Marvel: Learning magic, the talent scared Gu Yi to pee

Chapter 67 Bottleneck, there is no other bottleneck!

Mordo was suspicious by nature, and when he heard Casillas mention Dormammu, his expression suddenly became serious.

"Dormammu, why did you remember this name!?"

Dormammu is a forbidden word in the entire Karma Taj, and mages avoid these three words.

After all, that was a big villain that even Gu Yi gave a headache to and didn't know how to deal with.

When Casillas suddenly mentioned this, Modou would naturally become very serious.

"I just think that Dormammu's followers are very capable, and I can't help but sigh."

Casillas replied expressionlessly.

This answer sounds reasonable.

In fact, it’s so strange that it can’t be any more strange.

"Those people have nothing to lament about!"

"They're just a bunch of guys who took off their souls and became dogs for the dark forces!"

"After you sacrifice your soul, you feel like a marionette every day. Do you like this?!"

Modu was very angry.

In fact, I really feel that the believers of Dormammu are pathetic and ridiculous.

Casillas heard Mordo speak very strongly.

And it was obvious that Modu was angry.

In the end, I had no choice but to shut up and skip this topic.

"What are you talking about? The conversation is so lively!"

Then, when Casillas was thinking about how to change the topic.

A voice appeared in the ears of the two people.

He raised his head and saw that the person coming was not the Supreme Mage Ancient One, so who could he be?

Gu Yi saw Mo Du looking serious and unhappy from a distance.

The expression on his face was still half-smiling, and he held a small fan in front of his chest.

Ancient Yi first looked at Modu, and then his eyes stayed on Casilla.

Mordo and Casillas heard Gu Yi speak and quickly saluted: "Supreme Mage!"

Ancient Yi half-smiled, frowned and then raised his eyebrows.

Looking at the two of them, he said, "We have such a lively chat, but I don't see how happy you are!"

"Did the Supreme Dharma come to the training ground to inspect the situation?"

Modo was about to speak, but Casillas interrupted what Modo wanted to say.

Casillas had a serious expression, and small beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He seemed nervous, and he felt like he was hiding something.

"That's right." After Gu Yi finished speaking, he looked Casillas up and down, his eyes never leaving Casillas.

Gu Yi stared expressionlessly into Casillas's eyes. Casillas seemed a little guilty and his eyes kept dodging.

A few seconds later, Casillas blushed and spoke: "The apprentices have performed well recently, and the Supreme Lord does not need to worry."

Gu Yi put his hands behind his back and walked slowly around Casillas: "No, I'm not worried about the apprentices. I'm just curious about how pathetic those people who leave their bodies and have no souls are. I really want to know, where do they exist? What’s the point in this world?”

After Ancient One finished speaking, he looked at Casillas very sternly.

Casillas swallowed.

I thought: "Did Gu Yi discover something?"

"The Master Supreme is right."

Casillas was panicking.

But he still pretended to be calm on the surface.

Try to make sure that others don't see any suspicion.

In this way, the awkward atmosphere lasted for five or six seconds.

After five or six seconds, Ancient One ignored Casillas.

Instead, he turned around and looked directly at Modu.

"Since you are here too, you can take care of the apprentices. I won't stay any longer."

Modu saluted: "No problem, Supreme Mage. Leave the other apprentices to me."

Seeing Ancient One leave, Kaecilcia breathed a sigh of relief.

Instead, he stepped forward directly and bowed: "Best regards, Supreme Mage!"


The westernmost side of the Pandora Peninsula.

After a long time, Ancient One returned.

After going to the training ground.

She did a lot of her own stuff again.

After returning now, she didn't say much.

But he saw that Song Yihan didn't open his eyes.

Slowly, he sat directly opposite Song Yihan.

Time passed like this bit by bit for a long time.

After a long time, Song Yihan slowly opened his eyes unconsciously.

When he opened his eyes, the first person he saw was Ancient One sitting in front of him.

I don’t know what time it is at this time, but what is certain is that it is dark.

Song Yihan rubbed his eyes and said, "Master, how long have I been meditating?"

Gu Yi smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter how long you meditate."

"You just need to know that in the long process of magic practice, the time you spend meditating today is extremely small."

Gu Yi asked Song Yihan: "After enlightenment for so long, has the so-called bottleneck been eliminated?"

It was okay that Gu Yi didn't ask about this, but when he asked, Song Yihan became excited.

"Except, master, your teaching is really good!"

Gu Yi was a little stunned when he saw Song Yihan so happy.

In fact, she didn't do much today.

Even if it is the awakening spell.

It's actually a very simple thing.

Kama Taj is used by every mage.

The gain effect achieved by using it is only a little bit.

Actually, after coming back.

Gu Yi also wanted to give Song Yihan some pointers.

That is what is called, the real explanation...

But she didn't expect that Song Yihan would meditate until so late, without giving her any time.

"However, now it seems that I don't need to do more, and this little guy will make progress."

After learning that Song Yihan had overcome the bottleneck and made some progress, Gu Yi couldn't help but smile.

It is a very good thing for the master that the apprentice can make progress.

Gu Yihan said to Song Yihan with a smile: "Space magic has always been difficult to understand. After getting rid of the first ideological bottleneck, there will be many more ideological bottlenecks after that, but no matter how many bottlenecks there are, you must be like today, no matter Be patient and slow, and you will always be able to break it and learn it thoroughly."

"Um, are there other bottlenecks?" Gu Yi's words stunned Song Yihan.

Gu nodded and wanted to continue answering, but unexpectedly, at this time, Song Yihan spoke again.

"But Master, I didn't feel the bottleneck in his mind. After I broke that one, the rest became unobstructed."

Gu Yi was stunned, and swallowed what he wanted to say, and turned it into something else: "Unobstructed, unobstructed?"

"Yes, after figuring out that point, I feel that the rest is very simple."

"The reason why I think of it now is because it is so smooth that I can't stop it." Song Yihan was very serious.

Gu Yi was silent for a few seconds and then said, "Since you can't stop, then why are you stopping now?"

Song Yihan: "Because, Master, I feel like I have mastered space magic..."

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