head left and right can cover a 180-degree area. It has strong close attack and defense capabilities.


The colorful antlers directly bombarded the star chess piece, and the huge attack power directly caused cracks in the star chess piece that controlled it.

Lu Qibin quickly said loudly: "My control is about to give out, Flanders and Zao Wu-Ki, you have to hurry up."

"no problem!"

Flanders's seven soul rings lit up, and he was actually preparing to activate the martial soul avatar directly. As for Zhao Wuji, the sequelae of the martial soul avatar may be too severe, so under normal circumstances he would not activate it.

Increased gravity!

This affected the colorful elk who was preparing for the next attack, reducing his attack speed.

Zhao Wuji saw that it was effective, so he used his second soul skill and used the powerful Vajra Palm to attack the colorful elk.

The colorful elk seemed to feel the crisis, and the colorful light on its body suddenly condensed into a colorful shield to protect itself inside.


Zhao Wuji's powerful Vajra Palm turned out to be of little use, which only angered the Colorful Elk.

There was only a roar, and then the chess pieces clicked, and they all shattered.

The colorful elk also broke through Xingluo Qi's control at this time, and then a colorful light emitted from the antlers and faced Zhao Wuji.

However, Zhao Wuji did not panic at this moment. His first soul skill, Fudou Mingwang, was used, and his body instantly burst into intense golden light. This skill reflected attacks within three meters of his body.


The effect of the first soul skill is good, but it still depends on what kind of attack is reflected. If the attack is greater than the limit of your skill's rebound, it is useless.

Level 74 Zhao Wuji was immediately blasted away. Just as the colorful elk raised its antlers to attack Zhao Wuji, a huge eagle claw struck.

He directly grabbed the colorful elk's body and flew into the air.

The Colorful Elk has a good fighting ability on the ground, but in the air, it can't do anything about it.

Poof, Zhao Wuji spit out a mouthful of blood, stood up and said, "Flanders, you are too slow, now it's up to you."

In the air, the colorful elk was firmly grasped by Flanders, and even the sharp eagle claws had penetrated the body of the colorful elk, and blood flowed down from the air.

Flanders seemed to want to tear the colorful elk's body apart in the air.

Qin Lan saw all this, and Flanders greatly restricted the colorful elk's attack capabilities in the air.

The most powerful colorful antlers could not attack Flanders' body at all, and even attacks that emitted seven-colored light could not hit Flanders in the true form of his martial spirit.

At this moment, Flanders, who was in the air, was also quite proud and laughed: "You still think too highly of this colorful elk, but that's all!"

In an instant, the colorful elk also let out bursts of screams.

If this continues, the colorful elk will be consumed by Flanders in the air and die, and Flanders has already begun to use soul skills in the martial spirit avatar state to give the injured colorful elk the final blow.

But at this moment, Zhao Wuji suddenly shouted loudly: "Flender, watch your step!"

In the blink of an eye, several Blue Silver Grass vines suddenly shot up into the sky for tens of meters, and quickly wrapped around the somewhat proud Flanders' talons and feet.

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